.TH IM_IOCHECK 3 "11 April 1990" .SH NAME im_incheck, im_outcheck, im_iocheck \- checks image descriptors for WIO .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include int im_incheck( in ) .br IMAGE *in; int im_outcheck( out ) .br IMAGE *out; .B int im_iocheck( in, out) .br .B IMAGE *in, *out; .SH DESCRIPTION im_incheck(3) checks that an image descriptor is suitable for WIO input (ie. all of its pels can be found from im\-\>data). If possible, it transforms the descriptor to make WIO input ok using the following rules: IM_PARTIAL: the descriptor is magically turned into an IM_SETBUF descriptor. Memory is allocated and the image generated into that. The old partial callbacks are closed down, and the descriptor reformed as a IM_SETBUF. IM_OPENOUT: if the descriptor has been written to, it is automatically `rewound,` that is, it is closed and reopened as an IM_MMAPIN descriptor. IM_SETBUF: just checks that the descriptor has been written to. See the manual page for im_setupout(3) for a skeleton program. im_outcheck(3) checks that a descriptor is suitable for WIO output with im_writeline(3). If it sees an IM_PARTIAL image, it turns it magically into an IM_SETBUF image. im_iocheck(3) simply calls in_incheck(3) for image in and im_outcheck(3) for image out. .SH RETURN VALUE All functions returns 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE\ ALSO im_open(3), im_cp_desc(3), im_setupout(3), im_makerw(3). .SH COPYRIGHT National Gallery .SH AUTHOR J. Cupitt \- 23/7/93