/* base class for all arithmetic operations * * properties: * - one output image, one or more inputs * - cast input images to match * - output is large enough to hold output values (value preserving) * - point-to-point operations (ie. each pixel depends only on the * corresponding pixel in the input) * - LUT-able: ie. arithmetic (image) can be exactly replaced by * maplut (image, arithmetic (lut)) for 8/16 bit int images */ /* Copyright (C) 1991-2005 The National Gallery This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* These files are distributed with VIPS - http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk */ /* #define DEBUG */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "parithmetic.h" /** * SECTION: arithmetic * @short_description: operations which perform pixel arithmetic, trig, log, statistics * @stability: Stable * @include: vips/vips.h * * These operations perform pixel arithmetic, that is, they perform an * arithmetic operation, such as addition, on every pixel in an image or a * pair of images. All (except in a few cases noted below) will work with * images of any type or any mixture of types, of any size and of any number * of bands. * * For binary operations, if the number of bands differs, one of the images * must have one band. In this case, an n-band image is formed from the * one-band image by joining n copies of the one-band image together, and then * the two n-band images are operated upon. * * In the same way, for operations that take an array constant, such as * vips_remainder_const(), you can mix single-element arrays or single-band * images freely. * * Arithmetic operations try to preserve precision by increasing the number of * bits in the output image when necessary. Generally, this follows the ANSI C * conventions for type promotion, so multiplying two * #VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR images together, for example, produces a * #VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT image, and taking the vips_cos() of a * #VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT image produces #VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT image. * * For binary arithmetic operations, type promotion occurs in two stages. * First, the two input images are cast up to the smallest common format, * that is, the type with the smallest range that can represent the full * range of both inputs. This conversion can be represented as a table: * * * Smallest common format * * * * @in2/@in1 * uchar * char * ushort * short * uint * int * float * double * complex * double complex * * * * * uchar * ushort * short * ushort * short * uint * int * float * double * complex * double complex * * * char * short * short * short * short * int * int * float * double * complex * double complex * * * ushort * ushort * short * ushort * short * uint * int * float * double * complex * double complex * * * short * short * short * short * short * int * int * float * double * complex * double complex * * * uint * uint * int * uint * int * uint * int * float * double * complex * double complex * * * int * int * int * int * int * int * int * float * double * complex * double complex * * * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float * double * complex * double complex * * * double * double * double * double * double * double * double * double * double * double complex * double complex * * * complex * complex * complex * complex * complex * complex * complex * complex * double complex * complex * double complex * * * double complex * double complex * double complex * double complex * double complex * double complex * double complex * double complex * double complex * double complex * double complex * * * *
* * In the second stage, the operation is performed between the two identical * types to form the output. The details vary between operations, but * generally the principle is that the output type should be large enough to * represent the whole range of possible values, except that int never becomes * float. */ G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE( VipsArithmetic, vips_arithmetic, VIPS_TYPE_OPERATION ); /* Save a bit of typing. */ #define UC VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR #define C VIPS_FORMAT_CHAR #define US VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT #define S VIPS_FORMAT_SHORT #define UI VIPS_FORMAT_UINT #define I VIPS_FORMAT_INT #define F VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT #define X VIPS_FORMAT_COMPLEX #define D VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE #define DX VIPS_FORMAT_DPCOMPLEX /* For two integer types, the "largest", ie. one which can represent the * full range of both. */ static VipsBandFormat format_largest[6][6] = { /* UC C US S UI I */ /* UC */ { UC, S, US, S, UI, I }, /* C */ { S, C, I, S, I, I }, /* US */ { US, I, US, I, UI, I }, /* S */ { S, S, I, S, I, I }, /* UI */ { UI, I, UI, I, UI, I }, /* I */ { I, I, I, I, I, I } }; /* For two formats, find one which can represent the full range of both. */ static VipsBandFormat vips_format_common( VipsBandFormat a, VipsBandFormat b ) { if( vips_band_format_iscomplex( a ) || vips_band_format_iscomplex( b ) ) { if( a == VIPS_FORMAT_DPCOMPLEX || b == VIPS_FORMAT_DPCOMPLEX ) return( VIPS_FORMAT_DPCOMPLEX ); else return( VIPS_FORMAT_COMPLEX ); } else if( vips_band_format_isfloat( a ) || vips_band_format_isfloat( b ) ) { if( a == VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE || b == VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE ) return( VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE ); else return( VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT ); } else return( format_largest[a][b] ); } int vips__formatalike_vec( VipsImage **in, VipsImage **out, int n ) { int i; VipsBandFormat format; g_assert( n >= 1 ); format = in[0]->BandFmt; for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) format = vips_format_common( format, in[i]->BandFmt ); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) if( in[i]->BandFmt == format ) { /* Already in the right format ... just copy the image * pointer and add a ref. */ out[i] = in[i]; g_object_ref( in[i] ); } else { if( vips_cast( in[i], &out[i], format, NULL ) ) return( -1 ); } return( 0 ); } int vips__sizealike_vec( VipsImage **in, VipsImage **out, int n ) { int i; int width_max; int height_max; g_assert( n >= 1 ); width_max = in[0]->Xsize; height_max = in[0]->Ysize; for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { width_max = VIPS_MAX( width_max, in[i]->Xsize ); height_max = VIPS_MAX( height_max, in[i]->Ysize ); } for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) if( in[i]->Xsize == width_max && in[i]->Ysize == height_max ) { /* Already the right size ... just copy the image * pointer and add a ref. */ out[i] = in[i]; g_object_ref( in[i] ); } else { if( vips_embed( in[i], &out[i], 0, 0, width_max, height_max, NULL ) ) return( -1 ); } return( 0 ); } /* Make an n-band image. Input 1 or n bands. */ int vips__bandup( const char *domain, VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, int n ) { VipsImage **bands; int i; int result; if( in->Bands == n ) return( vips_copy( in, out, NULL ) ); if( in->Bands != 1 ) { vips_error( domain, _( "not one band or %d bands" ), n ); return( -1 ); } if( n > VIPS_MAX_COORD || n < 1 ) { vips_error( domain, "%s", _( "bad bands" ) ); return( -1 ); } if( !(bands = VIPS_ARRAY( NULL, n, VipsImage * )) ) return( -1 ); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) bands[i] = in; result = vips_bandjoin( bands, out, n, NULL ); VIPS_FREE( bands ); return( result ); } /* base_bands is the default minimum. * * Handy for example, if you have VipsLinear with * a 3-element vector of constants and a 1-band input image, you need to cast * the image up to three bands. */ int vips__bandalike_vec( const char *domain, VipsImage **in, VipsImage **out, int n, int base_bands ) { int i; int max_bands; VipsInterpretation interpretation; g_assert( n >= 1 ); /* We try to set the interpretation of the output images from the * interpretation of the n-band input. For example, if we are matching * a set of BW images to an RGB image, we want the BW images to be * tagged as RGB. */ max_bands = base_bands; interpretation = VIPS_INTERPRETATION_ERROR; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { /* >= so we can pick up interpretation if base_bands is equal * to the number of bands of the largest image. */ if( in[i]->Bands >= max_bands ) { max_bands = in[i]->Bands; interpretation = in[i]->Type; } } for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) if( in[i]->Bands == max_bands ) { /* Already the right number of bands ... just copy the * image pointer and add a ref. */ out[i] = in[i]; g_object_ref( in[i] ); } else { if( vips__bandup( domain, in[i], &out[i], max_bands ) ) return( -1 ); if( interpretation != VIPS_INTERPRETATION_ERROR ) out[i]->Type = interpretation; } return( 0 ); } int vips__formatalike( VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage **out1, VipsImage **out2 ) { VipsImage *in[2]; VipsImage *out[2]; in[0] = in1; in[1] = in2; if( vips__formatalike_vec( in, out, 2 ) ) return( -1 ); *out1 = out[0]; *out2 = out[1]; return( 0 ); } int vips__sizealike( VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage **out1, VipsImage **out2 ) { VipsImage *in[2]; VipsImage *out[2]; in[0] = in1; in[1] = in2; if( vips__sizealike_vec( in, out, 2 ) ) return( -1 ); *out1 = out[0]; *out2 = out[1]; return( 0 ); } int vips__bandalike( const char *domain, VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage **out1, VipsImage **out2 ) { VipsImage *in[2]; VipsImage *out[2]; in[0] = in1; in[1] = in2; if( vips__bandalike_vec( domain, in, out, 2, 1 ) ) return( -1 ); *out1 = out[0]; *out2 = out[1]; return( 0 ); } /* Our sequence value. */ typedef struct { VipsArithmetic *arithmetic; /* Set of input regions. */ VipsRegion **ir; /* For each input, an input pointer. */ VipsPel **p; } VipsArithmeticSequence; static int vips_arithmetic_stop( void *vseq, void *a, void *b ) { VipsArithmeticSequence *seq = (VipsArithmeticSequence *) vseq; if( seq->ir ) { int i; for( i = 0; seq->ir[i]; i++ ) VIPS_UNREF( seq->ir[i] ); VIPS_FREE( seq->ir ); } VIPS_FREE( seq->p ); VIPS_FREE( seq ); return( 0 ); } static void * vips_arithmetic_start( VipsImage *out, void *a, void *b ) { VipsImage **in = (VipsImage **) a; VipsArithmetic *arithmetic = (VipsArithmetic *) b; VipsArithmeticSequence *seq; int i, n; if( !