.TH IM_EXTRACT 3 "11 April 1990" .SH NAME im_extract_areabands, im_extract_bands, im_extract_area \- extract a portion of an image .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include int im_extract_areabands( IMAGE *in, IMAGE *out, .br int left, int top, int width, int height, int band, int nbands ) int im_extract_area( IMAGE *in, IMAGE *out, .br int left, int top, int width, int height ) int im_extract_bands( IMAGE *in, IMAGE *out, .br int chsel, int nbands ) .SH DESCRIPTION .B im_extract_areabands(3) extracts the rectangular portion of the image defined by .B left, .B top, .B width, and .B height of image .B in and writes the result to image .B out. The area must lie entirely within in the image. Selects the set of .B nbands bands starting at band number .B band (numbering bands from zero). Works for any size image, any number of bands, any type. Works for LABPACK coded images too! But disallows band extraction in this case. .B im_extract_area(3) is a convenience function which extracts an area from an image, leaving the bands the same. .B im_extract_bands(3) takes .B nbands out of an image, starting from band .B band. So, for example, nbands == 2, bands == 1 will form a two band image from an RGB image, where the two bands are the G and the B bands. .SH RETURN VALUE The function returns 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE ALSO im_insert(3), im_lrjoin(3), im_lrmerge(3), im_stats(3), im_region_region(3). .SH COPYRIGHT J. Cupitt, .SH AUTHOR J. Cupitt \- 11/04/1990