.TH IM_MMAPINRW 3 "22 April 1991" .SH NAME im_mmapinrw \- memory maps a VASARI image file with read and write access .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .B IMAGE *im_mmapinrw(file_name) .br .B char *file_name; .SH DESCRIPTION .B im_mmapinrw(3) works exactly as im_mmapin but the entered file_name is memory mapped with read and write permissions. This is useful for some applications, like writing lines onto an existing file. Since the user might change accidentally the context of the original file, great care should taken when handling a file with this routine. im_open(3) is generally more convenient. .SH RETURN VALUE The function returns the image descriptor on success and NULL on error. .SH SEE\ ALSO im_close(3), im_open(3), im_makerw(3). .SH COPYRIGHT .br N. Dessipris .SH AUTHOR N. Dessipris \- 11/04/1990