.TH IM_AND 3 "30 October 1992" .SH NAME im_add_close_callback, im_add_eval_callback, im_malloc, im_free, im_add_evalend_callback \- add image callbacks .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include int im_add_close_callback( im, fn, a, b ) .br IMAGE *im; .br int (*fn)(); .br void *a, *b; int im_add_evalend_callback( im, fn, a, b ) .br IMAGE *im; .br int (*fn)(); .br void *a, *b; where int fn( a, b ) .br void *a, *b; char *im_malloc( IMAGE *im, int size ); int im_free( void *s ); .B #include .br .B #include int im_add_eval_callback( im, fn, a, b ) .br IMAGE *im; .br int (*fn)(); .br void *a, *b; where int fn( a, b ) .br void *a, *b; .SH DESCRIPTION These functions attach callbacks to images. Callbacks are functions, with optional extra arguments a and b, which are remembered by the IMAGE they are attached to. These functions are triggered at some later stage in reponse to some event. You can attach as many callbacks as you like; all will be remembered, and will be called when the event occurs. The most recently added callback is called first --- this can be important for close callbacks. .B im_add_close_callback(3) adds a callback which will be triggered when the image is closed by .B im_close(3). The callback is expected to return 0 for success and non-zero for failure. If the function fails, then the whole .B im_close(3) fails. This function is used by VIPS to implement .B im_malloc(3). This allocates memory exactly as the standard .B malloc(3) function, but memory allocated is local to a descriptor. When the descriptor is closed, the memory allocated is automatically freed for you. If you pass NULL for the descriptor, then .B im_malloc(3) acts as .B malloc(3). On error, .B im_malloc(3) returns NULL, setting an error message. See the man pages for .B IM_NEW(3) and .B im_open_local(3) for further examples. Free memory with .B im_free(3). You may use close callbacks to trigger other .B im_close(3) operations, and there may even be circularity in your .B im_close(3) lists. .B im_add_evalend_callback(3) adds a callback which will be triggered when VIPS has finished writing to the descriptor. If you want to output some diagnostics from your function (an overflow count, for example), this is the callback to use. .B im_add_eval_callback(3) adds a callback which will be triggered repeatedly as the image is written to. This works for both PIO and WIO images, although it is rather more successful with PIO image output. When the callback is triggered, the time field of the descriptor will point to a time_info structure, as defined in #include struct time_info { IMAGE *im; /* Image we are part of */ time_t start; /* Start time, in seconds */ int run; /* Time we have been running */ int eta; /* Seconds of computation left */ int ttiles; /* Tiles we expect to calculate */ int ntiles; /* Tiles calculated so far */ int percent; /* Percent complete */ }; These fields are not exact! They should only be used to give approximate feedback to the user. It is possible to have percent > 100 ntiles > ttiles eta == 0 so be careful. Again, the eval callback should return 0 for success and non-zero for failure. If the callback fails, evaluation is abandoned. This may be used to provide a `cancel' feature in your user-interface. int eval_cb( IMAGE *im ) { printf( "%d%% complete ...\\n", im->time->percent ); return( 0 ); } if( im_add_eval_callback( out, eval_cb, out, NULL ) ) return( -1 ); ... now as we write to out, we will get %complete ... messages on stdout. .SH RETURN VALUE All functions return 0 on success and non-zero on error. .SH SEE ALSO IM_NEW(3), im_open_local(3). .SH COPYRIGHT National Gallery, 1993 .SH AUTHOR J. Cupitt \- 23/7/93