/* VIPS function dispatch tables for image format load/save. */ /* This file is part of VIPS. VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* These files are distributed with VIPS - http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/ #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC #include #endif /*WITH_DMALLOC*/ /* To iterate over supported formats, we build a temp list of subclasses of * VipsFormat, sort by priority, iterate, and free. */ static void * format_add_class( VipsFormatClass *format, GSList **formats ) { /* Append so we don't reverse the list of formats. */ *formats = g_slist_append( *formats, format ); return( NULL ); } static gint format_compare( VipsFormatClass *a, VipsFormatClass *b ) { return( b->priority - a->priority ); } void * vips_format_map( VSListMap2Fn fn, void *a, void *b ) { GSList *formats; void *result; formats = NULL; (void) vips_class_map_concrete_all( g_type_from_name( "VipsFormat" ), (VipsClassMap) format_add_class, (void *) &formats ); formats = g_slist_sort( formats, (GCompareFunc) format_compare ); result = im_slist_map2( formats, fn, a, b ); g_slist_free( formats ); return( result ); } /* Abstract base class for image formats. */ G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE( VipsFormat, vips_format, VIPS_TYPE_OBJECT ); static void vips_format_print_class( VipsObjectClass *object_class, VipsBuf *buf ) { VipsFormatClass *class = VIPS_FORMAT_CLASS( object_class ); const char **p; VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( vips_format_parent_class )-> print_class( object_class, buf ); vips_buf_appends( buf, ", (" ); for( p = class->suffs; *p; p++ ) { vips_buf_appendf( buf, "%s", *p ); if( p[1] ) vips_buf_appends( buf, ", " ); } vips_buf_appends( buf, ") " ); if( class->is_a ) vips_buf_appends( buf, "is_a " ); if( class->header ) vips_buf_appends( buf, "header " ); if( class->load ) vips_buf_appends( buf, "load " ); if( class->save ) vips_buf_appends( buf, "save " ); if( class->get_flags ) vips_buf_appends( buf, "get_flags " ); } static void vips_format_class_init( VipsFormatClass *class ) { VipsObjectClass *object_class = (VipsObjectClass *) class; object_class->print_class = vips_format_print_class; } static void vips_format_init( VipsFormat *object ) { } VipsFormatFlags vips_format_get_flags( VipsFormatClass *format, const char *filename ) { return( format->get_flags ? format->get_flags( filename ) : 0 ); } /* VIPS format class. */ static const char *vips_suffs[] = { ".v", NULL }; static int file2vips( const char *filename, IMAGE *out ) { IMAGE *im; if( !(im = im_open_local( out, filename, "r" )) || im_copy( im, out ) ) return( -1 ); return( 0 ); } static int vips2file( IMAGE *im, const char *filename ) { IMAGE *out; if( !(out = im_open_local( im, filename, "w" )) || im_copy( im, out ) ) return( -1 ); return( 0 ); } static VipsFormatFlags vips_flags( const char *filename ) { return( VIPS_FORMAT_PARTIAL ); } /* Vips format adds no new members. */ typedef VipsFormat VipsFormatVips; typedef VipsFormatClass VipsFormatVipsClass; static void vips_format_vips_class_init( VipsFormatVipsClass *class ) { VipsObjectClass *object_class = (VipsObjectClass *) class; VipsFormatClass *format_class = (VipsFormatClass *) class; object_class->nickname = "vips"; object_class->description = _( "VIPS" ); format_class->is_a = im_isvips; format_class->header = file2vips; format_class->load = file2vips; format_class->save = vips2file; format_class->get_flags = vips_flags; format_class->suffs = vips_suffs; } static void vips_format_vips_init( VipsFormatVips *object ) { } G_DEFINE_TYPE( VipsFormatVips, vips_format_vips, VIPS_TYPE_FORMAT ); /* Called on startup: register the base vips formats. */ void im__format_init( void ) { extern GType vips_format_csv_get_type(); extern GType vips_format_ppm_get_type(); extern GType vips_format_analyze_get_type(); extern GType vips_format_rad_get_type(); vips_format_vips_get_type(); #ifdef HAVE_JPEG extern GType vips_format_jpeg_get_type(); vips_format_jpeg_get_type(); #endif /*HAVE_JPEG*/ #ifdef HAVE_PNG extern GType vips_format_png_get_type(); vips_format_png_get_type(); #endif /*HAVE_PNG*/ vips_format_csv_get_type(); vips_format_ppm_get_type(); vips_format_analyze_get_type(); #ifdef HAVE_OPENEXR extern GType vips_format_exr_get_type(); vips_format_exr_get_type(); #endif /*HAVE_OPENEXR*/ #ifdef HAVE_MATIO extern GType vips_format_mat_get_type(); vips_format_mat_get_type(); #endif /*HAVE_MATIO*/ vips_format_rad_get_type(); #ifdef HAVE_MAGICK extern GType vips_format_magick_get_type(); vips_format_magick_get_type(); #endif /*HAVE_MAGICK*/ #ifdef HAVE_TIFF extern GType vips_format_tiff_get_type(); vips_format_tiff_get_type(); #endif /*HAVE_TIFF*/ } /* Can this format open this file? */ static void * format_for_file_sub( VipsFormatClass *format, const char *name, const char *filename ) { if( format->is_a ) { if( format->is_a( filename ) ) return( format ); } else if( im_filename_suffix_match( filename, format->suffs ) ) return( format ); return( NULL ); } VipsFormatClass * vips_format_for_file( const char *name ) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX]; char options[FILENAME_MAX]; VipsFormatClass *format; /* Break any options off the name ... eg. "fred.tif:jpeg,tile" * etc. */ im_filename_split( name, filename, options ); if( !im_existsf( "%s", filename ) ) { im_error( "format_for_file", _( "file \"%s\" not found" ), filename ); return( NULL ); } if( !(format = (VipsFormatClass *) vips_format_map( (VSListMap2Fn) format_for_file_sub, (void *) name, (void *) filename )) ) { im_error( "format_for_file", _( "file \"%s\" not a known format" ), filename ); return( NULL ); } return( format ); } /* Can we write this filename with this format? Ignore formats without a save * method. */ static void * format_for_name_sub( VipsFormatClass *format, const char *name ) { if( format->save && im_filename_suffix_match( name, format->suffs ) ) return( format ); return( NULL ); } VipsFormatClass * vips_format_for_name( const char *name ) { VipsFormatClass *format; if( !(format = (VipsFormatClass *) vips_format_map( (VSListMap2Fn) format_for_name_sub, (void *) name, NULL )) ) { char suffix[FILENAME_MAX]; im_filename_suffix( name, suffix ); im_error( "vips_format_for_name", _( "\"%s\" is not a supported image format." ), suffix ); return( NULL ); } return( format ); } int vips_format_read( const char *name, IMAGE *out ) { VipsFormatClass *format; if( !(format = vips_format_for_file( name )) || format->load( name, out ) ) return( -1 ); return( 0 ); } int vips_format_write( IMAGE *im, const char *name ) { VipsFormatClass *format; if( !(format = vips_format_for_name( name )) || format->save( im, name ) ) return( -1 ); return( 0 ); }