#!/usr/bin/python # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : import unittest import math #import logging #logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG) import gi gi.require_version('Vips', '8.0') from gi.repository import Vips Vips.leak_set(True) # an expanding zip ... if either of the args is a scalar or a one-element list, # duplicate it down the other side def zip_expand(x, y): # handle singleton list case if isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == 1: x = x[0] if isinstance(y, list) and len(y) == 1: y = y[0] if isinstance(x, list) and isinstance(y, list): return list(zip(x, y)) elif isinstance(x, list): return [[i, y] for i in x] elif isinstance(y, list): return [[x, j] for j in y] else: return [[x, y]] class TestHistogram(unittest.TestCase): # test a pair of things which can be lists for approx. equality def assertAlmostEqualObjects(self, a, b, places = 4, msg = ''): # print 'assertAlmostEqualObjects %s = %s' % (a, b) for x, y in zip_expand(a, b): self.assertAlmostEqual(x, y, places = places, msg = msg) def test_hist_cum(self): im = Vips.Image.identity() sum = im.avg() * 256 cum = im.hist_cum() p = cum(255, 0) self.assertEqual(p[0], sum) def test_hist_equal(self): im = Vips.Image.new_from_file("images/йцук.jpg") im2 = im.hist_equal() self.assertEqual(im.width, im2.width) self.assertEqual(im.height, im2.height) self.assertTrue(im.avg() < im2.avg()) self.assertTrue(im.deviate() < im2.deviate()) def test_hist_ismonotonic(self): im = Vips.Image.identity() self.assertTrue(im.hist_ismonotonic()) def test_hist_local(self): im = Vips.Image.new_from_file("images/йцук.jpg") im2 = im.hist_local(10, 10) self.assertEqual(im.width, im2.width) self.assertEqual(im.height, im2.height) self.assertTrue(im.avg() < im2.avg()) self.assertTrue(im.deviate() < im2.deviate()) def test_hist_match(self): im = Vips.Image.identity() im2 = Vips.Image.identity() matched = im.hist_match(im2) self.assertEqual((im - matched).abs().max(), 0.0) def test_hist_norm(self): im = Vips.Image.identity() im2 = im.hist_norm() self.assertEqual((im - im2).abs().max(), 0.0) def test_hist_plot(self): im = Vips.Image.identity() im2 = im.hist_plot() self.assertEqual(im2.width, 256) self.assertEqual(im2.height, 256) self.assertEqual(im2.format, Vips.BandFormat.UCHAR) self.assertEqual(im2.bands, 1) def test_hist_map(self): im = Vips.Image.identity() im2 = im.maplut(im) self.assertEqual((im - im2).abs().max(), 0.0) def test_percent(self): im = Vips.Image.new_from_file("images/йцук.jpg").extract_band(1) pc = im.percent(90) msk = im <= pc n_set = (msk.avg() * msk.width * msk.height) / 255.0 pc_set = 100 * n_set / (msk.width * msk.height) self.assertAlmostEqual(pc_set, 90, places = 0) def test_hist_entropy(self): im = Vips.Image.new_from_file("images/йцук.jpg").extract_band(1) ent = im.hist_find().hist_entropy() self.assertAlmostEqual(ent, 4.367, places = 3) def test_stdif(self): im = Vips.Image.new_from_file("images/йцук.jpg") im2 = im.stdif(10, 10) self.assertEqual(im.width, im2.width) self.assertEqual(im.height, im2.height) # new mean should be closer to target mean self.assertTrue(abs(im.avg() - 128) > abs(im2.avg() - 128)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()