.TH IM_BANDJOIN 3 "28 June 1990" .SH NAME im_bandjoin, im_gbandjoin \- join two or more images .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .B int im_bandjoin(im1, im2, imout) .br .B IMAGE *im1, *im2, *imout; .B int im_gbandjoin(imarray, imout, no) .br .B IMAGE *imarray[], *imout; .br .B int no; .SH DESCRIPTION These function perform a band-wise join of two or more images. Input images should be of the same type and should have the same sizes. .B im_bandjoin() performs a band-wise join of two images. If the two images have n and m bands respectively, then the output image will have n+m bands, with the first n coming from the first image and the last m from the second. .B im_gbandjoin() performs a generalised band-wise join of no images. Input images can have any number of bands; for instance if imarray[0] has j bands, imarray[1] has k bands, ...., imarray[no-1] has z bands, output has j+k+...+z bands. .SH RETURN VALUE The functions returns 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE\ ALSO im_lrjoin(3), im_lrmerge(3), im_insert(3). .SH COPYRIGHT .br J. Cupitt, N. Dessipris .SH AUTHOR J. Cupitt, N. Dessipris \- 25/04/1991