VIPS function list 3 VIPS Library Using VIPS List of VIPS functions and operators Function list VIPS has a set of operators each of which computes some useful image processing operation. Each operator is implemented as a %GObject class, for example VipsGamma. Classes are identified by their unique nickname, in this case gamma. From the command-line, C++ and most language bindings, you use the nickname to call the operator. For example in C++: vips::VImage fred = ...; vips::VImage jim = fred.gamma(); or Python: fred = jim.gamma() VIPS has a set of C wrapper functions for calling operators, in this case vips_gamma(): VipsImage *fred = ...; VipsImage *jim; if (vips_gamma(fred, &jim, NULL)) ...error; Some operators have many C convenience functions. This table lists all the VIPS operators with their C convenience functions and a short description. It's supposed to be useful for searching. See the API docs each function links to for more details. VIPS functions and operators Operator Description C functions CMC2LCh Transform lch to cmc vips_CMC2LCh() CMYK2XYZ Transform cmyk to xyz vips_CMYK2XYZ() HSV2sRGB Transform hsv to srgb vips_HSV2sRGB() LCh2CMC Transform lch to cmc vips_LCh2CMC() LCh2Lab Transform lch to lab vips_LCh2Lab() Lab2LCh Transform lab to lch vips_Lab2LCh() Lab2LabQ Transform float lab to labq coding vips_Lab2LabQ() Lab2LabS Transform float lab to signed short vips_Lab2LabS() Lab2XYZ Transform cielab to xyz vips_Lab2XYZ() LabQ2Lab Unpack a labq image to float lab vips_LabQ2Lab() LabQ2LabS Unpack a labq image to short lab vips_LabQ2LabS() LabQ2sRGB Convert a labq image to srgb vips_LabQ2sRGB() LabS2Lab Transform signed short lab to float vips_LabS2Lab() LabS2LabQ Transform short lab to labq coding vips_LabS2LabQ() XYZ2CMYK Transform xyz to cmyk vips_XYZ2CMYK() XYZ2Lab Transform xyz to lab vips_XYZ2Lab() XYZ2Yxy Transform xyz to yxy vips_XYZ2Yxy() XYZ2scRGB Transform xyz to scrgb vips_XYZ2scRGB() Yxy2XYZ Transform yxy to xyz vips_Yxy2XYZ() abs Absolute value of an image vips_abs() add Add two images vips_add() affine Affine transform of an image vips_affine() analyzeload Load an analyze6 image vips_analyzeload() arrayjoin Join an array of images vips_arrayjoin() autorot Autorotate image by exif tag vips_autorot() avg Find image average vips_avg() bandbool Boolean operation across image bands vips_bandbool(), vips_bandand(), vips_bandor(), vips_bandeor(), vips_bandmean() bandfold Fold up x axis into bands vips_bandfold() bandjoin Bandwise join a set of images vips_bandjoin(), vips_bandjoin2() bandjoin_const Append a constant band to an image vips_bandjoin_const(), vips_bandjoin_const1() bandmean Band-wise average vips_bandmean() bandrank Band-wise rank of a set of images vips_bandrank() bandunfold Unfold image bands into x axis vips_bandunfold() black Make a black image vips_black() boolean Boolean operation on two images vips_boolean(), vips_andimage(), vips_orimage(), vips_eorimage(), vips_lshift(), vips_rshift() boolean_const Boolean operations against a constant vips_boolean_const(), vips_andimage_const(), vips_orimage_const(), vips_eorimage_const(), vips_lshift_const(), vips_rshift_const(), vips_boolean_const1(), vips_andimage_const1(), vips_orimage_const1(), vips_eorimage_const1(), vips_lshift_const1(), vips_rshift_const1() buildlut Build a look-up table vips_buildlut() byteswap Byteswap an image vips_byteswap() cache Cache an image vips_cache() canny Canny edge detector vips_canny() case Use pixel values to pick cases from an array of images vips_case() cast Cast an image vips_cast(), vips_cast_uchar(), vips_cast_char(), vips_cast_ushort(), vips_cast_shortcast_uint(), vips_cast_int(), vips_cast_float(), vips_cast_double(), vips_cast_complex(), vips_cast_dpcomplex() colourspace Convert to a new colorspace vips_colourspace() compass Convolve with rotating mask