# libvips : an image processing library libvips is an image processing library. It's good for large images and for colour. There's a GUI as well, see the [VIPS website](http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk). There are packages for most unix-like operating systems and binaries for Windows and OS X. # Building libvips from source In the libvips directory you should just be able to do: $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install By default this will install files to `/usr/local`. See the Dependencies section below for a list of the things that libvips needs in order to be able to build. We have detailed guides on the wiki for [building on Windows](http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk/index.php?title=Build_on_windows) and [building on OS X](http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk/index.php?title=Build_on_OS_X). # Building libvips from GIT Checkout the latest sources with: $ git clone git://github.com/jcupitt/libvips.git Then for a debug build: $ ./bootstrap.sh $ CFLAGS="-g -Wall" CXXFLAGS="-g -Wall" ./configure --prefix=/home/john/vips --enable-gtk-doc $ make $ make install # Dependencies libvips has to have gettext, glib-2.x and libxml-2.0. The build system needs sh, pkg-config, swig, gtk-doc-tools, automake, gobject-introspection and gnu make. # Optional dependencies If suitable versions are found, libvips will add support for the following libraries automatically. See `./configure --help` for a set of flags to control library detection. Packages are generally found with `pkg-config`, so make sure that is working. libtiff and libjpeg do not usually use pkg-config so libvips looks for them in the default path and in $prefix. If you have installed your own versions of these libraries in a different location, libvips will not see them. Use switches to libvips configure like: ./configure --prefix=/Users/john/vips \ --with-tiff-includes=/opt/local/include \ --with-tiff-libraries=/opt/local/lib \ --with-jpeg-includes=/opt/local/include \ --with-jpeg-libraries=/opt/local/lib or perhaps: CFLAGS="-g -Wall -I/opt/local/include -L/opt/local/lib" \ CXXFLAGS="-g -Wall -I/opt/local/include -L/opt/local/lib" \ ./configure --without-python --prefix=/Users/john/vips to get libvips to see your builds. ## libjpeg The IJG JPEG library. ## libexif If available, libvips adds support for EXIF metadata in JPEG files. ## libtiff The TIFF library. It needs to be built with support for JPEG and ZIP compression. 3.4b037 and later are known to be OK. ## libz If your TIFF library includes ZIP compression, you'll need this too. ## videodev.h If libvips finds linux/videodev.h, you get support for Linux video grabbing. ## fftw3 If libvips finds this library, it uses it for fourier transforms. It can also use fftw2, but 3 is faster and more accurate. ## lcms2, lcms If present, im_icc_import(), _export() and _transform() are available for transforming images with ICC profiles. If lcms2 is available, it is used in preference to lcms since it is faster. ## Large files libvips uses the standard autoconf tests to work out how to support large files (>2GB) on your system. Any reasonably recent *nix should be OK. ## libpng If present, libvips can load and save png files. ## libMagick, or optionally GraphicsMagick if available, libvips adds support for loading all libMagick supported image file types (about 80 different formats). Use `--with-magickpackage` to build against graphicsmagick instead. ## pangoft2 If available, libvips adds support for text rendering. You need the package pangoft2 in `pkg-config --list-all`. ## orc-0.4 If available, vips will accelerate some operations with this run-time compiler. ## matio If available, vips can load images from Matlab save files. ## cfitsio If available, vips can load FITS images. ## OpenEXR If available, libvips will directly read (but not write, sadly) OpenEXR images. ## OpenSlide If available, libvips can load OpenSlide-supported virtual slide files: Aperio, Hamamatsu VMS and VMU, Leica, MIRAX, and Trestle. ## swig, python, python-dev If available, we build the python binding too. # Disclaimer No guarantees of performance accompany this software, nor is any responsibility assumed on the part of the authors. Please read the licence agreement.