# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : import pytest import pyvips from helpers import JPEG_FILE class TestHistogram: def test_hist_cum(self): im = pyvips.Image.identity() sum = im.avg() * 256 cum = im.hist_cum() p = cum(255, 0) assert p[0] == sum def test_hist_equal(self): im = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(JPEG_FILE) im2 = im.hist_equal() assert im.width == im2.width assert im.height == im2.height assert im.avg() < im2.avg() assert im.deviate() < im2.deviate() def test_hist_ismonotonic(self): im = pyvips.Image.identity() assert im.hist_ismonotonic() def test_hist_local(self): im = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(JPEG_FILE) im2 = im.hist_local(10, 10) assert im.width == im2.width assert im.height == im2.height assert im.avg() < im2.avg() assert im.deviate() < im2.deviate() if pyvips.at_least_libvips(8, 5): im3 = im.hist_local(10, 10, max_slope=3) assert im.width == im3.width assert im.height == im3.height assert im3.deviate() < im2.deviate() def test_hist_match(self): im = pyvips.Image.identity() im2 = pyvips.Image.identity() matched = im.hist_match(im2) assert (im - matched).abs().max() == 0.0 def test_hist_norm(self): im = pyvips.Image.identity() im2 = im.hist_norm() assert (im - im2).abs().max() == 0.0 def test_hist_plot(self): im = pyvips.Image.identity() im2 = im.hist_plot() assert im2.width == 256 assert im2.height == 256 assert im2.format == pyvips.BandFormat.UCHAR assert im2.bands == 1 def test_hist_map(self): im = pyvips.Image.identity() im2 = im.maplut(im) assert (im - im2).abs().max() == 0.0 def test_percent(self): im = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(JPEG_FILE).extract_band(1) pc = im.percent(90) msk = im <= pc n_set = (msk.avg() * msk.width * msk.height) / 255.0 pc_set = 100 * n_set / (msk.width * msk.height) assert pytest.approx(pc_set, 0.5) == 90 def test_hist_entropy(self): im = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(JPEG_FILE).extract_band(1) ent = im.hist_find().hist_entropy() assert pytest.approx(ent, 0.01) == 4.37 def test_stdif(self): im = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(JPEG_FILE) im2 = im.stdif(10, 10) assert im.width == im2.width assert im.height == im2.height # new mean should be closer to target mean assert abs(im.avg() - 128) > abs(im2.avg() - 128) def test_case(self): # slice into two at 128, we should get 50% of pixels in each half x = pyvips.Image.grey(256, 256, uchar=True) index = pyvips.Image.switch([x < 128, x >= 128]) y = index.case([10, 20]) assert y.avg() == 15 # slice into four index = pyvips.Image.switch([ x < 64, x >= 64 and x < 128, x >= 128 and x < 192, x >= 192 ]) assert index.case([10, 20, 30, 40]).avg() == 25 # values over N should use the last value assert index.case([10, 20, 30]).avg() == 22.5 if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main()