# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : import operator import pytest from functools import reduce import pyvips from helpers import noncomplex_formats, run_fn2, run_fn, \ assert_almost_equal_objects, assert_less_threshold # point convolution def conv(image, mask, x_position, y_position): s = 0.0 for x in range(0, mask.width): for y in range(0, mask.height): m = mask(x, y) i = image(x + x_position, y + y_position) p = run_fn2(operator.mul, m, i) s = run_fn2(operator.add, s, p) return run_fn2(operator.truediv, s, mask.scale) def compass(image, mask, x_position, y_position, n_rot, fn): acc = [] for i in range(0, n_rot): result = conv(image, mask, x_position, y_position) result = run_fn(abs, result) acc.append(result) mask = mask.rot45() return reduce(lambda a, b: run_fn2(fn, a, b), acc) class TestConvolution: @classmethod def setup_class(cls): im = pyvips.Image.mask_ideal(100, 100, 0.5, reject=True, optical=True) cls.colour = im * [1, 2, 3] + [2, 3, 4] cls.colour = cls.colour.copy(interpretation=pyvips.Interpretation.SRGB) cls.mono = cls.colour.extract_band(1) cls.mono = cls.mono.copy(interpretation=pyvips.Interpretation.B_W) cls.all_images = [cls.mono, cls.colour] cls.sharp = pyvips.Image.new_from_array([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 16, -1], [-1, -1, -1]], scale=8) cls.blur = pyvips.Image.new_from_array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]], scale=9) cls.line = pyvips.Image.new_from_array([[1, 1, 1], [-2, -2, -2], [1, 1, 1]]) cls.sobel = pyvips.Image.new_from_array([[1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -2, -1]]) cls.all_masks = [cls.sharp, cls.blur, cls.line, cls.sobel] def test_conv(self): for im in self.all_images: for msk in self.all_masks: for prec in [pyvips.Precision.INTEGER, pyvips.Precision.FLOAT]: convolved = im.conv(msk, precision=prec) result = convolved(25, 50) true = conv(im, msk, 24, 49) assert_almost_equal_objects(result, true) result = convolved(50, 50) true = conv(im, msk, 49, 49) assert_almost_equal_objects(result, true) # don't test conva, it's still not done def dont_est_conva(self): for im in self.all_images: for msk in self.all_masks: print("msk:") msk.matrixprint() print("im.bands = %s" % im.bands) convolved = im.conv(msk, precision=pyvips.Precision.APPROXIMATE) result = convolved(25, 50) true = conv(im, msk, 24, 49) print("result = %s, true = %s" % (result, true)) assert_less_threshold(result, true, 5) result = convolved(50, 50) true = conv(im, msk, 49, 49) print("result = %s, true = %s" % (result, true)) assert_less_threshold(result, true, 5) def test_compass(self): for im in self.all_images: for msk in self.all_masks: for prec in [pyvips.Precision.INTEGER, pyvips.Precision.FLOAT]: for times in range(1, 4): convolved = im.compass(msk, times=times, angle=pyvips.Angle45.D45, combine=pyvips.Combine.MAX, precision=prec) result = convolved(25, 50) true = compass(im, msk, 24, 49, times, max) assert_almost_equal_objects(result, true) for im in self.all_images: for msk in self.all_masks: for prec in [pyvips.Precision.INTEGER, pyvips.Precision.FLOAT]: for times in range(1, 4): convolved = im.compass(msk, times=times, angle=pyvips.Angle45.D45, combine=pyvips.Combine.SUM, precision=prec) result = convolved(25, 50) true = compass(im, msk, 24, 49, times, operator.add) assert_almost_equal_objects(result, true) def test_convsep(self): for im in self.all_images: for prec in [pyvips.Precision.INTEGER, pyvips.Precision.FLOAT]: gmask = pyvips.Image.gaussmat(2, 0.1, precision=prec) gmask_sep = pyvips.Image.gaussmat(2, 0.1, separable=True, precision=prec) assert gmask.width == gmask.height assert gmask_sep.width == gmask.width assert gmask_sep.height == 1 a = im.conv(gmask, precision=prec) b = im.convsep(gmask_sep, precision=prec) a_point = a(25, 50) b_point = b(25, 50) assert_almost_equal_objects(a_point, b_point, threshold=0.1) def test_fastcor(self): for im in self.all_images: for fmt in noncomplex_formats: small = im.crop(20, 45, 10, 10).cast(fmt) cor = im.fastcor(small) v, x, y = cor.minpos() assert v == 0 assert x == 25 assert y == 50 def test_spcor(self): for im in self.all_images: for fmt in noncomplex_formats: small = im.crop(20, 45, 10, 10).cast(fmt) cor = im.spcor(small) v, x, y = cor.maxpos() assert v == 1.0 assert x == 25 assert y == 50 def test_gaussblur(self): for im in self.all_images: for prec in [pyvips.Precision.INTEGER, pyvips.Precision.FLOAT]: for i in range(5, 10): sigma = i / 5.0 gmask = pyvips.Image.gaussmat(sigma, 0.2, precision=prec) a = im.conv(gmask, precision=prec) b = im.gaussblur(sigma, min_ampl=0.2, precision=prec) a_point = a(25, 50) b_point = b(25, 50) assert_almost_equal_objects(a_point, b_point, threshold=0.1) def test_sharpen(self): for im in self.all_images: for fmt in noncomplex_formats: # old vipses used "radius", check that that still works sharp = im.sharpen(radius=5) for sigma in [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]: im = im.cast(fmt) sharp = im.sharpen(sigma=sigma) # hard to test much more than this assert im.width == sharp.width assert im.height == sharp.height # if m1 and m2 are zero, sharpen should do nothing sharp = im.sharpen(sigma=sigma, m1=0, m2=0) sharp = sharp.colourspace(im.interpretation) # print("testing sig = %g" % sigma) # print("testing fmt = %s" % fmt) # print("max diff = %g" % (im - sharp).abs().max()) assert (im - sharp).abs().max() == 0 if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main()