.TH IM_WRITELINE 3 "22 April 1991" .SH NAME im_writeline \- writes a line of data in the image descriptor .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .B int im_writeline(ypos, image, buffer) .br .B int ypos; .br .B IMAGE *image; .br .B char *buffer; .SH DESCRIPTION .B im_writeline(3) writes the ypos line of an image held in buffer to either the output buffer image (previously set by im_setbuf(3)) or to an output file (previously set by im_openput(3)). The function provides uniform treatment of output irrespectively whether it is a file or a buffer image. You should be careful that the buffer does indeed contain enough data for a complete line of pels --- see lsize(3). Any evaluation callbacks which have been added to image are triggered --- see im_generate(3) and im_add_eval_callback(3). .SH BUGS This function changed in VIPS6: programs written previously must be modified by removing the last argument of the old im_writeline(3). .SH RETURN VALUE The function returns 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE ALSO im_setbuf(3), im_openout(3), im_add_eval_callback(3). .SH COPYRIGHT N. Dessipris .SH AUTHOR N. Dessipris 23/04/1991