.TH IM_ROTQUAD 3 "07 July 1990" .SH NAME im_rotquad \- rotates the four quadrants of an image .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .B int im_rotquad(in, out) .br .B IMAGE *in, *out; .SH DESCRIPTION im_rotquad rotates the four quadrants of the image held by the image descriptor in and writes the result on the image descriptor out. The function is used primarily to rotate a fourier transform in such a way that the coordinate (0,0) is near the centre of the image, the so-called optical transform. The function operates on any input; output has the same format, sizes and bands as input. .SH RETURN VALUE The function returns 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE ALSO im_fwfft(3), im_invfft(3), im_scaleps(3). .SH COPYRIGHT .br N. Dessipris .SH AUTHOR N. Dessipris \- 06/07/1990