vips_compass() complex Perform a complex operation on an image vips_complex(), vips_polar(), vips_rect(), vips_conj() complex2 Complex binary operations on two images vips_complex2(), vips_cross_phase() complexform Form a complex image from two real images vips_complexform() complexget Get a component from a complex image vips_complexget(), vips_real(), vips_imag() composite Blend an array of images with an array of blend modes vips_composite() composite2 Blend a pair of images with a blend mode vips_composite2() conv Convolution operation vips_conv() conva Approximate integer convolution vips_conva() convasep Approximate separable integer convolution vips_convasep() convf Float convolution operation vips_convf() convi Int convolution operation vips_convi() convsep Seperable convolution operation vips_convsep() copy Copy an image vips_copy() countlines Count lines in an image vips_countlines() csvload Load csv vips_csvload() csvload_source Load csv vips_csvload_source() csvsave Save image to csv vips_csvsave() csvsave_target Save image to csv vips_csvsave_target() dE00 Calculate de00 vips_dE00() dE76 Calculate de76 vips_dE76() dECMC Calculate decmc vips_dECMC() deviate Find image standard deviation vips_deviate() divide Divide two images vips_divide() draw_circle Draw a circle on an image vips_draw_circle(), vips_draw_circle1() draw_flood Flood-fill an area vips_draw_flood(), vips_draw_flood1() draw_image Paint an image into another image vips_draw_image() draw_line Draw a line on an image vips_draw_line(), vips_draw_line1() draw_mask Draw a mask on an image vips_draw_mask(), vips_draw_mask1() draw_rect Paint a rectangle on an image vips_draw_rect(), vips_draw_rect1(), vips_draw_point(), vips_draw_point1() draw_smudge Blur a rectangle on an image vips_draw_smudge() dzsave Save image to deepzoom file vips_dzsave() dzsave_buffer Save image to dz buffer vips_dzsave_buffer() dzsave_target Save image to deepzoom target vips_dzsave_target() embed Embed an image in a larger image vips_embed() extract_area Extract an area from an image vips_extract_area(), vips_crop() extract_band Extract band from an image vips_extract_band() eye Make an image showing the eye's spatial response vips_eye() falsecolour False-color an image vips_falsecolour() fastcor Fast correlation vips_fastcor() fill_nearest Fill image zeros with nearest non-zero pixel vips_fill_nearest() find_trim Search an image for non-edge areas vips_find_trim() fitsload Load a fits image vips_fitsload() fitsload_source Load fits from a source vips_fitsload_source() fitssave Save image to fits file vips_fitssave() flatten Flatten alpha out of an image vips_flatten() flip Flip an image vips_flip() float2rad Transform float rgb to radiance coding vips_float2rad() fractsurf Make a fractal surface vips_fractsurf() freqmult Frequency-domain filtering vips_freqmult() fwfft Forward fft vips_fwfft() gamma Gamma an image vips_gamma() gaussblur Gaussian blur vips_gaussblur() gaussmat Make a gaussian image vips_gaussmat() gaussnoise Make a gaussnoise image vips_gaussnoise() getpoint Read a point from an image vips_getpoint() gifload Load gif with libnsgif vips_gifload() gifload_buffer Load gif with libnsgif vips_gifload_buffer() gifload_source Load gif from source vips_gifload_source() gifsave Save as gif vips_gifsave() gifsave_buffer Save as gif vips_gifsave_buffer() gifsave_target Save as gif vips_gifsave_target() globalbalance Global balance an image mosaic vips_globalbalance() gravity Place an image within a larger image with a certain gravity vips_gravity() grey Make a grey ramp image vips_grey() grid Grid an image vips_grid() heifload Load a heif image vips_heifload() heifload_buffer Load a heif image vips_heifload_buffer() heifload_source Load a heif image vips_heifload_source() heifsave Save image in heif format vips_heifsave() heifsave_buffer