#!/usr/bin/python import sys import logging #logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG) import gi gi.require_version('Vips', '8.0') from gi.repository import Vips #Vips.cache_set_trace(True) # Run a function expecting a complex image on an image with an even number of # bands def run_cmplx(fn, image): original_format = image.format if not Vips.band_format_iscomplex(image.format): if image.bands % 2 != 0: raise "not an even number of bands" if not Vips.band_format_isfloat(image.format): image = image.cast(Vips.BandFormat.FLOAT) if image.format == Vips.BandFormat.DOUBLE: new_format = Vips.BandFormat.DPCOMPLEX else: new_format = Vips.BandFormat.COMPLEX image = image.copy(format = new_format, bands = image.bands / 2) image = fn(image) if not Vips.band_format_iscomplex(original_format): if image.format == Vips.BandFormat.DPCOMPLEX: new_format = Vips.BandFormat.DOUBLE else: new_format = Vips.BandFormat.FLOAT image = image.copy(format = new_format, bands = image.bands * 2) return image def to_polar(image): """Transform image coordinates to polar. The image is transformed so that it is wrapped around a point in the centre. Vertical straight lines become circles or segments of circles, horizontal straight lines become radial spokes. """ # xy image, origin in the centre, scaled to fit image to a circle xy = Vips.Image.xyz(image.width, image.height) xy -= [image.width / 2.0, image.height / 2.0] scale = min(image.width, image.height) / float(image.width) xy *= 2.0 / scale # to polar, scale vertical axis to 360 degrees index = run_cmplx(lambda x: x.polar(), xy) index *= [1, image.height / 360.0] return image.mapim(index) def to_rectangular(image): """Transform image coordinates to rectangular. The image is transformed so that it is unwrapped from a point in the centre. Circles or segments of circles become vertical straight lines, radial lines become horizontal lines. """ # xy image, vertical scaled to 360 degrees xy = Vips.Image.xyz(image.width, image.height) xy *= [1, 360.0 / image.height] # to rect, scale to image rect index = run_cmplx(lambda x: x.rect(), xy) scale = min(image.width, image.height) / float(image.width) index *= scale / 2.0 index += [image.width / 2.0, image.height / 2.0] return image.mapim(index) a = Vips.Image.new_from_file(sys.argv[1]) a = to_polar(a) a = to_rectangular(a) a.write_to_file(sys.argv[2])