\section{The \texttt{VImage} class} The \verb+VImage+ class is a layer over the VIPS \verb+IMAGE+ type. It automates almost all of the image creation and destruction issues that complicate the C API, it automates error handling, and it provides a convenient system for composing operations. \subsection{Constructors} There are two principal constructors for \verb+VImage+: \begin{verbatim} VImage::VImage( const char *name, const char *mode = "r" ); VImage::VImage(); \end{verbatim} The first form creates a new \verb+VImage+, linking it to the named file. \verb+mode+ sets the mode for the file: it can take the following values: \begin{description} \item[\texttt{"r"}] The named image file is opened read-only. This is the default mode. \item[\texttt{"w"}] A \verb+VImage+ is created which, when written to, will write pixels to disc in the specified file. \item[\texttt{"t"}] As the \verb'"w"' mode, but pixels written to the \verb+VImage+ will be saved in a temporary memory buffer. \item[\texttt{"p"}] This creates a special `partial' image. Partial images represent intermediate results, and are used to join VIPS operations together, see~\pref{sec:compute}. \item[\texttt{"rw"}] As the \verb'"r"' mode, but the image is mapped into your address space read-write. This mode is only provided for the use of paintbox-style applications, which need to directly modify an image. See \pref{sec:inplace}. \end{description} The second form of constructor is shorthand for: \begin{verbatim} VImage( "VImage:1", "p" ) \end{verbatim} \noindent It is used for representing intermediate results of computations. Two further constructors are handy for wrapping \verb+VImage+ around existing images. \begin{verbatim} VImage( void *buffer, int width, int height, int bands, TBandFmt format ); VImage( void *image ); \end{verbatim} \noindent The first constructor makes a \verb+VImage+ from an area of memory (perhaps from another image processing system), and the second makes a \verb+VImage+ from an \verb+IMAGE+. In both these two cases, the VIPS C++ API does not assume responsibility for the resouces: it's up to you to make sure the buffer is freed. \subsection{File conversion} VIPS can read and write a number of different file formats. Information about file format conversion is taken from the filename. For example: \begin{verbatim} VImage jim( "fred.jpg" ); \end{verbatim} \noindent This will decompress the file \verb+fred.jpg+ to a memory buffer, wrap a VIPS image around the buffer and build a reference to it called \verb+jim+. Options are passed to the file format converters embedded in the filename. For example: \begin{verbatim} VImage out( "jen.tif:deflate", "w" ); \end{verbatim} \noindent \noindent Writing to the descriptor \verb+out+ will cause a TIFF image to be written to disc with deflate compression. See the manual page for \verb+im_open(3)+ for details of all the file formats and conversions available. \subsection{Projection functions} A set of member functions of \verb+VImage+ provide access to the fields in the header: \begin{verbatim} int Xsize(); int Ysize(); int Bands(); TBandFmt BandFmt(); TCoding Coding(); TType Type(); float Xres(); float Yres(); int Length(); TCompression Compression(); short Level(); int Xoffset(); int Yoffset(); \end{verbatim} \noindent Where \verb+TBandFmt+, \verb+TCoding+, \verb+TType+ and \verb+TCompression+ are \verb+enum+s for the types in the VIPS file header. See section~\pref{sec:header} for an explanation of all of these fields. The \verb+image()+ member function provides access to the \verb+IMAGE+ descriptor underlying the C++ API. See the \pref{sec:appl} for details. \begin{verbatim} void *image(); \end{verbatim} The \verb+data()+ member function returns a pointer to an array of pixel data for the image. \begin{verbatim} void *data() const; \end{verbatim} \noindent This can be very slow and use huge amounts of RAM. Finally, two projection functions give access to the filename and history fields maintained by the VIPS IO system. \begin{verbatim} char *filename(); char *Hist(); \end{verbatim} \subsection{Assignment} \verb+VImage+ defines copy and assignment, with reference-counted pointer-style semantics. For