Save image in heif format vips_heifsave_buffer() heifsave_target Save image in heif format vips_heifsave_target() hist_cum Form cumulative histogram vips_hist_cum() hist_entropy Estimate image entropy vips_hist_entropy() hist_equal Histogram equalisation vips_hist_equal() hist_find Find image histogram vips_hist_find() hist_find_indexed Find indexed image histogram vips_hist_find_indexed() hist_find_ndim Find n-dimensional image histogram vips_hist_find_ndim() hist_ismonotonic Test for monotonicity vips_hist_ismonotonic() hist_local Local histogram equalisation vips_hist_local() hist_match Match two histograms vips_hist_match() hist_norm Normalise histogram vips_hist_norm() hist_plot Plot histogram vips_hist_plot() hough_circle Find hough circle transform vips_hough_circle() hough_line Find hough line transform vips_hough_line() icc_export Output to device with icc profile vips_icc_export() icc_import Import from device with icc profile vips_icc_import() icc_transform Transform between devices with icc profiles vips_icc_transform() identity Make a 1d image where pixel values are indexes vips_identity() ifthenelse Ifthenelse an image vips_ifthenelse() insert Insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y vips_insert() invert Invert an image vips_invert() invertlut Build an inverted look-up table vips_invertlut() invfft Inverse fft vips_invfft() join Join a pair of images vips_join() jp2kload Load jpeg2000 image vips_jp2kload() jp2kload_buffer Load jpeg2000 image vips_jp2kload_buffer() jp2kload_source Load jpeg2000 image vips_jp2kload_source() jp2ksave Save image in jpeg2000 format vips_jp2ksave() jp2ksave_buffer Save image in jpeg2000 format vips_jp2ksave_buffer() jp2ksave_target Save image in jpeg2000 format vips_jp2ksave_target() jpegload Load jpeg from file vips_jpegload() jpegload_buffer Load jpeg from buffer vips_jpegload_buffer() jpegload_source Load image from jpeg source vips_jpegload_source() jpegsave Save image to jpeg file vips_jpegsave() jpegsave_buffer Save image to jpeg buffer vips_jpegsave_buffer() jpegsave_mime Save image to jpeg mime vips_jpegsave_mime() jpegsave_target Save image to jpeg target vips_jpegsave_target() jxlload Load jpeg-xl image vips_jxlload() jxlload_buffer Load jpeg-xl image vips_jxlload_buffer() jxlload_source Load jpeg-xl image vips_jxlload_source() jxlsave Save image in jpeg-xl format vips_jxlsave() jxlsave_buffer Save image in jpeg-xl format vips_jxlsave_buffer() jxlsave_target Save image in jpeg-xl format vips_jxlsave_target() labelregions Label regions in an image vips_labelregions() linear Calculate (a * in + b) vips_linear(), vips_linear1() linecache Cache an image as a set of lines vips_linecache() logmat Make a laplacian of gaussian image vips_logmat() magickload Load file with imagemagick vips_magickload() magickload_buffer Load buffer with imagemagick vips_magickload_buffer() magicksave Save file with imagemagick vips_magicksave() magicksave_buffer Save image to magick buffer vips_magicksave_buffer() mapim Resample with a map image vips_mapim() maplut Map an image though a lut vips_maplut() mask_butterworth Make a butterworth filter vips_mask_butterworth() mask_butterworth_band Make a butterworth_band filter vips_mask_butterworth_band() mask_butterworth_ring Make a butterworth ring filter vips_mask_butterworth_ring() mask_fractal Make fractal filter vips_mask_fractal() mask_gaussian Make a gaussian filter vips_mask_gaussian() mask_gaussian_band Make a gaussian filter vips_mask_gaussian_band() mask_gaussian_ring Make a gaussian ring filter vips_mask_gaussian_ring() mask_ideal Make an ideal filter vips_mask_ideal() mask_ideal_band Make an ideal band filter vips_mask_ideal_band() mask_ideal_ring Make an ideal ring filter vips_mask_ideal_ring() match First-order match of two images vips_match() math Apply a math operation to