.TH IM_BINFILE 3 "11 April 1990" .SH NAME im_binfile, im_image \- wrap a raw binary file inside an IMAGE descriptor .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include <vips/vips.h> IMAGE *im_binfile( name, xs, ys, b, off ) .br char *in; .br IMAGE *out; .br int xs, ys, b, off; IMAGE * .br im_image( void *buffer, int width, int height, int bands, int format ) .SH DESCRIPTION .B im_binfile(3) maps the file named, and returns an image descriptor which looks very like the sort of thing that .B im_mmapin(3) returns. The parameters specify the image width, height, number of bands and offset in bytes from the start of the file. .B im_image(3) makes an IMAGE deriptor from an area of pixels in memory. The memory buffer will not be freed when the IMAGE is closed, use .B im_add_close_callback() if you want this. .SH RETURN VALUE The functions return NULL on error. .SH SEE ALSO im_mmapin(3), im_openout(3), im_setbuf(3). .SH COPYRIGHT N. Dessipris .SH AUTHOR N. Dessipris \- 11/04/1990