/* @(#) display VIPS IMAGE descriptor for debugging * @(#) a valid IMAGE descriptor is needed * @(#) HANDLESIMAGE * @(#) Static strings must be modified if header files are changed * @(#) void im_printdesc(image) * @(#) IMAGE *image; * * Copyright: Nicos Dessipris * Written on: 15/01/1990 * Modified on : 3/6/92 Kirk Martinez * 15/4/93 JC * - partial regions dumped too * - resolution bug fixed * 11/5/93 JC * - formatting changed for ctags * 1/7/93 JC * - adapted for partial v2 * 15/11/94 JC * - new Coding types added * - new Type values added * - new Compression type added * 2/3/98 JC * - IM_ANY added * 5/11/98 JC * - prints byte-order too * 1/8/05 * - prints meta header fields too * 9/9/05 * - oops, shouldn't print filename ourselves * 4/1/07 * - use new im_history_get() thing */ /* This file is part of VIPS. VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* These files are distributed with VIPS - http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/ #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC #include #endif /*WITH_DMALLOC*/ static const char *im_Type[] = { "IM_TYPE_MULTIBAND", /* 0 */ "IM_TYPE_B_W", /* 1 */ "LUMINACE", /* 2 */ "XRAY", /* 3 */ "IR", /* 4 */ "YUV", /* 5 */ "RED_ONLY", /* 6 */ "GREEN_ONLY", /* 7 */ "BLUE_ONLY", /* 8 */ "POWER_SPECTRUM", /* 9 */ "IM_TYPE_HISTOGRAM", /* 10 */ "LUT", /* 11 */ "IM_TYPE_XYZ", /* 12 */ "IM_TYPE_LAB", /* 13 */ "CMC", /* 14 */ "IM_TYPE_CMYK", /* 15 */ "IM_TYPE_LABQ", /* 15 */ "IM_TYPE_RGB", /* 17 */ "IM_TYPE_UCS", /* 18 */ "IM_TYPE_LCH", /* 19 */ "IM_TYPE_LABS", /* 20 */ "", /* 21 */ "IM_TYPE_sRGB", /* 22 */ "IM_TYPE_YXY", /* 23 */ "IM_TYPE_FOURIER", /* 24 */ "IM_TYPE_RGB16", /* 25 */ "IM_TYPE_GREY16" /* 26 */ }; static const char *im_BandFmt[] = { "IM_BANDFMT_UCHAR", "IM_BANDFMT_CHAR", "IM_BANDFMT_USHORT", "IM_BANDFMT_SHORT", "IM_BANDFMT_UINT", "IM_BANDFMT_INT", "IM_BANDFMT_FLOAT", "IM_BANDFMT_COMPLEX", "IM_BANDFMT_DOUBLE", "IM_BANDFMT_DPCOMPLEX" }; static const char *im_Coding[] = { "IM_CODING_NONE", "COLQUANT8", "IM_CODING_LABQ", "IM_CODING_LABQ_COMPRESSED", "RGB_COMPRESSED", "LUM_COMPRESSED", "IM_CODING_RAD" }; static const char *im_Compression[] = { "NO_COMPRESSION", "TCSF_COMPRESSION", "JPEG_COMPRESSION" }; static const char *im_dtype[] = { "IM_NONE", "IM_SETBUF", "IM_SETBUF_FOREIGN", "IM_OPENIN", "IM_MMAPIN", "IM_MMAPINRW", "IM_OPENOUT", "IM_PARTIAL" }; static const char *im_dhint[] = { "IM_SMALLTILE", "IM_FATSTRIP", "IM_THINSTRIP", "IM_ANY" }; /* Stuff to decode an enum. */ typedef struct _EnumTable { const char *error; /* eg. "" */ const char **names; /* eg. {"IM_CODING_NONE",..} */ int nnames; } EnumTable; static EnumTable enumType = { N_( "" ), im_Type, IM_NUMBER( im_Type ) }; static EnumTable enumBandFmt = { N_( "" ), im_BandFmt, IM_NUMBER( im_BandFmt ) }; static EnumTable enumCoding = { N_( "" ), im_Coding, IM_NUMBER( im_Coding ) }; static EnumTable enumCompression = { N_( "" ), im_Compression, IM_NUMBER( im_Compression ) }; static EnumTable enumdtype = { N_( "" ), im_dtype, IM_NUMBER( im_dtype ) }; static EnumTable enumdhint = { N_( "" ), im_dhint, IM_NUMBER( im_dhint ) }; static const char * enum2char( EnumTable *etable, int n ) { if( n < 0 || n > etable->nnames ) return( _( etable->error ) ); else return( etable->names[n] ); } static int char2enum( EnumTable *etable, const char *name ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < etable->nnames; i++ ) if( g_ascii_strcasecmp( etable->names[i], name ) == 0 ) return( i ); im_error( "char2enum", "%s", _( etable->error ) ); return( -1 ); } /* Prettyprint various header fields. */ const char *im_Type2char( int n ) { return( enum2char( &enumType, n ) ); } const char *im_BandFmt2char( int n ) { return( enum2char( &enumBandFmt, n ) ); } const char *im_Coding2char( int n ) { return( enum2char( &enumCoding, n ) ); } const char *im_Compression2char( int n ) { return( enum2char( &enumCompression, n ) ); } const char *im_dtype2char( im_desc_type n ) { return( enum2char( &enumdtype, n ) ); } const char *im_dhint2char( im_demand_type n ) { return( enum2char( &enumdhint, n ) ); } int im_char2Type( const char *str ) { return( char2enum( &enumType, str ) ); } int im_char2BandFmt( const char *str ) { return( char2enum( &enumBandFmt, str ) ); } int im_char2Coding( const char *str ) { return( char2enum( &enumCoding, str ) ); } int im_char2Compression( const char *str ) { return( char2enum( &enumCompression, str ) ); } im_desc_type im_char2dtype( const char *str ) { return( char2enum( &enumdtype, str ) ); } im_demand_type im_char2dhint( const char *str ) { return( char2enum( &enumdhint, str ) ); } static void * print_field_fn( IMAGE *im, const char *field, GValue *value ) { const char *extra; char *str_value; str_value = g_strdup_value_contents( value ); printf( "%s: %s", field, str_value ); g_free( str_value ); /* Replace NULL static strings with "(null)". */ #define NN( X ) ((X) ? (X) : "(null)") /* Look for known enums and decode them. */ extra = NULL; if( strcmp( field, "Coding" ) == 0 ) extra = NN( im_Coding2char( g_value_get_int( value ) ) ); else if( strcmp( field, "BandFmt" ) == 0 ) extra = NN( im_BandFmt2char( g_value_get_int( value ) ) ); else if( strcmp( field, "Type" ) == 0 ) extra = NN( im_Type2char( g_value_get_int( value ) ) ); else if( strcmp( field, "Compression" ) == 0 ) extra = NN( im_Compression2char( g_value_get_int( value ) ) ); if( extra ) printf( " - %s", extra ); printf( "\n" ); return( NULL ); } static void * print_region( REGION *reg, void *a, void *b ) { printf( "Region defined for area at %dx%d size %dx%d\n", reg->valid.left, reg->valid.top, reg->valid.width, reg->valid.height ); if( reg->seq ) printf( "sequence in progress on region\n" ); if( reg->buffer ) printf( "local memory allocated\n" ); return( NULL ); } void im_printdesc( IMAGE *image ) { if( !image ) { printf( "NULL descriptor\n" ); return; } printf( "IMAGE* %p\n", image ); if( im_isMSBfirst( image ) ) printf( "SPARC (MSB first) " ); else printf( "Intel (LSB first) " ); printf( "byte order image, on a " ); if( im_amiMSBfirst() ) printf( "SPARC (MSB first) " ); else printf( "Intel (LSB first) " ); printf( "byte order machine\n" ); (void) im_header_map( image, (im_header_map_fn) print_field_fn, NULL ); printf( "Hist: %s", im_history_get( image ) ); /* Print other (non-header) fields. */ if( image->generate ) printf( "generate function attached\n" ); if( image->closefns ) printf( "close callbacks attached\n" ); if( image->evalfns ) printf( "eval callbacks attached\n" ); if( image->evalendfns ) printf( "evalend callbacks attached\n" ); if( image->evalstartfns ) printf( "evalstart callbacks attached\n" ); if( image->preclosefns ) printf( "preclose callbacks attached\n" ); if( image->invalidatefns ) printf( "invalidate callbacks attached\n" ); if( image->regions ) { printf( "%d regions present\n", g_slist_length( image->regions ) ); im_slist_map2( image->regions, (VSListMap2Fn) print_region, NULL, NULL ); } if( image->kill ) printf( "kill flag set\n" ); if( image->closing ) printf( "closing flag set\n" ); if( image->close_pending ) printf( "close_pending flag set\n" ); #ifdef DEBUG /* Can't get these with im_header_get(), so only show for debugging. */ printf( "dhint: %s\n", im_dhint2char( image->dhint ) ); printf( "dtype: %s\n", im_dtype2char( image->dtype ) ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ }