/* VIPS universal main program. * * J. Cupitt, 8/4/93. * 12/5/06 * - use GOption. g_*_prgname() * 16/7/06 * - hmm, was broken for function name as argv1 case * 11/7/06 * - add "all" option to -l * 14/7/06 * - ignore "--" arguments. * 2/9/06 * - do less init ... im_init_world() does more now * 18/8/06 * - use IM_EXEEXT * 16/10/06 * - add --version * 17/10/06 * - add --swig * - cleanups * - remove --swig again, sigh * - add throw() decls to C++ to help SWIG * 14/1/07 * - add --list packages * 26/2/07 * - add input *VEC arg types to C++ binding * 17/8/08 * - add --list formats * 29/11/08 * - add --list interpolators * 9/2/09 * - and now we just have --list packages/classes/package-name */ /* This file is part of VIPS. VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* These files are distributed with VIPS - http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk */ /* #define DEBUG_FATAL */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef OS_WIN32 #define strcasecmp(a,b) _stricmp(a,b) #endif static char *main_option_list = NULL; static char *main_option_usage = NULL; static char *main_option_plugin = NULL; static gboolean main_option_links; static char *main_option_cpph = NULL; static char *main_option_cppc = NULL; static gboolean *main_option_version; static GOptionEntry main_option[] = { { "list", 'l', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &main_option_list, N_( "list operations in PACKAGE " "(or \"all\", \"packages\", \"classes\")" ), "PACKAGE" }, { "usage", 'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &main_option_usage, N_( "show usage message for OPERATION" ), "OPERATION" }, { "plugin", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &main_option_plugin, N_( "load PLUGIN" ), "PLUGIN" }, { "links", 'k', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &main_option_links, N_( "print link lines for all operations" ), NULL }, { "cpph", 'h', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &main_option_cpph, N_( "print C++ decls for PACKAGE (or \"all\")" ), "PACKAGE" }, { "cppc", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &main_option_cppc, N_( "print C++ binding for PACKAGE (or \"all\")" ), "PACKAGE" }, { "version", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &main_option_version, N_( "print im_version_string" ), NULL }, { NULL } }; typedef void *(*map_name_fn)( im_function * ); /* Loop over a package. */ static void * map_package( im_package *pack, map_name_fn fn ) { int i; void *result; for( i = 0; i < pack->nfuncs; i++ ) if( (result = fn( pack->table[i] )) ) return( result ); return( NULL ); } /* Apply a function to a vips operation, or map over a package of operations. */ static void * map_name( const char *name, map_name_fn fn ) { im_package *pack; im_function *func; if( strcmp( name, "all" ) == 0 ) /* Do all packages. */ im_map_packages( (VSListMap2Fn) map_package, fn ); else if( (pack = im_find_package( name )) ) /* Do one package. */ map_package( pack, fn ); else if( (func = im_find_function( name )) ) /* Do a single function. */ fn( func ); else { im_error( "map_name", _( "no package or function \"%s\"" ), name ); return( fn ); } return( NULL ); } static void * list_package( im_package *pack ) { printf( "%-20s - %d operations\n", pack->name, pack->nfuncs ); return( NULL ); } static void * list_function( im_function *func ) { printf( "%-20s - %s\n", func->name, _( func->desc ) ); return( NULL ); } static void * list_class( VipsObjectClass *class ) { vips_object_print_class( class ); return( NULL ); } static void print_list( const char *name ) { if( strcmp( name, "packages" ) == 0 ) im_map_packages( (VSListMap2Fn) list_package, NULL ); else if( strcmp( name, "classes" ) == 0 ) vips_class_map_concrete_all( g_type_from_name( "VipsObject" ), (VipsClassMap) list_class, NULL ); else { if( map_name( name, list_function ) ) error_exit( "unknown package \"%s\"", name ); } } /* Is s1 a prefix of s2? */ static int isprefix( const char *s1, const char *s2 ) { while( *s1 && *s1 == *s2 ) { s1++; s2++; } return( *s1 == '\0' ); } /* Is s1 a postfix of s2? */ static