#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import division import unittest import math #import logging #logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG) from gi.repository import Vips from functools import reduce unsigned_formats = [Vips.BandFormat.UCHAR, Vips.BandFormat.USHORT, Vips.BandFormat.UINT] signed_formats = [Vips.BandFormat.CHAR, Vips.BandFormat.SHORT, Vips.BandFormat.INT] float_formats = [Vips.BandFormat.FLOAT, Vips.BandFormat.DOUBLE] complex_formats = [Vips.BandFormat.COMPLEX, Vips.BandFormat.DPCOMPLEX] int_formats = unsigned_formats + signed_formats noncomplex_formats = int_formats + float_formats all_formats = int_formats + float_formats + complex_formats max_value = {Vips.BandFormat.UCHAR: 0xff, Vips.BandFormat.USHORT: 0xffff, Vips.BandFormat.UINT: 0xffffffff, Vips.BandFormat.CHAR: 0x7f, Vips.BandFormat.SHORT: 0x7fff, Vips.BandFormat.INT: 0x7fffffff, Vips.BandFormat.FLOAT: 1.0, Vips.BandFormat.DOUBLE: 1.0, Vips.BandFormat.COMPLEX: 1.0, Vips.BandFormat.DPCOMPLEX: 1.0} sizeof_format = {Vips.BandFormat.UCHAR: 1, Vips.BandFormat.USHORT: 2, Vips.BandFormat.UINT: 4, Vips.BandFormat.CHAR: 1, Vips.BandFormat.SHORT: 2, Vips.BandFormat.INT: 4, Vips.BandFormat.FLOAT: 4, Vips.BandFormat.DOUBLE: 8, Vips.BandFormat.COMPLEX: 8, Vips.BandFormat.DPCOMPLEX: 16} rot45_angles = [Vips.Angle45.D0, Vips.Angle45.D45, Vips.Angle45.D90, Vips.Angle45.D135, Vips.Angle45.D180, Vips.Angle45.D225, Vips.Angle45.D270, Vips.Angle45.D315] rot45_angle_bonds = [Vips.Angle45.D0, Vips.Angle45.D315, Vips.Angle45.D270, Vips.Angle45.D225, Vips.Angle45.D180, Vips.Angle45.D135, Vips.Angle45.D90, Vips.Angle45.D45] rot_angles = [Vips.Angle.D0, Vips.Angle.D90, Vips.Angle.D180, Vips.Angle.D270] rot_angle_bonds = [Vips.Angle.D0, Vips.Angle.D270, Vips.Angle.D180, Vips.Angle.D90] # an expanding zip ... if either of the args is not a list, duplicate it down # the other def zip_expand(x, y): if isinstance(x, list) and isinstance(y, list): return list(zip(x, y)) elif isinstance(x, list): return [[i, y] for i in x] elif isinstance(y, list): return [[x, j] for j in y] else: return [[x, y]] class TestConversion(unittest.TestCase): # test a pair of things which can be lists for approx. equality def assertAlmostEqualObjects(self, a, b, places = 4, msg = ''): #print 'assertAlmostEqualObjects %s = %s' % (a, b) for x, y in zip_expand(a, b): self.assertAlmostEqual(x, y, places = places, msg = msg) # run a function on an image and on a single pixel, the results # should match def run_cmp_unary(self, message, im, x, y, fn): a = im.getpoint(x, y) v1 = fn(a) im2 = fn(im) v2 = im2.getpoint(x, y) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(v1, v2, msg = message) # run a function on a pair of images and on a pair of pixels, the results # should match def run_cmp_binary(self, message, left, right, x, y, fn): a = left.getpoint(x, y) b = right.getpoint(x, y) v1 = fn(a, b) after = fn(left, right) v2 = after.getpoint(x, y) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(v1, v2, msg = message) # run a function on a pair of images # 50,50 and 10,10 should have different values on the test image def run_testbinary(self, message, left, right, fn): self.run_cmp_binary(message, left, right, 50, 50, fn) self.run_cmp_binary(message, left, right, 10, 10, fn) # run a function on an image, # 50,50 and 10,10 should have different values on the test image def run_testunary(self, message, im, fn): self.run_cmp_unary(message, im, 50, 50, fn) self.run_cmp_unary(message, im, 10, 10, fn) def run_unary(self, images, fn, fmt = all_formats): [self.run_testunary(fn.__name__ + (' %s' % y), x.cast(y), fn) for x in images for y in fmt] def run_binary(self, images, fn, fmt = all_formats): [self.run_testbinary(fn.__name__ + (' %s %s' % (y, z)), x.cast(y), x.cast(z), fn) for x in images for y in fmt for z in fmt] def setUp(self): im = Vips.Image.mask_ideal(100, 100, 0.5, reject = True, optical = True) self.colour = im * [1, 2, 3] + [2, 3, 4] self.mono = self.colour.extract_band(1) self.all_images = [self.mono, self.colour] def test_band_and(self): def band_and(x): if isinstance(x, Vips.Image): return x.bandbool(Vips.OperationBoolean.AND) else: return [reduce(lambda a, b: int(a) & int(b), x)] self.run_unary(self.all_images, band_and, fmt = int_formats) def test_band_or(self): def band_or(x): if isinstance(x, Vips.Image): return x.bandbool(Vips.OperationBoolean.OR) else: return [reduce(lambda a, b: int(a) | int(b), x)] self.run_unary(self.all_images, band_or, fmt = int_formats) def test_band_eor(self): def band_eor(x): if isinstance(x, Vips.Image): return x.bandbool(Vips.OperationBoolean.EOR) else: return [reduce(lambda a, b: int(a) ^ int(b), x)] self.run_unary(self.all_images, band_eor, fmt = int_formats) def test_bandjoin(self): def bandjoin(x, y): if isinstance(x, Vips.Image) and isinstance(y, Vips.Image): return x.bandjoin(y) else: return x + y self.run_binary(self.all_images, bandjoin) def test_bandmean(self): def bandmean(x): if isinstance(x, Vips.Image): return x.bandmean() else: return [sum(x) // len(x)] self.run_unary(self.all_images, bandmean, fmt = noncomplex_formats) def test_bandrank(self): def median(x, y): joined = [[a, b] for a, b in zip(x, y)] # .sort() isn't a function, so we have to run this as a separate # pass [x.sort() for x in joined] return [x[len(x) // 2] for x in joined] def bandrank(x, y): if isinstance(x, Vips.Image) and isinstance(y, Vips.Image): return Vips.Image.bandrank([x, y]) else: return median(x, y) self.run_binary(self.all_images, bandrank, fmt = noncomplex_formats) def test_cache(self): def cache(x): if isinstance(x, Vips.Image): return x.cache() else: return x self.run_unary(self.all_images, cache) def test_copy(self): x = self.colour.copy(interpretation = Vips.Interpretation.LAB) self.assertEqual(x.interpretation, Vips.Interpretation.LAB) x = self.colour.copy(xres = 42) self.assertEqual(x.xres, 42) x = self.colour.copy(yres = 42) self.assertEqual(x.yres, 42) x = self.colour.copy(xoffset = 42) self.assertEqual(x.xoffset, 42) x = self.colour.copy(yoffset = 42) self.assertEqual(x.yoffset, 42) x = self.colour.copy(bands = 1) self.assertEqual(x.bands, 1) x = self.colour.copy(format = Vips.BandFormat.USHORT, bands = 1) self.assertEqual(x.format, Vips.BandFormat.USHORT) x = self.colour.copy(coding = Vips.Coding.NONE) self.assertEqual(x.coding, Vips.Coding.NONE) x = self.colour.copy(width = 42) self.assertEqual(x.width, 42) x = self.colour.copy(height = 42) self.assertEqual(x.height, 42) def test_embed(self): for fmt in all_formats: test = self.colour.cast(fmt) im = test.embed(20, 20, self.colour.width + 40, self.colour.height + 40) pixel = im.getpoint(10, 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [0, 0, 0]) pixel = im.getpoint(30, 30) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [2, 3, 4]) pixel = im.getpoint(im.width - 10, im.height - 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [0, 0, 0]) im = test.embed(20, 20, self.colour.width + 40, self.colour.height + 40, extend = Vips.Extend.COPY) pixel = im.getpoint(10, 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [2, 3, 4]) pixel = im.getpoint(im.width - 10, im.height - 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [2, 3, 4]) im = test.embed(20, 20, self.colour.width + 40, self.colour.height + 40, extend = Vips.Extend.BACKGROUND, background = [7, 8, 9]) pixel = im.getpoint(10, 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [7, 8, 9]) pixel = im.getpoint(im.width - 10, im.height - 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [7, 8, 9]) im = test.embed(20, 20, self.colour.width + 40, self.colour.height + 40, extend = Vips.Extend.WHITE) pixel = im.getpoint(10, 10) # uses 255 in all bytes of ints, 255.0 for float