.TH IM_REMOSAIC 3 "7 Nov 2001" .SH NAME im_remosaic \- rebuild a mosaic, substituting filenames .SH SYNOPSIS #include int im_remosaic( IMAGE *in, IMAGE *out, .br const char *old_str, const char *new_str ) .SH DESCRIPTION .B im_remosaic(3) works rather as im_global_balance(). It takes apart the mosaiced image in and rebuilds it, substituting images. Unlike .B im_global_balance(3) images are substituted based on their filenames. The rightmost occurence of the string old_str is swapped for new_str, that file is opened, and that image substituted for the old image. It's convenient for multispectral images. You can mosaic one band, then use that mosaic as a template for mosaicing the others automatically. .SH RETURN VALUE Functions return 0 on success and -1 on error. .SH SEE ALSO im_global_balance(3)