int ispostfix( const char *s1, const char *s2 ) { int l1 = strlen( s1 ); int l2 = strlen( s2 ); if( l2 < l1 ) return( 0 ); return( strcasecmp( s1, s2 + l2 - l1 ) == 0 ); } /* Print "ln -s" lines for this package. */ static void * print_links( im_package *pack ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < pack->nfuncs; i++ ) printf( "rm -f %s" IM_EXEEXT "; " "ln -s vips" IM_EXEEXT " %s" IM_EXEEXT "\n", pack->table[i]->name, pack->table[i]->name ); return( NULL ); } /* Does a function have any printing output? */ static int has_print( im_function *fn ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < fn->argc; i++ ) if( fn->argv[i].print ) return( -1 ); return( 0 ); } /* Print a usage string from an im_function descriptor. */ static void usage( im_function *fn ) { int i; im_package *pack = im_package_of_function( fn->name ); /* Don't print the prgname if we're being run as a symlink. */ fprintf( stderr, "usage: " ); if( im_isprefix( "vips", g_get_prgname() ) ) fprintf( stderr, "%s ", g_get_prgname() ); fprintf( stderr, "%s ", fn->name ); /* Print args requiring command-line input. */ for( i = 0; i < fn->argc; i++ ) if( fn->argv[i].desc->flags & IM_TYPE_ARG ) fprintf( stderr, "%s ", fn->argv[i].name ); /* Print types of command line args. */ fprintf( stderr, "\nwhere:\n" ); for( i = 0; i < fn->argc; i++ ) if( fn->argv[i].desc->flags & IM_TYPE_ARG ) fprintf( stderr, "\t%s is of type \"%s\"\n", fn->argv[i].name, fn->argv[i].desc->type ); /* Print output print args. */ if( has_print( fn ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "prints:\n" ); for( i = 0; i < fn->argc; i++ ) if( fn->argv[i].print ) fprintf( stderr, "\t%s of type \"%s\"\n", fn->argv[i].name, fn->argv[i].desc->type ); } /* Print description of this function, and package it comes from. */ fprintf( stderr, "%s", _( fn->desc ) ); if( pack ) fprintf( stderr, ", from package \"%s\"", pack->name ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); /* Print any flags this function has. */ fprintf( stderr, "flags: " ); if( fn->flags & IM_FN_PIO ) fprintf( stderr, "(PIO function) " ); else fprintf( stderr, "(WIO function) " ); if( fn->flags & IM_FN_TRANSFORM ) fprintf( stderr, "(coordinate transformer) " ); else fprintf( stderr, "(no coordinate transformation) " ); if( fn->flags & IM_FN_PTOP ) fprintf( stderr, "(point-to-point operation) " ); else fprintf( stderr, "(area operation) " ); if( fn->flags & IM_FN_NOCACHE ) fprintf( stderr, "(nocache operation) " ); else fprintf( stderr, "(result can be cached) " ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); } /* Convert VIPS type name to C++ type name. NULL for type unsupported by C++ * layer. */ static char * vips2cpp( im_type_desc *ty ) { int k; /* VIPS types. */ static char *vtypes[] = { IM_TYPE_DOUBLE, IM_TYPE_INT, IM_TYPE_COMPLEX, IM_TYPE_STRING, IM_TYPE_IMAGE, IM_TYPE_IMASK, IM_TYPE_DMASK, IM_TYPE_DISPLAY, IM_TYPE_IMAGEVEC, IM_TYPE_DOUBLEVEC, IM_TYPE_INTVEC }; /* Corresponding C++ types. */ static char *ctypes[] = { "double", "int", "std::complex", "char*", "VImage", "VIMask", "VDMask", "VDisplay", "std::vector", "std::vector", "std::vector" }; for( k = 0; k < IM_NUMBER( vtypes ); k++ ) if( strcmp( ty->type, vtypes[k] ) == 0 ) return( ctypes[k] ); return( NULL ); } /* Test a function definition for C++ suitability. */ static int is_cppable( im_function *fn ) { int j; /* Check we know all the types. */ for( j = 0; j < fn->argc; j++ ) { im_type_desc *ty = fn->argv[j].desc; if( !vips2cpp( ty ) ) return( 0 ); } /* We dont wrap output IMAGEVEC/DOUBLEVEC/INTVEC. */ for( j = 0; j < fn->argc; j++ ) { im_type_desc *ty = fn->argv[j].desc; if( ty->flags & IM_TYPE_OUTPUT ) if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_IMAGEVEC ) == 0 || strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_DOUBLEVEC ) == 0 || strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_INTVEC ) == 0 ) return( 0 ); } /* Must be at least one image argument (input or output) ... since we * get inserted in the VImage class. Other funcs get wrapped by hand. */ for( j = 0; j < fn->argc; j++ ) if( strcmp( fn->argv[j].desc->type, IM_TYPE_IMAGE ) == 0 ) break; if( j == fn->argc ) return( 0 ); return( -1 ); } /* Search for the first output arg, and the first IMAGE input arg. */ static void find_ioargs( im_function *fn, int *ia, int *oa ) { int j; /* Look for first output arg - this will be the result of the * function. */ *oa = -1; for( j = 0; j < fn->argc; j++ ) { im_type_desc *ty = fn->argv[j].desc; if( ty->flags & IM_TYPE_OUTPUT ) { *oa = j; break; } } /* Look for first input IMAGE arg. This will become the implicit * "this" arg. */ *ia = -1; for( j = 0; j < fn->argc; j++ ) { im_type_desc *ty = fn->argv[j].desc; if( !(ty->flags & IM_TYPE_OUTPUT) && strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_IMAGE ) == 0 ) { *ia = j; break; } } } /* Turn a VIPS name into a C++ name. Eg. im_lintra_vec becomes lin. */ static void c2cpp_name( const char *in, char *out ) { /* chop off "im_" prefix. */ if( isprefix( "im_", in ) ) strcpy( out, in + 3 ); else strcpy( out, in ); /* Drop "_vec" postfix (eg. so im_lintra_vec becomes lintra). We rely * on overloading to distinguish conflicts. */ if( ispostfix( "_vec", out ) ) out[strlen( out ) - 4] = '\0'; /* Drop "const" postfix (eg. so im_eorimageconst becomes eorimage). */ if( ispostfix( "const", out ) ) out[strlen( out ) - 5] = '\0'; /* Drop "tra" postfix (eg. so im_costra becomes cos). */ if( ispostfix( "tra", out ) ) out[strlen( out ) - 3] = '\0'; } /* Print prototype for a function (ie. will be followed by code). * * Eg.: * VImage VImage::lin( double a, double b ) throw( VError ) */ static void * print_cppproto( im_function *fn ) { int j; char name[4096]; int oa, ia; int flg; /* If it's not cppable, do nothing. */ if( !is_cppable( fn ) ) return( NULL ); /* Make C++ name. */ c2cpp_name( fn->name, name ); /* Find input and output args. */ find_ioargs( fn, &ia, &oa ); /* Print output type. */ if( oa == -1 ) printf( "void " ); else printf( "%s ", vips2cpp( fn->argv[oa].desc ) ); printf( "VImage::%s(", name ); /* Print arg list. */ flg = 0; for( j = 0; j < fn->argc; j++ ) { im_type_desc *ty = fn->argv[j].desc; /* Skip ia and oa. */ if( j == ia || j == oa ) continue; /* Print arg type. */ if( flg ) printf( ", %s", vips2cpp( ty ) ); else { printf( " %s", vips2cpp( ty ) ); flg = 1; } /* If it's an putput arg, print a "&" to make a reference * argument. */ if( ty->flags & IM_TYPE_OUTPUT ) printf( "&" ); /* Print arg name. */ printf( " %s", fn->argv[j].name ); } /* End of arg list! */ if( flg ) printf( " " ); printf( ") throw( VError )\n" ); return( NULL ); } /* Print cpp decl for a function. * * Eg. * VImage lin( double, double ) throw( VError ); */ static void * print_cppdecl( im_function *fn ) { int j; char name[4096]; int oa, ia; int flg; /* If it's not cppable, do nothing. */ if( !is_cppable( fn ) ) return( NULL ); /* Make C++ name. */ c2cpp_name( fn->name, name ); /* Find input and output args. */ find_ioargs( fn, &ia, &oa ); if( ia == -1 ) /* No input image, so make it a static in the class * declaration. */ printf( "static " ); /* Print output type. */ if( oa == -1 ) printf( "void " ); else printf( "%s ", vips2cpp( fn->argv[oa].desc ) ); /* Print function name and start arg list. */ printf( "%s(", name ); /* Print arg list. */ flg = 0; for( j = 0; j < fn->argc; j++ ) { im_type_desc *ty = fn->argv[j].desc; /* Skip ia and oa. */ if( j == ia || j == oa ) continue; /* Print arg type. */ if( flg ) printf( ", %s", vips2cpp( ty ) ); else { printf( " %s", vips2cpp( ty ) ); flg = 1; } /* If it's an putput arg, print a "&" to make a reference * argument. */ if( ty->flags & IM_TYPE_OUTPUT ) printf( "&" ); } /* End of arg list! */ if( flg ) printf( " " ); printf( ") throw( VError );\n" ); return( NULL ); } static void print_invec( int j, const char *arg, const char *vips_name, const char *c_name, const char *extract ) { printf( "\t((%s*) _vec.data(%d))->n = %s.size();\n", vips_name, j, arg ); printf( "\t((%s*) _vec.data(%d))->vec = new %s[%s.size()];\n", vips_name, j, c_name, arg ); printf( "\tfor( unsigned int i = 0; i < %s.size(); i++ )\n", arg ); printf( "\t\t((%s*) _vec.data(%d))->vec[i] = %s[i]%s;\n", vips_name, j, arg, extract ); } /* Print the definition for a function. */ static void * print_cppdef( im_function *fn ) { int j; int ia, oa; /* If it's not cppable, do nothing. */ if( !is_cppable( fn ) ) return( NULL ); find_ioargs( fn, &ia, &oa ); printf( "// %s: %s\n", fn->name, _( fn->desc ) ); print_cppproto( fn ); printf( "{\n" ); /* Declare the implicit input image. */ if( ia != -1 ) printf( "\tVImage %s = *this;\n", fn->argv[ia].name ); /* Declare return value, if any. */ if( oa != -1 ) printf( "\t%s %s;\n\n", vips2cpp( fn->argv[oa].desc ), fn->argv[oa].name ); /* Declare the arg vector. */ printf( "\tVargv _vec( \"%s\" );\n\n", fn->name ); /* Create the input args. */ for( j = 0; j < fn->argc; j++ ) { im_type_desc *ty = fn->argv[j].desc; /* Images are special - have to init the vector, even * for output args. Have to translate VImage. */ if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_IMAGE ) == 0 ) { printf( "\t_vec.data(%d) = %s.image();\n", j, fn->argv[j].name ); continue; } /* For output masks, we have to set an input filename. Not * freed, so constant string is OK. */ if( (ty->flags & IM_TYPE_OUTPUT) && (strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_IMASK ) == 0 || strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_DMASK ) == 0) ) { printf( "\t((im_mask_object*) _vec.data(%d))->name = " "(char*)\"noname\";\n", j ); continue; } /* Skip other output args. */ if( ty->flags & IM_TYPE_OUTPUT ) continue; if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_IMASK ) == 0 ) /* Mask types are different - have to use * im_mask_object. */ printf( "\t((im_mask_object*) " "_vec.data(%d))->mask = %s.mask().iptr;\n", j, fn->argv[j].name ); else if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_DMASK ) == 0 ) printf( "\t((im_mask_object*) " "_vec.data(%d))->mask = %s.mask().dptr;\n", j, fn->argv[j].name ); else if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_DISPLAY ) == 0 ) /* Display have to use VDisplay. */ printf( "\t_vec.data(%d) = %s.disp();\n", j, fn->argv[j].name ); else if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_STRING ) == 0 ) /* Zap input strings directly into _vec. */ printf( "\t_vec.data(%d) = (im_object) %s;\n", j, fn->argv[j].name ); else if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_IMAGEVEC ) == 0 ) print_invec( j, fn->argv[j].name, "im_imagevec_object", "IMAGE *", ".image()" ); else if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_DOUBLEVEC ) == 0 ) print_invec( j, fn->argv[j].name, "im_doublevec_object", "double", "" ); else if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_INTVEC ) == 0 ) print_invec( j, fn->argv[j].name, "im_intvec_object", "int", "" ); else /* Just use vips2cpp(). */ printf( "\t*((%s*) _vec.data(%d)) = %s;\n", vips2cpp( ty ), j, fn->argv[j].name ); } /* Call function. */ printf( "\t_vec.call();\n" ); /* Extract output args. */ for( j = 0; j < fn->argc; j++ ) { im_type_desc *ty = fn->argv[j].desc; /* Skip input args. */ if( !(ty->flags & IM_TYPE_OUTPUT) ) continue; /* Skip images (done on input side, really). */ if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_IMAGE ) == 0 ) continue; if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_IMASK ) == 0 || strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_DMASK ) == 0 ) /* Mask types are different - have to use * im_mask_object. */ printf( "\t%s.embed( (DOUBLEMASK *)((im_mask_object*)" "_vec.data(%d))->mask );\n", fn->argv[j].name, j ); else if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_STRING ) == 0 ) /* Strings are grabbed out of the vec. */ printf( "\t%s = (char*) _vec.data(%d);\n", fn->argv[j].name, j ); else /* Just use vips2cpp(). */ printf( "\t%s = *((%s*)_vec.data(%d));\n", fn->argv[j].name, vips2cpp( ty ), j ); } /* Note dependancies if out is an image and this function uses * PIO. */ if( oa != -1 ) { im_type_desc *ty = fn->argv[oa].desc; if( strcmp( ty->type, IM_TYPE_IMAGE ) == 0 && (fn->flags & IM_FN_PIO) ) { /* Loop for all input args again .. */ for( j = 0; j < fn->argc; j++ ) { im_type_desc *ty2 = fn->argv[j].desc; /* Skip