/* Some basic util functions. */ /* Copyright (C) 1991-2003 The National Gallery This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* These files are distributed with VIPS - http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk */ /* #define DEBUG */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC #include #endif /*WITH_DMALLOC*/ /* Largest string we can append in one operation. */ #define MAX_STRSIZE (16000) void im_buf_rewind( VBuf *buf ) { buf->i = 0; buf->lasti = 0; buf->full = FALSE; if( buf->base ) buf->base[0] = '\0'; } /* Power on init. */ void im_buf_init( VBuf *buf ) { buf->base = NULL; buf->mx = 0; buf->dynamic = FALSE; im_buf_rewind( buf ); } /* Reset to power on state ... only needed for dynamic bufs. */ void im_buf_destroy( VBuf *buf ) { if( buf->dynamic ) { if( buf->base ) { im_free( buf->base ); buf->base = NULL; } } im_buf_init( buf ); } /* Set to a static string. */ void im_buf_set_static( VBuf *buf, char *base, int mx ) { assert( mx >= 4 ); im_buf_destroy( buf ); buf->base = base; buf->mx = mx; buf->dynamic = FALSE; im_buf_rewind( buf ); } void im_buf_init_static( VBuf *buf, char *base, int mx ) { im_buf_init( buf ); im_buf_set_static( buf, base, mx ); } /* Set to a dynamic string. */ void im_buf_set_dynamic( VBuf *buf, int mx ) { assert( mx >= 4 ); if( buf->mx == mx && buf->dynamic ) /* No change? */ im_buf_rewind( buf ); else { im_buf_destroy( buf ); if( !(buf->base = IM_ARRAY( NULL, mx, char )) ) /* No error return, so just block writes. */ buf->full = TRUE; else { buf->mx = mx; buf->dynamic = TRUE; im_buf_rewind( buf ); } } } void im_buf_init_dynamic( VBuf *buf, int mx ) { im_buf_init( buf ); im_buf_set_dynamic( buf, mx ); } /* Append at most sz chars from string to buf. sz < 0 means unlimited. * FALSE on overflow. */ gboolean im_buf_appendns( VBuf *buf, const char *str, int sz ) { int len; int n; int avail; int cpy; if( buf->full ) return( FALSE ); /* Amount we want to copy. */ len = strlen( str ); if( sz >= 0 ) n = IM_MIN( sz, len ); else n = len; /* Space available. */ avail = buf->mx - buf->i - 4; /* Amount we actually copy. */ cpy = IM_MIN( n, avail ); strncpy( buf->base + buf->i, str, cpy ); buf->i += cpy; if( buf->i >= buf->mx - 4 ) { buf->full = TRUE; strcpy( buf->base + buf->mx - 4, "..." ); buf->i = buf->mx - 1; return( FALSE ); } return( TRUE ); } /* Append a string to a buf. Error on overflow. */ gboolean im_buf_appends( VBuf *buf, const char *str ) { return( im_buf_appendns( buf, str, -1 ) ); } /* Append a character to a buf. Error on overflow. */ gboolean im_buf_appendc( VBuf *buf, char ch ) { char tiny[2]; tiny[0] = ch; tiny[1] = '\0'; return( im_buf_appendns( buf, tiny, 1 ) ); } /* Append a double, non-localised. Useful for config files etc. */ gboolean im_buf_appendg( VBuf *buf, double g ) { char text[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE]; g_ascii_dtostr( text, sizeof( text ), g ); return( im_buf_appends( buf, text ) ); } /* Swap the rightmost occurence of old for new. */ gboolean im_buf_change( VBuf *buf, const char *old, const char *new ) { int olen = strlen( old ); int nlen = strlen( new ); int i; if( buf->full ) return( FALSE ); if( buf->i - olen + nlen > buf->mx - 4 ) { buf->full = TRUE; return( FALSE ); } /* Find pos of old. */ for( i = buf->i - olen; i > 0; i-- ) if( im_isprefix( old, buf->base + i ) ) break; assert( i >= 0 ); /* Move tail of buffer to make right-size space for new. */ memmove( buf->base + i + nlen, buf->base + i + olen, buf->i - i - olen ); /* Copy new in. */ memcpy( buf->base + i, new, nlen ); buf->i = i + nlen + (buf->i - i - olen); return( TRUE ); } /* Remove the last character. */ gboolean im_buf_removec( VBuf *buf, char ch ) { if( buf->full ) return( FALSE ); if( buf->i <= 0 ) return( FALSE ); buf->i -= 1; assert( buf->base[buf->i] == ch ); return( TRUE ); } /* Append to a buf, args as printf. FALSE on overflow. */ gboolean im_buf_appendf( VBuf *buf, const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list ap; char str[MAX_STRSIZE]; va_start( ap, fmt ); (void) im_vsnprintf( str, MAX_STRSIZE, fmt, ap ); va_end( ap ); return( im_buf_appends( buf, str ) ); } /* Append to a buf, args as vprintf. Error on overflow. */ gboolean im_buf_vappendf( VBuf *buf, const char *fmt, va_list ap ) { char str[MAX_STRSIZE]; (void) im_vsnprintf( str, MAX_STRSIZE, fmt, ap ); return( im_buf_appends( buf, str ) ); } /* Read all text from buffer. */ const char * im_buf_all( VBuf *buf ) { buf->base[buf->i] = '\0'; return( buf->base ); } gboolean im_buf_isempty( VBuf *buf ) { return( buf->i == 0 ); } gboolean im_buf_isfull( VBuf *buf ) { return( buf->full ); } /* Buffer length ... still need to do im_buf_all(). */ int im_buf_len( VBuf *buf ) { return( buf->i ); }