example, if you write: \begin{verbatim} VImage fred( "fred.v" ); VImage jim( "jim.v" ); fred = jim; \end{verbatim} This will automatically close the file \verb+fred.v+, and make the variable \verb+fred+ point to the image \verb+jim.v+ instead. Both \verb+jim+ and \verb+fred+ now point to the same underlying image object. Internally, a \verb+VImage+ object is just a pointer to a reference-counting block, which in turn holds a pointer to the underlying VIPS \verb+IMAGE+ type. You can therefore efficiently pass \verb+VImage+ objects to functions by value, and return \verb+VImage+ objects as function results. \subsection{Computing with \texttt{VImage}s} \label{sec:compute} All VIPS image processing operations are member functions of the \verb+VImage+ class. For example: \begin{verbatim} VImage fred( "fred.v" ); VImage jim( "jim.v" ); VImage result = fred.cos() + jim; \end{verbatim} Will apply \verb+im_costra()+ to \verb+fred.v+, making an image where each pixel is the cosine of the corresponding pixel in \verb+fred.v+; then add that image to \verb+jim.v+. Finally, the result will be held in \verb+result+. VIPS is a demand-driven image processing system: when it computes expressions like this, no actual pixels are calculated (although you can use the projection functions on images --- \verb+result.BandFmt()+ for example). When you finally write the result to a file (or use some operation that needs pixel values, such as \verb+min()+, find minimum value), VIPS evaluates all of the operations you have called to that point in parallel. If you have more than one CPU in your machine, the load is spread over the available processors. This means that there is no limit to the size of the images you can process. \pref{sec:packages} lists all of the VIPS packages. These general rules apply: \begin{itemize} \item VIPS operation names become C++ member function names by dropping the \verb+im_+ prefix, and if present, the \verb+tra+ postfix, the \verb+const+ postfix and the \verb+_vec+ postfix. For example, the VIPS operation \verb+im_extract()+ becomes \verb+extract()+, and \verb+im_costra()+ becomes \verb+cos()+. \item The \verb+VImage+ object to which you apply the member function is the first input image, the member function returns the first output. If there is no image input, the member is declared \verb+static+. \item \verb+INTMASK+ and \verb+DOUBLEMASK+ types become \verb+VMask+ objects, \verb+im_col_display+ types become \verb+VDisplay+ objects. \item Several C API functions can map to the same C++ API member. For example, \verb+im_andimage+, \verb+im_andimage_vec+ and \verb+im_andimageconst+ all map to the member \verb+andimage+. The API relies on overloading to discriminate between these functions. \end{itemize} This part of the C++ API is generated automatically from the VIPS function database, so it should all be up-to-date. There are a set of arithmetic operators defined for your convenience. You can generally write any arithmetic expression and include \verb+VImage+ in there. \begin{verbatim} VImage fred( "fred.v" ); VImage jim( "jim.v" ); Vimage v = int((fred + jim) / 2); \end{verbatim} \subsection{Writing results} Once you have computed some result, you can write it to a file with the member \verb+write()+. It takes the following forms: \begin{verbatim} VImage write( const char *name ); VImage write( VImage out ); VImage write(); \end{verbatim} The first form simply writes the image to the named file. The second form writes the image to the specified \verb+VImage+ object, for example: \begin{verbatim} VImage fred( "fred.v" ); VImage jim( "jim buffer", "t" ); Vimage v = (fred + 42).write( jim ); \end{verbatim} \noindent This creates a temporary memory buffer called \verb+jim+, and fills it with the result of adding 42 to every pixel in \verb+fred.v+. The final form of \verb+write()+ writes the image to a memory buffer, and returns that. \subsection{Type conversions} Two type conversions are defined: you can cast \verb+VImage+ to a \verb+VDMask+ and to a \verb+VIMask+. \begin{verbatim} operator VDMask(); operator VIMask(); \end{verbatim} These operations are slow and need a lot of memory! Emergencies only.