an image vips_math(), vips_sin(), vips_cos(), vips_tan(), vips_asin(), vips_acos(), vips_atan(), vips_sinh(), vips_cosh(), vips_tanh(), vips_asinh(), vips_acosh(), vips_atanh(), vips_exp(), vips_exp10(), vips_log(), vips_log10() math2 Binary math operations vips_math2(), vips_pow(), vips_wop(), vips_atan2() math2_const Binary math operations with a constant vips_math2_const(), vips_andimage_const(), vips_orimage_const(), vips_eorimage_const(), vips_lshift_const(), vips_rshift_const(), vips_math2_const1(), vips_andimage_const1(), vips_orimage_const1(), vips_eorimage_const1(), vips_lshift_const1(), vips_rshift_const1() matload Load mat from file vips_matload() matrixinvert Invert an matrix vips_matrixinvert() matrixload Load matrix vips_matrixload() matrixload_source Load matrix vips_matrixload_source() matrixprint Print matrix vips_matrixprint() matrixsave Save image to matrix vips_matrixsave() matrixsave_target Save image to matrix vips_matrixsave_target() max Find image maximum vips_max() measure Measure a set of patches on a color chart vips_measure() merge Merge two images vips_merge() min Find image minimum vips_min() morph Morphology operation vips_morph() mosaic Mosaic two images vips_mosaic() mosaic1 First-order mosaic of two images vips_mosaic1() msb Pick most-significant byte from an image vips_msb() multiply Multiply two images vips_multiply() niftiload Load nifti volume vips_niftiload() niftiload_source Load nifti volumes vips_niftiload_source() niftisave Save image to nifti file vips_niftisave() openexrload Load an openexr image vips_openexrload() openslideload Load file with openslide vips_openslideload() openslideload_source Load source with openslide vips_openslideload_source() pdfload Load pdf from file vips_pdfload() pdfload_buffer Load pdf from buffer vips_pdfload_buffer() pdfload_source Load pdf from source vips_pdfload_source() percent Find threshold for percent of pixels vips_percent() perlin Make a perlin noise image vips_perlin() phasecor Calculate phase correlation vips_phasecor() pngload Load png from file vips_pngload() pngload_buffer Load png from buffer vips_pngload_buffer() pngload_source Load png from source vips_pngload_source() pngsave Save image to file as png vips_pngsave() pngsave_buffer Save image to buffer as png vips_pngsave_buffer() pngsave_target Save image to target as png vips_pngsave_target() ppmload Load ppm from file vips_ppmload() ppmload_source Load ppm base class vips_ppmload_source() ppmsave Save image to ppm file vips_ppmsave() ppmsave_target Save to ppm vips_ppmsave_target() premultiply Premultiply image alpha vips_premultiply() profile Find image profiles vips_profile() profile_load Load named icc profile vips_profile_load() project Find image projections vips_project() quadratic Resample an image with a quadratic transform vips_quadratic() rad2float Unpack radiance coding to float rgb vips_rad2float() radload Load a radiance image from a file vips_radload() radload_buffer Load rad from buffer vips_radload_buffer() radload_source Load rad from source vips_radload_source() radsave Save image to radiance file vips_radsave() radsave_buffer Save image to radiance buffer vips_radsave_buffer() radsave_target Save image to radiance target vips_radsave_target() rank Rank filter vips_rank(), vips_median() rawload Load raw data from a file vips_rawload() rawsave Save image to raw file vips_rawsave() rawsave_fd Write raw image to file descriptor vips_rawsave_fd() recomb Linear recombination with matrix vips_recomb() reduce Reduce an image vips_reduce() reduceh Shrink an image horizontally vips_reduceh() reducev Shrink an image vertically vips_reducev() relational Relational operation on two images vips_relational(), vips_equal(), vips_notequal(), vips_less(), vips_lesseq(), vips_more(), vips_moreeq() relational_const Relational operations