Using `vipsthumbnail` 3 libvips `vipsthumbnail` Introduction to `vipsthumbnail`, with examples This page shows a few examples of using VIPS from Python. # Average a region of interest box on an image ``` python #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import gi gi.require_version('Vips', '8.0') from gi.repository import Vips roix = 10 roiy = 10 roiw = 64 roih = 64 image = Vips.Image.new_from_file(sys.argv[1]) roi = image.crop(roix, roiy, roiw, roih) print 'average: ', roi.avg() ``` # VIPS and PIL This script moves an image between PIL and VIPS. ``` python #!/usr/bin/python import sys from vipsCC import * import Image # try this 1,000 times and check for leaks for i in range (0,1000): vim = VImage.VImage (sys.argv[1]) # do some processing in vips ... cut out a small piece of image vim = vim.extract_area (500, 500, 100, 100) # make a PIL image # we use Image.frombuffer (), so PIL is using vim's memory # you need to be very careful not to destroy vim until you're done with pim # ideally you should make a proxy class that wraps this lifetime problem up mode = VImage.PIL_mode_from_vips (vim) size = (vim.Xsize (), vim.Ysize ()) data = vim.tobuffer () pim = Image.frombuffer (mode, size, data, 'raw', mode, 0, 1) # rotate 12 degrees with PIL pim = pim.rotate (12, Image.BILINEAR, 1) # back to vips again # PIL doesn't have a tobuffer method, so we have to use tostring to copy the # data out of PIL and then fromstring to copy back into VIPS str = pim.tostring () bands, format, type = VImage.vips_from_PIL_mode (pim.mode) width, height = pim.size vim2 = VImage.VImage.fromstring (str, width, height, bands, format) # finally write from vips vim2.write (sys.argv[2]) ``` Leak testing ------------ This loads an image, does some simple processing, and saves again. Handy for leak testing. ``` python #!/usr/bin/python import sys # just need this for leaktesting import gc from vipsCC import * if len (sys.argv) != 3: print 'usage:', sys.argv[0], 'inputimage outputimage' sys.exit (1) try: a = VImage.VImage (sys.argv[1]) b = a.invert () c = b.lin ([1,2,3],[4,5,6]) m = VMask.VIMask (3, 3, 1, 0, [-1, -1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1]) d = a.conv (m) d.write (sys.argv[2]) except VError.VError, e: e.perror (sys.argv[0]) # we can get properties of VImage too print 'inputimage is', a.Xsize (), 'pixels across' print 'starting shutdown ...' del b del a del c del d del m # sometimes have to do several GCs to get them all, not sure why for i in range(10): gc.collect () print 'shutdown!' print 'leaked IMAGEs:' VImage.im__print_all () print 'done ... hopefully you saw no leaks' ``` Build image mosaic ------------------ This loads a lot of images (RGB or greyscale) and pastes them at random positions in a 10,000 by 10,000 pixel output image. 8-bit only, but it'd be easy to change that. ``` python #!/usr/bin/python import sys import random from vipsCC import * # the size of the image we build size = 10000 try: if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'usage:', sys.argv[0], 'outfile infile1 ...' sys.exit (1) # make the background image bg = (size, size, 3) # paste each argument in for file in sys.argv[2:]: im = VImage.VImage (file) # is this a mono image? convert to RGB by joining three of them # together if im.Bands() == 1: im = im.bandjoin (im).bandjoin (im) x = random.randint (0, size - im.Xsize () - 1) y = random.randint (0, size - im.Ysize () - 1) bg = bg.insert_noexpand (im, x, y) # write result bg.write (sys.argv[1]) except VError.VError, e: e.perror (sys.argv[0]) ``` Build image pyramid ------------------- This makes a tiled image pyramid, with each tile in a separate 512x512 pixel file. ``` python #!/usr/bin/python import sys from vipsCC import * tilesize = 512 maxlevel = 100 try: im = VImage.VImage (sys.argv[1]) for level in range (maxlevel, -1, -1): print "Creating tiles for level", level # loop to create the tiles for y in range (0, im.Ysize(), tilesize): for x in range (0, im.Xsize(), tilesize): filename = '%dx%d_y%d.jpg' % (level, x / tilesize, y / tilesize) # clip tilesize against image size width = min (im.Xsize () - x, tilesize) height = min (im.Ysize () - y, tilesize) # expand edge tiles up to the full tilesize ... Google maps likes this # im.extract_area (x, y, width, height).embed(0, 0, 0, tilesize, tilesize).write(filename) # let edge tiles be smaller than the full tile size, tiff tiling prefers this im.extract_area (x, y, width, height).write (filename) # was there only a single tile? we are done if im.Xsize() <= tilesize and im.Ysize() <= tilesize: break # create next pyramid level in RAM shrink = im.rightshift_size (1, 1, im.BandFmt()) im = shrink.write (VImage.VImage ("temp", "t")) except VError.VError, e: e.perror (sys.argv[0]) ``` Rename DICOM images using header fields --------------------------------------- DICOM images commonly come in an awful directory hierarchy named as something like images/a/b/e/z04. There can be thousands of files and it can be very hard to find the one you want. This utility copies files to a single flat directory, naming them using fields from the DICOM header. You can actually find stuff! Useful. ``` python #!/usr/bin/python import sys import re import os import shutil from vipsCC import * if len (sys.argv) != 3: print 'rename DICOM files using tags from the header' print 'usage:' print '\t%s srcdir destdir' % sys.argv[0] print 'the directory tree below srcdir is searched, all files are' print 'renamed and put into destdir in a flat list' sys.exit (1) srcdir = sys.argv[1] destdir = sys.argv[2] if not os.access (destdir, os.F_OK | os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK): os.mkdir (destdir) def get_field (vim, field): result = vim.meta_get_string (field) # remove any \n etc. result = re.sub ("\n", "", result) # remove any leading or trailing spaces result = re.sub (" $", "", result) result = re.sub ("^ ", "", result) return result id_name = "magick-dcm:Patient'sID" modality_name = "magick-dcm:Modality" series_name = "magick-dcm:SeriesNumber" instance_name = "magick-dcm:Instance(formerlyImage)Number" date_name = "magick-dcm:ImageDate" n_processed = 0 for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk (srcdir): for file in filenames: path = os.path.join (dirpath, file) try: vim = VImage.VImage (path) except VError.VError, e: print 'unable to open', path continue try: id = get_field (vim, id_name) modality = get_field (vim, modality_name) series = get_field (vim, series_name) instance = get_field (vim, instance_name) date = get_field (vim, date_name) except VError.VError, e: print 'unable to get fields from header', path continue match = re.match ("(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)", date) date = (1) + "." + (2) + "." + (3) newname = id + "." + modality + "." + series + "." + instance + "." + date + ".IMA" shutil.copyfile(path, os.path.join (destdir, newname)) n_processed += 1 print '\t(%d files processed)' % n_processed ```