pixel = [int(x) & 0xff for x in pixel] self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [255, 255, 255]) pixel = im.getpoint(im.width - 10, im.height - 10) pixel = [int(x) & 0xff for x in pixel] self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [255, 255, 255]) def test_extract(self): for fmt in all_formats: test = self.colour.cast(fmt) pixel = test.getpoint(30, 30) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [2, 3, 4]) sub = test.extract_area(25, 25, 10, 10) pixel = sub.getpoint(5, 5) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [2, 3, 4]) sub = test.extract_band(1, n = 2) pixel = sub.getpoint(30, 30) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [3, 4]) def test_crop(self): for fmt in all_formats: test = self.colour.cast(fmt) pixel = test.getpoint(30, 30) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [2, 3, 4]) sub = test.crop(25, 25, 10, 10) pixel = sub.getpoint(5, 5) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [2, 3, 4]) def test_falsecolour(self): for fmt in all_formats: test = self.colour.cast(fmt) im = test.falsecolour() self.assertEqual(im.width, test.width) self.assertEqual(im.height, test.height) self.assertEqual(im.bands, 3) pixel = im.getpoint(30, 30) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(pixel, [20, 0, 41]) def test_flatten(self): max_value = {Vips.BandFormat.UCHAR: 0xff, Vips.BandFormat.USHORT: 0xffff, Vips.BandFormat.UINT: 0xffffffff, Vips.BandFormat.CHAR: 0x7f, Vips.BandFormat.SHORT: 0x7fff, Vips.BandFormat.INT: 0x7fffffff, Vips.BandFormat.FLOAT: 1.0, Vips.BandFormat.DOUBLE: 1.0, Vips.BandFormat.COMPLEX: 1.0, Vips.BandFormat.DPCOMPLEX: 1.0} black = self.mono * 0.0 for fmt in noncomplex_formats: mx = max_value[fmt] alpha = mx / 2.0 nalpha = mx - alpha test = self.colour.bandjoin(black + alpha).cast(fmt) pixel = test.getpoint(30, 30) predict = [int(x) * alpha / mx for x in pixel[:-1]] im = test.flatten() self.assertEqual(im.bands, 3) pixel = im.getpoint(30, 30) for x, y in zip(pixel, predict): # we use float arithetic for int and uint, so the rounding # differs ... don't require huge accuracy self.assertLess(abs(x - y), 2) im = test.flatten(background = [100, 100, 100]) pixel = test.getpoint(30, 30) predict = [int(x) * alpha / mx + (100 * nalpha) / mx for x in pixel[:-1]] self.assertEqual(im.bands, 3) pixel = im.getpoint(30, 30) for x, y in zip(pixel, predict): self.assertLess(abs(x - y), 2) def test_flip(self): for fmt in all_formats: test = self.colour.cast(fmt) result = test.flip(Vips.Direction.HORIZONTAL) result = result.flip(Vips.Direction.VERTICAL) result = result.flip(Vips.Direction.HORIZONTAL) result = result.flip(Vips.Direction.VERTICAL) diff = (test - result).abs().max() self.assertEqual(diff, 0) def test_gamma(self): exponent = 2.4 for fmt in noncomplex_formats: mx = max_value[fmt] test = (self.colour + mx / 2.0).cast(fmt) norm = mx ** exponent / mx result = test.gamma() before = test.getpoint(30, 30) after = result.getpoint(30, 30) predict = [x ** exponent / norm for x in before] for a, b in zip(after, predict): # ie. less than 1% error, rounding on 7-bit images means this is # all we can expect self.assertLess(abs(a - b), mx / 100.0) exponent = 1.2 for fmt in noncomplex_formats: mx = max_value[fmt] test = (self.colour + mx / 2.0).cast(fmt) norm = mx ** exponent / mx result = test.gamma(exponent = 1.0 / 1.2) before = test.getpoint(30, 30) after = result.getpoint(30, 30) predict = [x ** exponent / norm for x in before] for a, b in zip(after, predict): # ie. less than 1% error, rounding on 7-bit images means this is # all we can expect self.assertLess(abs(a - b), mx / 100.0) def test_grid(self): test = self.colour.replicate(1, 12) self.assertEqual(test.width, self.colour.width) self.assertEqual(test.height, self.colour.height * 12) for fmt in all_formats: im = test.cast(fmt) result = im.grid(test.width, 3, 