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<refentry id="using-cli">
    <refentrytitle>VIPS from the command-line</refentrytitle>
    <refmiscinfo>VIPS Library</refmiscinfo>

    <refname>Using VIPS</refname>
    <refpurpose>How to use the VIPS library from the command-line</refpurpose>

  <refsect3 id="using-command-line-intro">
      Use the <command>vips</command> command to execute VIPS operations from 
      the command-line. For example:

$ vips rot k2.jpg x.jpg d90

      Will rotate the image <literal>k2.jpg</literal> by 90 degrees 
      anticlockwise and write the result to the file <literal>x.jpg</literal>. 
      If you don't give any arguments to an operation, 
      <command>vips</command> will give a short description, for example:

$ vips rot 
rotate an image
   rot in out angle
   in           - Input image, input VipsImage
   out          - Output image, output VipsImage
   angle        - Angle to rotate image, input VipsAngle
                        default: d90
                        allowed: d0, d90, d180, d270

      There's a straightforward relationship with the C API: compare this to 
      the API docs for vips_rot().

  <refsect3 id="using-command-line-list">
    <title>Listing all operations</title>
      You can list all classes with:

$ vips -l
VipsOperation (operation), operations
  VipsSystem (system), run an external command
  VipsArithmetic (arithmetic), arithmetic operations
    VipsBinary (binary), binary operations
      VipsAdd (add), add two images
      ... etc.

      Each line shows the canonical name of the class (for example 
      <literal>VipsAdd</literal>), the class nickname 
      (<literal>add</literal> in this case), and a short description. 
      Some subclasses of operation will show more: for example, subclasses of 
      <literal>VipsForeign</literal> will show some of the extra flags 
      supported by the file load/save operations. 

      The API docs have a <link linkend="function-list">handy table of all vips 
      operations</link>, if you want to find out how to do something, try 
      searching that. 

  <refsect3 id="using-command-line-options">
    <title>Optional arguments</title>
      Many operations take optional arguments. You can supply these as 
      command-line options. For example:

$ vips gamma
gamma an image
   gamma in out
   in           - Input image, input VipsImage
   out          - Output image, output VipsImage
optional arguments:
   exponent     - Gamma factor, input gdouble
                  default: 2.4
                  min: 1e-06, max: 1000
operation flags: sequential-unbuffered 

      vips_gamma() applies a gamma factor to an image. By 
      default, it uses 2.4, the sRGB gamma factor, but you can specify any 
      gamma with the <literal>exponent</literal> option. 

      Use it from the command-line like this:

$ vips gamma k2.jpg x.jpg --exponent 0.42

      This will read file <literal>k2.jpg</literal>, un-gamma it, and 
      write the result to file <literal>x.jpg</literal>.

  <refsect3 id="using-command-line-array">
    <title>Array arguments</title>
      Some operations take arrays of values as arguments. For example, 
      vips_affine() needs an array of four numbers for the 
      2x2 transform matrix. You pass arrays as space-separated lists:

$ vips affine k2.jpg x.jpg "2 0 0 1"

      You may need the quotes to stop your shell breaking the argument at 
      the spaces. vips_bandjoin() needs an array of input images to 
      join, run it like this:

$ vips bandjoin "k2.jpg k4.jpg" x.tif

  <refsect3 id="using-command-line-conversion">
    <title>Implicit file format conversion</title>
      <command>vips</command> will automatically convert between image file 
      formats for you. Input images are detected by sniffing their first few 
      bytes; output formats are set from the filename suffix. You can see a 
      list of all the supported file formats with something like:

$ vips -l foreign

      Then get a list of the options a format supports with:

$ vips jpegsave

      You can pass options to the implicit load and save operations enclosed 
      in square brackets after the filename:

vips affine k2.jpg x.jpg[Q=90,strip] "2 0 0 1"

      Will write <literal>x.jpg</literal> at quality level 90 and will 
      strip all metadata from the image.

  <refsect3 id="using-command-line-chaining">
    <title>Chaining operations</title>

      Because each operation runs in a separate process, you can't use 
      libvips's chaining system to join operations together, you have to use 
      intermediate files. The command-line interface is therefore quite a bit 
      slower than Python or C. 

      The best alternative is to use vips files for intermediates. 
      Something like:

vips invert input.jpg t1.v
vips affine t1.v output.jpg "2 0 0 1"
rm t1.v


  <refsect3 id="using-command-line-other">
    <title>Other features</title>

      Finally, <command>vips</command> has a couple of useful extra options. 

            Use <option>--vips-progress</option> to get 
            <command>vips</command> to display a simple progress indicator. 

            Use <option>--vips-leak</option> and <command>vips</command> will 
            leak-test on exit, and also display an estimate of peak memory use.

            Set <code>G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=VIPS</code> and GLib will display 
            informational and debug messages from libvips. 


      VIPS comes with a couple of other useful programs. 
      <command>vipsheader</command> is a command which can print image header
      fields. <command>vipsedit</command> can change fields in vips format 
      images. <command>vipsthumbnail</command> can make image thumbnails 
