/* @(#) Join two images to make a complex. If one of the inputs * @(#) is a double, the output is IM_BANDFMT_DPCOMPLEX, otherwise it is IM_BANDFMT_COMPLEX. * @(#) * @(#) im_ri2c( IMAGE *in1, IMAGE *in2, IMAGE *out ) * @(#) * @(#) Returns: -1 on error, else 0 * Author: Nicos Dessipris * Written on: 12/02/1990 * Modified on : 10/04/1990 * 16/11/94 JC * - rewritten with partials * - more general */ /* This file is part of VIPS. VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* These files are distributed with VIPS - http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/ #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC #include #endif /*WITH_DMALLOC*/ /* Join two float buffers to make a complex. */ static void join_float( float **p, float *q, int n, IMAGE *im ) { int x; int len = n * im->Bands; float *p1 = p[0]; float *p2 = p[1]; for( x = 0; x < len; x++ ) { q[0] = *p1++; q[1] = *p2++; q += 2; } } /* Join two double buffers to make a complex. */ static void join_double( double **p, double *q, int n, IMAGE *im ) { int x; int len = n * im->Bands; double *p1 = p[0]; double *p2 = p[1]; for( x = 0; x < len; x++ ) { q[0] = *p1++; q[1] = *p2++; q += 2; } } /* Type conversion. */ static IMAGE * convert( IMAGE *out, IMAGE *in, int (*cvt_fn)( IMAGE *, IMAGE * ) ) { IMAGE *t1 = im_open_local( out, "Type conversion", "p" ); if( !t1 ) return( NULL ); if( cvt_fn( in, t1 ) ) return( NULL ); return( t1 ); } int im_ri2c( IMAGE *in1, IMAGE *in2, IMAGE *out ) { IMAGE *invec[3]; extern int im_clip2f( IMAGE *, IMAGE * ); extern int im_clip2d( IMAGE *, IMAGE * ); /* Check input image. We don't need to check that sizes match -- * im_wrapmany does this for us. */ if( in1->Coding != IM_CODING_NONE || in2->Coding != IM_CODING_NONE ) { im_errormsg( "im_ri2c: inputs should be uncoded" ); return( -1 ); } if( im_iscomplex( in1 ) || im_iscomplex( in2 ) ) { im_errormsg( "im_ri2c: inputs already complex" ); return( -1 ); } /* Prepare the output image. If either of the inputs is DOUBLE, we are * DPCOMPLEX; otherwise we are COMPLEX. */ if( im_cp_descv( out, in1, in2, NULL ) ) return( -1 ); if( in1->BandFmt == IM_BANDFMT_DOUBLE || in2->BandFmt == IM_BANDFMT_DOUBLE ) { out->Bbits = IM_BBITS_DPCOMPLEX; out->BandFmt = IM_BANDFMT_DPCOMPLEX; } else { out->Bbits = IM_BBITS_COMPLEX; out->BandFmt = IM_BANDFMT_COMPLEX; } /* Float inputs up to correct type. Note that if they are already the * right type, this operation becomes a NOOP. */ if( out->BandFmt == IM_BANDFMT_COMPLEX ) { in1 = convert( out, in1, im_clip2f ); in2 = convert( out, in2, im_clip2f ); } else { in1 = convert( out, in1, im_clip2d ); in2 = convert( out, in2, im_clip2d ); } if( !in1 || !in2 ) return( -1 ); /* Process! */ invec[0] = in1; invec[1] = in2; invec[2] = NULL; if( out->BandFmt == IM_BANDFMT_COMPLEX ) { if( im_wrapmany( invec, out, (im_wrapmany_fn) join_float, out, NULL ) ) return( -1 ); } else { if( im_wrapmany( invec, out, (im_wrapmany_fn) join_double, out, NULL ) ) return( -1 ); } return( 0 ); }