4) self.assertEqual(result.width, self.colour.width * 3) self.assertEqual(result.height, self.colour.height * 4) before = im.getpoint(10, 10) after = result.getpoint(10 + test.width * 2, 10 + test.width * 2) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(before, after) before = im.getpoint(50, 50) after = result.getpoint(50 + test.width * 2, 50 + test.width * 2) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(before, after) def test_ifthenelse(self): test = self.mono > 3 for x in all_formats: for y in all_formats: t = (self.colour + 10).cast(x) e = self.colour.cast(y) r = test.ifthenelse(t, e) self.assertEqual(r.width, self.colour.width) self.assertEqual(r.height, self.colour.height) self.assertEqual(r.bands, self.colour.bands) predict = e.getpoint(10, 10) result = r.getpoint(10, 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, predict) predict = t.getpoint(50, 50) result = r.getpoint(50, 50) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, predict) test = self.colour > 3 for x in all_formats: for y in all_formats: t = (self.mono + 10).cast(x) e = self.mono.cast(y) r = test.ifthenelse(t, e) self.assertEqual(r.width, self.colour.width) self.assertEqual(r.height, self.colour.height) self.assertEqual(r.bands, self.colour.bands) cp = test.getpoint(10, 10) tp = t.getpoint(10, 10) * 3 ep = e.getpoint(10, 10) * 3 predict = [te if ce != 0 else ee for ce, te, ee in zip(cp, tp, ep)] result = r.getpoint(10, 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, predict) cp = test.getpoint(50, 50) tp = t.getpoint(50, 50) * 3 ep = e.getpoint(50, 50) * 3 predict = [te if ce != 0 else ee for ce, te, ee in zip(cp, tp, ep)] result = r.getpoint(50, 50) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, predict) test = self.colour > 3 for x in all_formats: for y in all_formats: t = (self.mono + 10).cast(x) e = self.mono.cast(y) r = test.ifthenelse(t, e, blend = True) self.assertEqual(r.width, self.colour.width) self.assertEqual(r.height, self.colour.height) self.assertEqual(r.bands, self.colour.bands) result = r.getpoint(10, 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, [3, 3, 13]) def test_insert(self): for x in all_formats: for y in all_formats: main = self.mono.cast(x) sub = self.colour.cast(y) r = main.insert(sub, 10, 10) self.assertEqual(r.width, main.width) self.assertEqual(r.height, main.height) self.assertEqual(r.bands, sub.bands) a = r.getpoint(10, 10) b = sub.getpoint(0, 0) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(a, b) a = r.getpoint(0, 0) b = main.getpoint(0, 0) * 3 self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(a, b) for x in all_formats: for y in all_formats: main = self.mono.cast(x) sub = self.colour.cast(y) r = main.insert(sub, 10, 10, expand = True, background = 100) self.assertEqual(r.width, main.width + 10) self.assertEqual(r.height, main.height + 10) self.assertEqual(r.bands, sub.bands) a = r.getpoint(r.width - 5, 5) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(a, [100, 100, 100]) def test_msb(self): for fmt in unsigned_formats: mx = max_value[fmt] size = sizeof_format[fmt] test = (self.colour + mx / 8.0).cast(fmt) im = test.msb() before = test.getpoint(10, 10) predict = [int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8) for x in before] result = im.getpoint(10, 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, predict) before = test.getpoint(50, 50) predict = [int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8) for x in before] result = im.getpoint(50, 50) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, predict) for fmt in signed_formats: mx = max_value[fmt] size = sizeof_format[fmt] test = (self.colour + mx / 8.0).cast(fmt) im = test.msb() before = test.getpoint(10, 10) predict = [128 + (int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8)) for x in before] result = im.getpoint(10, 