/* @(#) Programs for allocating and freeing matrices * @(#) pages 705- of numerical recipes in C 1998 * @(#) */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC #include #endif /*WITH_DMALLOC*/ #define TINY 1.0e-200 /* @(#) Allocates and returns an pointer at the beginning of * @(#) an integer array array[nl,nh] or * @(#) float array array[nl,nh] or * @(#) double array array[nl,nh] * @(#) * @(#) Right call * @(#) int *im_ivector(nl, nh) * @(#) int nl, nh; * @(#) returns a pointer to an int array or NULL on error * @(#) * @(#) Right call * @(#) float *im_fvector(nl, nh) * @(#) int nl, nh; * @(#) returns a pointer to a float array or NULL on error * @(#) * @(#) Right call * @(#) double *im_dvector(nl, nh) * @(#) int nl, nh; * @(#) returns a pointer to a double array or NULL on error * @(#) * @(#) The following functions free the array allocated by the functions above * @(#) * @(#) void im_free_ivector(v, nl, nh) * @(#) int *v; * @(#) int nl, nh; * @(#) * @(#) void im_free_fvector(v, nl, nh) * @(#) float *v; * @(#) int nl, nh; * @(#) * @(#) void im_free_dvector(v, nl, nh) * @(#) double *v; * @(#) int nl, nh; * @(#) */ int * im_ivector(nl, nh) int nl, nh; { int *v; v = (int *)im_malloc(NULL,(unsigned)(nh - nl + 1) * sizeof(int)); if (v == NULL) return(NULL); else return(v-nl); } float *im_fvector(nl, nh) int nl, nh; { float *v; v = (float *)im_malloc(NULL,(unsigned)(nh - nl + 1) * sizeof(float)); if (v == NULL) return(NULL); else return(v-nl); } double *im_dvector(nl, nh) int nl, nh; { double *v; v = (double *)im_malloc(NULL,(unsigned)(nh - nl + 1) * sizeof(double)); if (v == NULL) return(NULL); else return(v-nl); } void im_free_ivector(v, nl, nh) int *v; int nl, nh; { im_free((char*) (v+nl)); } void im_free_fvector(v, nl, nh) float *v; int nl, nh; { im_free((char*) (v+nl)); } void im_free_dvector(v, nl, nh) double *v; int nl, nh; { im_free((char*) (v+nl)); } /* @(#) Allocates and returns an pointer at the beginning of * @(#) an int, float or double, two dimensional matrix[nrl,nrh][ncl,nch] * @(#) * @(#) Right call * @(#) int **im_imat_alloc(nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) * @(#) int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; * @(#) returns a pointer to an int matrix or NULL on error * @(#) * @(#) float **im_fmat_alloc(nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) * @(#) int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; * @(#) returns a pointer to an int matrix or NULL on error * @(#) * @(#) double **im_dmat_alloc(nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) * @(#) int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; * @(#) returns a pointer to a double matrix or NULL on error * @(#) * @(#) The following routines free the matrix allocated by the functions above * @(#) void im_free_imat(m, nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) * @(#) int **m; * @(#) int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; * @(#) * @(#) void im_free_fmat(m, nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) * @(#) float **m; * @(#) int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; * @(#) * @(#) void im_free_dmat(m, nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) * @(#) double **m; * @(#) int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; * @(#) */ int **im_imat_alloc(nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; { int i; int **m; m = (int**)im_malloc(NULL,(unsigned)(nrh-nrl+1) * sizeof(int *)); if (m == NULL) return(NULL); m -= nrl; for (i=nrl; i<=nrh; i++) { m[i] = (int *)im_malloc(NULL,(unsigned) (nch-ncl+1) * sizeof(int)); if (m[i] == NULL) return(NULL); m[i] -= ncl; } return (m); } void im_free_imat(m, nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) int **m; int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; { int i; for (i=nrh; i>=nrl; i--) im_free((char*) (m[i]+ncl)); im_free((char*) (m+nrl)); } float **im_fmat_alloc(nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; { int i; float **m; m = (float**)im_malloc(NULL,(unsigned)(nrh-nrl+1) * sizeof(float *)); if (m == NULL) return(NULL); m -= nrl; for (i=nrl; i<=nrh; i++) { m[i] = (float *)im_malloc(NULL,(unsigned) (nch-ncl+1) * sizeof(float)); if (m[i] == NULL) return(NULL); m[i] -= ncl; } return (m); } void im_free_fmat(m, nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) float **m; int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; { int i; for (i=nrh; i>=nrl; i--) im_free((char*) (m[i]+ncl)); im_free((char*) (m+nrl)); } double **im_dmat_alloc(nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; { int i; double **m; m = (double**)im_malloc(NULL,(unsigned)(nrh-nrl+1) * sizeof(double *)); if (m == NULL) return(NULL); m -= nrl; for (i=nrl; i<=nrh; i++) { m[i] = (double *)im_malloc(NULL,(unsigned) (nch-ncl+1) * sizeof(double)); if (m[i] == NULL) return(NULL); m[i] -= ncl; } return (m); } void im_free_dmat(m, nrl, nrh, ncl, nch) double **m; int nrl, nrh, ncl, nch; { int i; for (i=nrh; i>=nrl; i--) im_free((char*) (m[i]+ncl)); im_free((char*) (m+nrl)); }