#!/bin/bash uname -a gcc --version vips --version # how large an image do you want to process? # sample2.v is 290x442 pixels ... replicate this many times horizontally and # vertically to get a highres image for the benchmark tile=13 # how complex an operation do you want to run? # this sets the number of copies of the benchmark we chain together: # higher values run more slowly and are more likely to be CPU-bound chain=1 echo building test image ... echo "tile=$tile" vips im_replicate sample2.v temp.v $tile $tile if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "build of test image failed -- out of disc space?" exit 1 fi echo -n "test image is" `header -f width temp.v` echo " by" `header -f height temp.v` "pixels" max_cpus=`vips im_concurrency_get` echo "max cpus = $max_cpus" echo "starting benchmark ..." echo /usr/bin/time -f %e vips \ --vips-concurrency=xx \ im_benchmarkn temp.v temp2.v $chain echo reported real-time is best of three runs echo cpus real-time for((cpus = 1; cpus <= max_cpus; cpus++)); do t1=`/usr/bin/time -f %e vips \ --vips-concurrency=$cpus \ im_benchmarkn temp.v temp2.v $chain 2>&1` if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "benchmark failed -- install problem?" exit 1 fi t2=`/usr/bin/time -f %e vips \ --vips-concurrency=$cpus \ im_benchmarkn temp.v temp2.v $chain 2>&1` t3=`/usr/bin/time -f %e vips \ --vips-concurrency=$cpus \ im_benchmarkn temp.v temp2.v $chain 2>&1` # echo $t1 $t2 $t3 if [[ $t2 < $t1 ]]; then t1=$t2 fi if [[ $t3 < $t1 ]]; then t1=$t3 fi echo $cpus $t1 done