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, predict) before = test.getpoint(50, 50) predict = [128 + (int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8)) for x in before] result = im.getpoint(50, 50) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, predict) for fmt in unsigned_formats: mx = max_value[fmt] size = sizeof_format[fmt] test = (self.colour + mx / 8.0).cast(fmt) im = test.msb(band = 1) before = [test.getpoint(10, 10)[1]] predict = [int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8) for x in before] result = im.getpoint(10, 10) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, predict) before = [test.getpoint(50, 50)[1]] predict = [int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8) for x in before] result = im.getpoint(50, 50) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(result, predict) def test_recomb(self): array = [[0.2, 0.5, 0.3]] mask = Vips.Image.new_from_array(array) def recomb(x): if isinstance(x, Vips.Image): return x.recomb(mask) else: sum = 0 for i, c in zip(array[0], x): sum += i * c return [sum] self.run_unary([self.colour], recomb, fmt = noncomplex_formats) def test_replicate(self): for fmt in all_formats: im = self.colour.cast(fmt) test = im.replicate(10, 10) self.assertEqual(test.width, self.colour.width * 10) self.assertEqual(test.height, self.colour.height * 10) before = im.getpoint(10, 10) after = test.getpoint(10 + im.width * 2, 10 + im.width * 2) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(before, after) before = im.getpoint(50, 50) after = test.getpoint(50 + im.width * 2, 50 + im.width * 2) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(before, after) def test_rot45(self): # test has a quarter-circle in the bottom right test = self.colour.crop(0, 0, 51, 51) for fmt in all_formats: im = test.cast(fmt) im2 = im.rot45() before = im.getpoint(50, 50) after = im2.getpoint(25, 50) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(before, after) for a, b in zip(rot45_angles, rot45_angle_bonds): im2 = im.rot45(angle = a) after = im2.rot45(angle = b) diff = (after - im).abs().max() self.assertEqual(diff, 0) def test_rot(self): # test has a quarter-circle in the bottom right test = self.colour.crop(0, 0, 51, 51) for fmt in all_formats: im = test.cast(fmt) im2 = im.rot(Vips.Angle.D90) before = im.getpoint(50, 50) after = im2.getpoint(0, 50) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(before, after) for a, b in zip(rot_angles, rot_angle_bonds): im2 = im.rot(a) after = im2.rot(b) diff = (after - im).abs().max() self.assertEqual(diff, 0) def test_scale(self): for fmt in noncomplex_formats: test = self.colour.cast(fmt) im = test.scale() self.assertEqual(im.max(), 255) self.assertEqual(im.min(), 0) im = test.scale(log = True) self.assertEqual(im.max(), 255) def test_subsample(self): for fmt in all_formats: test = self.colour.cast(fmt) im = test.subsample(3, 3) self.assertEqual(im.width, test.width // 3) self.assertEqual(im.height, test.height // 3) before = test.getpoint(60, 60) after = im.getpoint(20, 20) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(before, after) def test_zoom(self): for fmt in all_formats: test = self.colour.cast(fmt) im = test.zoom(3, 3) self.assertEqual(im.width, test.width * 3) self.assertEqual(im.height, test.height * 3) before = test.getpoint(50, 50) after = im.getpoint(150, 150) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(before, after) def test_wrap(self): for fmt in all_formats: test = self.colour.cast(fmt) im = test.wrap() self.assertEqual(im.width, test.width) self.assertEqual(im.height, test.height) before = test.getpoint(0, 0) after = im.getpoint(50, 50) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(before, after) before = test.getpoint(50, 50) after = im.getpoint(0, 0) self.assertAlmostEqualObjects(before, after) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()