(seq = VIPS_NEW( NULL, VipsArithmeticSequence )) ) return( NULL ); seq->arithmetic = arithmetic; seq->ir = NULL; seq->p = NULL; /* How many images? */ for( n = 0; in[n]; n++ ) ; /* Alocate space for region array. */ if( !(seq->ir = VIPS_ARRAY( NULL, n + 1, VipsRegion * )) ) { vips_arithmetic_stop( seq, NULL, NULL ); return( NULL ); } /* Create a set of regions. */ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) if( !(seq->ir[i] = vips_region_new( in[i] )) ) { vips_arithmetic_stop( seq, NULL, NULL ); return( NULL ); } seq->ir[n] = NULL; /* Input pointers. */ if( !(seq->p = VIPS_ARRAY( NULL, n + 1, VipsPel * )) ) { vips_arithmetic_stop( seq, NULL, NULL ); return( NULL ); } return( seq ); } static int vips_arithmetic_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *vseq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop ) { VipsArithmeticSequence *seq = (VipsArithmeticSequence *) vseq; VipsRegion **ir = seq->ir; VipsArithmetic *arithmetic = VIPS_ARITHMETIC( b ); VipsArithmeticClass *class = VIPS_ARITHMETIC_GET_CLASS( arithmetic ); VipsRect *r = &or->valid; VipsPel *q; int i, y; /* Prepare all input regions and make buffer pointers. */ if( vips_reorder_prepare_many( or->im, ir, r ) ) return( -1 ); for( i = 0; ir[i]; i++ ) seq->p[i] = (VipsPel *) VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir[i], r->left, r->top ); seq->p[i] = NULL; q = (VipsPel *) VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, r->left, r->top ); VIPS_GATE_START( "vips_arithmetic_gen: work" ); for( y = 0; y < r->height; y++ ) { class->process_line( arithmetic, q, seq->p, r->width ); for( i = 0; ir[i]; i++ ) seq->p[i] += VIPS_REGION_LSKIP( ir[i] ); q += VIPS_REGION_LSKIP( or ); } VIPS_GATE_STOP( "vips_arithmetic_gen: work" ); VIPS_COUNT_PIXELS( or, VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( class )->nickname ); return( 0 ); } static int vips_arithmetic_build( VipsObject *object ) { VipsObjectClass *class = VIPS_OBJECT_GET_CLASS( object ); VipsArithmetic *arithmetic = VIPS_ARITHMETIC( object ); VipsArithmeticClass *aclass = VIPS_ARITHMETIC_GET_CLASS( arithmetic ); VipsImage **decode; VipsImage **format; VipsImage **band; VipsImage **size; int i; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "vips_arithmetic_build: " ); vips_object_print_name( object ); printf( "\n" ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ if( VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( vips_arithmetic_parent_class )-> build( object ) ) return( -1 ); g_object_set( arithmetic, "out", vips_image_new(), NULL ); decode = (VipsImage **) vips_object_local_array( object, arithmetic->n ); format = (VipsImage **) vips_object_local_array( object, arithmetic->n ); band = (VipsImage **) vips_object_local_array( object, arithmetic->n ); size = (VipsImage **) vips_object_local_array( object, arithmetic->n ); /* Decode RAD/LABQ etc. */ for( i = 0; i < arithmetic->n; i++ ) if( vips_image_decode( arithmetic->in[i], &decode[i] ) ) return( -1 ); /* Cast our input images up to a common format, bands and size. */ if( vips__formatalike_vec( decode, format, arithmetic->n ) || vips__bandalike_vec( class->nickname, format, band, arithmetic->n, arithmetic->base_bands ) || vips__sizealike_vec( band, size, arithmetic->n ) ) return( -1 ); /* Keep a copy of the processed images here for subclasses. */ arithmetic->ready = size; if( vips_image_pipeline_array( arithmetic->out, VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_THINSTRIP, arithmetic->ready ) ) return( -1 ); arithmetic->out->Bands = arithmetic->ready[0]->Bands; if( arithmetic->format != VIPS_FORMAT_NOTSET ) arithmetic->out->BandFmt = arithmetic->format; else arithmetic->out->BandFmt = aclass->format_table[arithmetic->ready[0]->BandFmt]; if( vips_image_generate( arithmetic->out, vips_arithmetic_start, vips_arithmetic_gen, vips_arithmetic_stop, arithmetic->ready, arithmetic ) ) return( -1 ); return( 0 ); } static void vips_arithmetic_class_init( VipsArithmeticClass *class ) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS( class ); VipsObjectClass *vobject_class = VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( class ); VipsOperationClass *operation_class = VIPS_OPERATION_CLASS( class ); gobject_class->set_property = vips_object_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = vips_object_get_property; vobject_class->nickname = "arithmetic"; vobject_class->description = _( "arithmetic operations" ); vobject_class->build = vips_arithmetic_build; operation_class->flags = VIPS_OPERATION_SEQUENTIAL; VIPS_ARG_IMAGE( class, "out", 100, _( "Output" ), _( "Output image" ), VIPS_ARGUMENT_REQUIRED_OUTPUT, G_STRUCT_OFFSET( VipsArithmetic, out ) ); } static void vips_arithmetic_init( VipsArithmetic *arithmetic ) { arithmetic->base_bands = 1; arithmetic->format = VIPS_FORMAT_NOTSET; } void vips_arithmetic_set_format_table( VipsArithmeticClass *class, const VipsBandFormat *format_table ) { g_assert( !class->format_table ); class->format_table = format_table; } void vips_arithmetic_set_vector( VipsArithmeticClass *class ) { int i; g_assert( class->format_table ); for( i = 0; i < VIPS_FORMAT_LAST; i++ ) { int isize = vips_format_sizeof( i ); int osize = vips_format_sizeof( (int) class->format_table[i] ); VipsVector *v; v = vips_vector_new( "arithmetic", osize ); vips_vector_source_name( v, "s1", isize ); vips_vector_source_name( v, "s2", isize ); vips_vector_temporary( v, "t1", osize ); vips_vector_temporary( v, "t2", osize ); class->vectors[i] = v; } } /* Get the stub for this program ... use _get_vector() to get the compiled * code. */ VipsVector * vips_arithmetic_get_program( VipsArithmeticClass *class, VipsBandFormat fmt ) { g_assert( (int) fmt >= 0 && (int) fmt < VIPS_FORMAT_LAST ); g_assert( !class->vector_program[fmt] ); class->vector_program[fmt] = TRUE; return( class->vectors[fmt] ); } /* Get the compiled code for this type, if available. */ VipsVector * vips_arithmetic_get_vector( VipsArithmeticClass *class, VipsBandFormat fmt ) { g_assert( fmt >= 0 && fmt < VIPS_FORMAT_LAST ); if( !vips_vector_isenabled() || !class->vector_program[fmt] ) return( NULL ); return( class->vectors[fmt] ); } void vips_arithmetic_compile( VipsArithmeticClass *class ) { int i; g_assert( class->format_table ); for( i = 0; i < VIPS_FORMAT_LAST; i++ ) if( class->vector_program[i] && !vips_vector_compile( class->vectors[i] ) ) /* If compilation fails, turn off the vector for this * type. */ class->vector_program[i] = FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "vips_arithmetic_compile: " ); for( i = 0; i < VIPS_FORMAT_LAST; i++ ) if( class->vector_program[i] ) printf( "%s ", vips_enum_nick( VIPS_TYPE_BAND_FORMAT, i ) ); printf( "\n" ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ } /* Called from iofuncs to init all operations in this dir. Use a plugin system * instead? */ void vips_arithmetic_operation_init( void ) { extern GType vips_add_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_sum_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_subtract_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_multiply_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_divide_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_invert_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_avg_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_min_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_max_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_deviate_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_linear_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_math_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_abs_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_sign_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_stats_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_hist_find_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_hist_find_ndim_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_hist_find_indexed_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_hough_line_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_hough_circle_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_project_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_profile_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_measure_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_getpoint_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_round_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_relational_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_relational_const_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_remainder_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_remainder_const_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_boolean_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_boolean_const_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_math2_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_math2_const_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_complex_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_complex2_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_complexget_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_complexform_get_type( void ); extern GType vips_find_trim_get_type( void ); vips_add_get_type(); vips_sum_get_type(); vips_subtract_get_type(); vips_multiply_get_type(); vips_divide_get_type(); vips_invert_get_type(); vips_avg_get_type(); vips_min_get_type(); vips_max_get_type(); vips_deviate_get_type(); vips_linear_get_type(); vips_math_get_type(); vips_abs_get_type(); vips_sign_get_type(); vips_stats_get_type(); vips_hist_find_get_type(); vips_hist_find_ndim_get_type(); vips_hist_find_indexed_get_type(); vips_hough_line_get_type(); vips_hough_circle_get_type(); vips_project_get_type(); vips_profile_get_type(); vips_measure_get_type(); vips_getpoint_get_type(); vips_round_get_type(); vips_relational_get_type(); vips_relational_const_get_type(); vips_remainder_get_type(); vips_remainder_const_get_type(); vips_boolean_get_type(); vips_boolean_const_get_type(); vips_math2_get_type(); vips_math2_const_get_type(); vips_complex_get_type(); vips_complex2_get_type(); vips_complexget_get_type(); vips_complexform_get_type(); vips_find_trim_get_type(); }