.TH PREDICATES 3 "11 April 1990" .SH NAME im_region_create, im_region_free \- region creation and destruction .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .br .B #include REGION *im_region_create( im ) .br IMAGE *im; int im_region_free( reg ) .br REGION *reg; .SH DESCRIPTION These functions create and destroy regions on images. Regions are used for PIO, see accompanying documentation. Regions have type typedef struct { Rect valid /* Area of im represented */ IMAGE *im; /* im we are defined on */ ... more fields, all private and used for ... housekeeping } REGION; im_region_create(3) returns a pointer to a new region, or NULL on error. Regions are made blank, with no input or output possible. See im_prepare(3), im_generate(3), im_start_one(3) and IM_REGION_ADDR(3). im_region_free(3) frees a region and any resources associated with that region. When an image is closed, all regions which have been created on that image are automatically freed. .SH RETURN VALUE All int-valued functions return zero on success and non-zero on error. .SH COPYRIGHT National Gallery, 1993 .SH AUTHOR J. Cupitt \- 23/7/93