output args. */ if( ty2->flags & IM_TYPE_OUTPUT ) continue; /* Input image. */ if( strcmp( ty2->type, IM_TYPE_IMAGE ) == 0 ) printf( "\t%s._ref->addref( " "%s._ref );\n", fn->argv[oa].name, fn->argv[j].name ); else if( strcmp( ty2->type, IM_TYPE_IMAGEVEC ) == 0 ) { /* The out depends on every image in * the input vector. */ printf( "\tfor( unsigned int i = 0; " "i < %s.size(); i++ )\n", fn->argv[j].name ); printf( "\t\t%s._ref->addref( " "%s[i]._ref );\n", fn->argv[oa].name, fn->argv[j].name ); } } } } /* Return result. */ if( oa != -1 ) printf( "\n\treturn( %s );\n", fn->argv[oa].name ); printf( "}\n\n" ); return( NULL ); } /* Print C++ decls for function, package or all. */ static void print_cppdecls( char *name ) { printf( "// this file automatically generated from\n" "// VIPS library %s\n", im_version_string() ); if( map_name( name, print_cppdecl ) ) error_exit( "unknown package \"%s\"", name ); } /* Print C++ bindings for function, package or all. */ static void print_cppdefs( char *name ) { printf( "// this file automatically generated from\n" "// VIPS library %s\n", im_version_string() ); if( map_name( name, print_cppdef ) ) error_exit( "unknown package \"%s\"", name ); } /* VIPS universal main program. */ int main( int argc, char **argv ) { GOptionContext *context; GError *error = NULL; im_function *fn; int i, j; if( im_init_world( argv[0] ) ) error_exit( "unable to start VIPS" ); #ifdef DEBUG_FATAL /* Set masks for debugging ... stop on any problem. */ g_log_set_always_fatal( G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL | G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING ); fprintf( stderr, "*** DEBUG_FATAL: will abort() on first warning\n" ); #endif /*!DEBUG_FATAL*/ context = g_option_context_new( _( "- VIPS driver program" ) ); g_option_context_add_main_entries( context, main_option, GETTEXT_PACKAGE ); g_option_context_add_group( context, im_get_option_group() ); if( !g_option_context_parse( context, &argc, &argv, &error ) ) { if( error ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", error->message ); g_error_free( error ); } error_exit( "try \"%s --help\"", g_get_prgname() ); } g_option_context_free( context ); if( main_option_plugin ) { if( !im_load_plugin( main_option_plugin ) ) error_exit( "unable to load plugin %s", main_option_plugin ); } if( main_option_cpph ) print_cppdecls( main_option_cpph ); if( main_option_cppc ) print_cppdefs( main_option_cppc ); if( main_option_links ) im_map_packages( (VSListMap2Fn) print_links, NULL ); if( main_option_list ) print_list( main_option_list ); if( main_option_usage ) { if( !(fn = im_find_function( main_option_usage )) ) error_exit( "unknown operation %s", main_option_usage ); usage( fn ); } if( main_option_version ) printf( "vips-%s\n", im_version_string() ); /* Remove any "--" argument. If one of our arguments is a negative * number, the user will need to have added the "--" flag to stop * GOption parsing. But "--" is still passed down to us and we need to * ignore it. */ for( i = 1; i < argc - 1; i++ ) if( strcmp( argv[i], "--" ) == 0 ) { for( j = i; j < argc; j++ ) argv[j] = argv[j + 1]; argc -= 1; } /* Should we try to run the thing we are named as? */ if( !im_isprefix( "vips", g_get_prgname() ) ) { char name[256]; /* Drop any .exe suffix. */ im_strncpy( name, g_get_prgname(), 256 ); if( ispostfix( ".exe", name ) ) name[strlen( name ) - 4] = '\0'; /* If unknown, try with "im_" prepended. */ if( !(fn = im_find_function( name )) ) { im_snprintf( name, 256, "im_%s", g_get_prgname() ); if( ispostfix( ".exe", name ) ) name[strlen( name ) - 4] = '\0'; if( !(fn = im_find_function( name )) ) error_exit( "unknown function" ); } /* Execute it! */ if( im_run_command( name, argc - 1, argv + 1 ) ) { usage( fn ); error_exit( "error calling function" ); } } else if( argc > 1 ) { /* Nope ... run the first arg instead. */ if( im_run_command( argv[1], argc - 2, argv + 2 ) ) { if( !(fn = im_find_function( argv[1] )) ) error_exit( "unknown function" ); usage( fn ); error_exit( "error calling function" ); } } im_close_plugins(); return( 0 ); }