.TH IM_CONV 3 "2 May 1991" .SH NAME im_lowpass \- remove high frequencies quickly .SH SYNOPSIS #include int im_lowpass(in, out, x, y) .br IMAGE *in, *out; .br int x, y; .SH DESCRIPTION Expand image up to X by Y pixels. Linear interpolation. Used by lowpass(1X) for simple and nasty low-pass filtering. The result is very poor, but good enough for smoothing out whites. Any number of bands, output size == input size, any non-complex type. .SH RETURN VALUE The function returns 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE\ ALSO im_shrink(3), im_similarity_area(3). .SH COPYRIGHT .br National Gallery .SH AUTHOR Too embarrassed to say