/* @(#) Find the average of an image. Takes any non-complex image format, * @(#) returns a double. Finds the average of all bands. * @(#) * @(#) int * @(#) im_avg( im, out ) * @(#) IMAGE *im; * @(#) double *out; * @(#) * @(#) Returns 0 on success and -1 on error. * * Copyright: 1990, J. Cupitt * * Author: J. Cupitt * Written on: 02/08/1990 * Modified on: * 5/5/93 JC * - now does partial images * - less likely to overflow * 1/7/93 JC * - adapted for partial v2 * - ANSI C * 21/2/95 JC * - modernised again * 11/5/95 JC * - oops! return( NULL ) in im_avg(), instead of return( -1 ) * 20/6/95 JC * - now returns double * 13/1/05 * - use 64 bit arithmetic * 8/12/06 * - add liboil support */ /* This file is part of VIPS. VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* These files are distributed with VIPS - http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBOIL #include #endif /*HAVE_LIBOIL*/ #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC #include #endif /*WITH_DMALLOC*/ /* Start function: allocate space for a double in which we can accululate the * sum. */ static void * start_fn( IMAGE *out, void *a, void *b ) { double *tmp; if( !(tmp = IM_ARRAY( out, 1, double )) ) return( NULL ); *tmp = 0.0; return( (void *) tmp ); } /* Stop function. Add this little sum to the main sum. */ static int stop_fn( void *seq, void *a, void *b ) { double *tmp = (double *) seq; double *sum = (double *) a; *sum += *tmp; return( 0 ); } /* Loop over region, accumulating a sum in *tmp. */ static int scan_fn( REGION *reg, void *seq, void *a, void *b ) { double *tmp = (double *) seq; Rect *r = ®->valid; IMAGE *im = reg->im; int le = r->left; int to = r->top; int bo = IM_RECT_BOTTOM(r); int sz = IM_REGION_N_ELEMENTS( reg ); double sum = 0.0; int x, y; /* Sum pels in this section. */ #define loop(TYPE) \ { TYPE *p;\ \ for( y = to; y < bo; y++ ) { \ p = (TYPE *) IM_REGION_ADDR( reg, le, y ); \ \ for( x = 0; x < sz; x++ ) \ sum += *p++;\ }\ } /* Now generate code for all types. */ switch( im->BandFmt ) { case IM_BANDFMT_UCHAR: loop(unsigned char); break; case IM_BANDFMT_CHAR: loop(signed char); break; case IM_BANDFMT_USHORT: loop(unsigned short); break; case IM_BANDFMT_SHORT: loop(signed short); break; case IM_BANDFMT_UINT: loop(unsigned int); break; case IM_BANDFMT_INT: loop(signed int); break; case IM_BANDFMT_FLOAT: loop(float); break; case IM_BANDFMT_DOUBLE: #ifdef HAVE_LIBOIL for( y = to; y < bo; y++ ) { double *p = (double *) IM_REGION_ADDR( reg, le, y ); double t; oil_sum_f64( &t, p, sizeof( double ), sz ); sum += t; } #else /*!HAVE_LIBOIL*/ loop(double); #endif /*HAVE_LIBOIL*/ break; default: assert( 0 ); } /* Add to sum for this sequence. */ *tmp += sum; return( 0 ); } /* Find the average of an image. */ int im_avg( IMAGE *in, double *out ) { double sum = 0.0; gint64 vals, pels; /* Check our args. */ if( im_pincheck( in ) ) return( -1 ); if( im_iscomplex( in ) ) { im_error( "im_avg", "%s", _( "bad input type" ) ); return( -1 ); } if( in->Coding != IM_CODING_NONE ) { im_error( "im_avg", "%s", _( "not uncoded" ) ); return( -1 ); } /* Loop over input, summing pixels. */ if( im_iterate( in, start_fn, scan_fn, stop_fn, &sum, NULL ) ) return( -1 ); /* Calculate and return average. */ pels = (gint64) in->Xsize * in->Ysize; vals = pels * in->Bands; *out = sum / vals; return( 0 ); }