# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # test helpers import os import tempfile import pytest import pyvips IMAGES = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'images') JPEG_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "йцук.jpg") SRGB_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "sRGB.icm") MATLAB_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "sample.mat") PNG_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "sample.png") TIF_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "sample.tif") OME_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "multi-channel-z-series.ome.tif") ANALYZE_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "t00740_tr1_segm.hdr") GIF_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "cramps.gif") WEBP_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "1.webp") EXR_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "sample.exr") FITS_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "WFPC2u5780205r_c0fx.fits") OPENSLIDE_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "CMU-1-Small-Region.svs") PDF_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "ISO_12233-reschart.pdf") CMYK_PDF_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "cmyktest.pdf") SVG_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "logo.svg") SVGZ_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "logo.svgz") SVG_GZ_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "logo.svg.gz") GIF_ANIM_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "cogs.gif") DICOM_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "dicom_test_image.dcm") BMP_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "MARBLES.BMP") NIFTI_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "avg152T1_LR_nifti.nii.gz") ICO_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "favicon.ico") HEIC_FILE = os.path.join(IMAGES, "Example1.heic") unsigned_formats = [pyvips.BandFormat.UCHAR, pyvips.BandFormat.USHORT, pyvips.BandFormat.UINT] signed_formats = [pyvips.BandFormat.CHAR, pyvips.BandFormat.SHORT, pyvips.BandFormat.INT] float_formats = [pyvips.BandFormat.FLOAT, pyvips.BandFormat.DOUBLE] complex_formats = [pyvips.BandFormat.COMPLEX, pyvips.BandFormat.DPCOMPLEX] int_formats = unsigned_formats + signed_formats noncomplex_formats = int_formats + float_formats all_formats = int_formats + float_formats + complex_formats colour_colourspaces = [pyvips.Interpretation.XYZ, pyvips.Interpretation.LAB, pyvips.Interpretation.LCH, pyvips.Interpretation.CMC, pyvips.Interpretation.LABS, pyvips.Interpretation.SCRGB, pyvips.Interpretation.HSV, pyvips.Interpretation.SRGB, pyvips.Interpretation.YXY] cmyk_colourspaces = [pyvips.Interpretation.CMYK] coded_colourspaces = [pyvips.Interpretation.LABQ] mono_colourspaces = [pyvips.Interpretation.B_W] sixteenbit_colourspaces = [pyvips.Interpretation.GREY16, pyvips.Interpretation.RGB16] all_colourspaces = colour_colourspaces + mono_colourspaces + \ coded_colourspaces + sixteenbit_colourspaces + \ cmyk_colourspaces max_value = {pyvips.BandFormat.UCHAR: 0xff, pyvips.BandFormat.USHORT: 0xffff, pyvips.BandFormat.UINT: 0xffffffff, pyvips.BandFormat.CHAR: 0x7f, pyvips.BandFormat.SHORT: 0x7fff, pyvips.BandFormat.INT: 0x7fffffff, pyvips.BandFormat.FLOAT: 1.0, pyvips.BandFormat.DOUBLE: 1.0, pyvips.BandFormat.COMPLEX: 1.0, pyvips.BandFormat.DPCOMPLEX: 1.0} sizeof_format = {pyvips.BandFormat.UCHAR: 1, pyvips.BandFormat.USHORT: 2, pyvips.BandFormat.UINT: 4, pyvips.BandFormat.CHAR: 1, pyvips.BandFormat.SHORT: 2, pyvips.BandFormat.INT: 4, pyvips.BandFormat.FLOAT: 4, pyvips.BandFormat.DOUBLE: 8, pyvips.BandFormat.COMPLEX: 8, pyvips.BandFormat.DPCOMPLEX: 16} rot45_angles = [pyvips.Angle45.D0, pyvips.Angle45.D45, pyvips.Angle45.D90, pyvips.Angle45.D135, pyvips.Angle45.D180, pyvips.Angle45.D225, pyvips.Angle45.D270, pyvips.Angle45.D315] rot45_angle_bonds = [pyvips.Angle45.D0, pyvips.Angle45.D315, pyvips.Angle45.D270, pyvips.Angle45.D225, pyvips.Angle45.D180, pyvips.Angle45.D135, pyvips.Angle45.D90, pyvips.Angle45.D45] rot_angles = [pyvips.Angle.D0, pyvips.Angle.D90, pyvips.Angle.D180, pyvips.Angle.D270] rot_angle_bonds = [pyvips.Angle.D0, pyvips.Angle.D270, pyvips.Angle.D180, pyvips.Angle.D90] # an expanding zip ... if either of the args is a scalar or a one-element list, # duplicate it down the other side def zip_expand(x, y): # handle singleton list case if isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == 1: x = x[0] if isinstance(y, list) and len(y) == 1: y = y[0] if isinstance(x, list) and isinstance(y, list): return list(zip(x, y)) elif isinstance(x, list): return [[i, y] for i in x] elif isinstance(y, list): return [[x, j] for j in y] else: return [[x, y]] # run a 1-ary function on a thing -- loop over elements if the # thing is a list def run_fn(fn, x): if isinstance(x, list): return [fn(i) for i in x] else: return fn(x) # make a temp filename with the specified suffix and in the # specified directory def temp_filename(directory, suffix): temp_name = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) filename = os.path.join(directory, temp_name + suffix) return filename # test for an operator exists def have(name): return pyvips.type_find("VipsOperation", name) != 0 def skip_if_no(operation_name): return pytest.mark.skipif(not have(operation_name), reason='no {}, skipping test'.format(operation_name)) # run a 2-ary function on two things -- loop over elements pairwise if the # things are lists def run_fn2(fn, x, y): if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image) or isinstance(y, pyvips.Image): return fn(x, y) elif isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(y, list): return [fn(i, j) for i, j in zip_expand(x, y)] else: return fn(x, y) # test a pair of things which can be lists for approx. equality def assert_almost_equal_objects(a, b, threshold=0.0001, msg=''): # print('assertAlmostEqualObjects %s = %s' % (a, b)) assert all([pytest.approx(x, abs=threshold) == y for x, y in zip_expand(a, b)]), msg # test a pair of things which can be lists for equality def assert_equal_objects(a, b, msg=''): # print 'assertEqualObjects %s = %s' % (a, b) assert all([x == y for x, y in zip_expand(a, b)]), msg # test a pair of things which can be lists for difference less than a # threshold def assert_less_threshold(a, b, diff): assert all([abs(x - y) < diff for x, y in zip_expand(a, b)]) # run a function on an image and on a single pixel, the results # should match def run_cmp(message, im, x, y, fn): a = im(x, y) v1 = fn(a) im2 = fn(im) v2 = im2(x, y) assert_almost_equal_objects(v1, v2, msg=message) # run a function on an image, # 50,50 and 10,10 should have different values on the test image def run_image(message, im, fn): run_cmp(message, im, 50, 50, fn) run_cmp(message, im, 10, 10, fn) # run a function on (image, constant), and on (constant, image). # 50,50 and 10,10 should have different values on the test image def run_const(message, fn, im, c): run_cmp(message, im, 50, 50, lambda x: run_fn2(fn, x, c)) run_cmp(message, im, 50, 50, lambda x: run_fn2(fn, c, x)) run_cmp(message, im, 10, 10, lambda x: run_fn2(fn, x, c)) run_cmp(message, im, 10, 10, lambda x: run_fn2(fn, c, x)) # run a function on a pair of images and on a pair of pixels, the results # should match def run_cmp2(message, left, right, x, y, fn): a = left(x, y) b = right(x, y) v1 = fn(a, b) after = fn(left, right) v2 = after(x, y) assert_almost_equal_objects(v1, v2, msg=message) # run a function on a pair of images # 50,50 and 10,10 should have different values on the test image def run_image2(message, left, right, fn): run_cmp2(message, left, right, 50, 50, lambda x, y: run_fn2(fn, x, y)) run_cmp2(message, left, right, 10, 10, lambda x, y: run_fn2(fn, x, y))