against a constant vips_relational_const(), vips_equal_const(), vips_notequal_const(), vips_less_const(), vips_lesseq_const(), vips_more_const(), vips_moreeq_const(), vips_relational_const1(), vips_equal_const1(), vips_notequal_const1(), vips_less_const1(), vips_lesseq_const1(), vips_more_const1(), vips_moreeq_const1() remainder Remainder after integer division of two images vips_remainder() remainder_const Remainder after integer division of an image and a constant vips_remainder_const(), vips_remainder_const1() replicate Replicate an image vips_replicate() resize Resize an image vips_resize() rot Rotate an image vips_rot() rot45 Rotate an image vips_rot45() rotate Rotate an image by a number of degrees vips_rotate() round Perform a round function on an image vips_round(), vips_floor(), vips_ceil(), vips_rint() sRGB2HSV Transform srgb to hsv vips_sRGB2HSV() sRGB2scRGB Convert an srgb image to scrgb vips_sRGB2scRGB() scRGB2BW Convert scrgb to bw vips_scRGB2BW() scRGB2XYZ Transform scrgb to xyz vips_scRGB2XYZ() scRGB2sRGB Convert an scrgb image to srgb vips_scRGB2sRGB() scale Scale an image to uchar vips_scale() sequential Check sequential access vips_sequential() sharpen Unsharp masking for print vips_sharpen() shrink Shrink an image vips_shrink() shrinkh Shrink an image horizontally vips_shrinkh() shrinkv Shrink an image vertically vips_shrinkv() sign Unit vector of pixel vips_sign() similarity Similarity transform of an image vips_similarity() sines Make a 2d sine wave vips_sines() smartcrop Extract an area from an image vips_smartcrop() sobel Sobel edge detector vips_sobel() spcor Spatial correlation vips_spcor() spectrum Make displayable power spectrum vips_spectrum() stats Find many image stats vips_stats() stdif Statistical difference vips_stdif() subsample Subsample an image vips_subsample() subtract Subtract two images vips_subtract() sum Sum an array of images vips_sum() svgload Load svg with rsvg vips_svgload() svgload_buffer Load svg with rsvg vips_svgload_buffer() svgload_source Load svg from source vips_svgload_source() switch Find the index of the first non-zero pixel in tests vips_switch() system Run an external command vips_system() text Make a text image vips_text() thumbnail Generate thumbnail from file vips_thumbnail() thumbnail_buffer Generate thumbnail from buffer vips_thumbnail_buffer() thumbnail_image Generate thumbnail from image vips_thumbnail_image() thumbnail_source Generate thumbnail from source vips_thumbnail_source() tiffload Load tiff from file vips_tiffload() tiffload_buffer Load tiff from buffer vips_tiffload_buffer() tiffload_source Load tiff from source vips_tiffload_source() tiffsave Save image to tiff file vips_tiffsave() tiffsave_buffer Save image to tiff buffer vips_tiffsave_buffer() tiffsave_target Save image to tiff target vips_tiffsave_target() tilecache Cache an image as a set of tiles vips_tilecache() tonelut Build a look-up table vips_tonelut() transpose3d Transpose3d an image vips_transpose3d() unpremultiply Unpremultiply image alpha vips_unpremultiply() vipsload Load vips from file vips_vipsload() vipsload_source Load vips from source vips_vipsload_source() vipssave Save image to file in vips format vips_vipssave() vipssave_target Save image to target in vips format vips_vipssave_target() webpload Load webp from file vips_webpload() webpload_buffer Load webp from buffer vips_webpload_buffer() webpload_source Load webp from source vips_webpload_source() webpsave Save image to webp file vips_webpsave() webpsave_buffer Save image to webp buffer vips_webpsave_buffer() webpsave_target Save image to webp target vips_webpsave_target() worley Make a worley noise image vips_worley() wrap Wrap image origin vips_wrap() xyz Make an image where pixel values are coordinates vips_xyz() zone Make a zone plate vips_zone() zoom Zoom an image vips_zoom()