.TH VIPSTHUMBNAIL 1 "13 May 2010" .SH NAME vipsthumbnail \- make thumbnails of image files .SH SYNOPSIS .B vipsthumbnail [flags] imagefile1 imagefile2 ... .SH DESCRIPTION .B vipsthumbnail(1) processes each .B imagefile in turn, shrinking each image to fit within a 128 by 128 pixel square. The shrunk image is written to a new file named .B tn_imagefile.jpg. This program is typically faster and uses less memory than other image thumbnail programs. For example: $ vipsthumbnail fred.png jim.tif will read image files .B fred.png and .B jim.tif and write thumbnails to the files .B tn_fred.jpg and .B tn_jim.jpg. $ vipsthumbnail --size=64 -o thumbnails/%s.png fred.jpg will read image file .B fred.jpg and write a 64 x 64 pixel thumbnail to the file .B thumbnails/fred.png. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -s N, --size=N Set the output thumbnail size to .B N x .B N pixels. The image is shrunk so that it just fits within this area, Images which are smaller than this are expanded. .TP .B -o FORMAT, --output=FORMAT Set the output format string. The input filename has any file type suffix removed, then that value is substitued into .B FORMAT replacing .B %s. The default value is .B tn_%s.jpg meaning JPEG output, with .B tn_ prepended. You can add format options too, for example .B tn_%s.jpg:20 will write JPEG images with Q set to 20. .TP .B -p I, --interpolator=I Resample with interpolator .B I. Use .B vips --list classes to see a list of valid interpolators. The default is .B bilinear. .TP .B -r, --sharpen=MASKFILE Images can look a little soft after shrinking. This option lets you specify a sharpening mask. Use "mild" to select a built-in mask which sharpens slightly. The built-in mask is: 3 3 24 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 32 -1 -1 -1 -1 .TP .B -e PROFILE, --eprofile=PROFILE Export thumbnails with this ICC profile. Images are only colour-transformed if there is both an output and an input profile available. The input profile can either be embedded in the input image or supplied with the .B --iprofile option. .TP .B -i PROFILE, --iprofile=PROFILE Import images with this ICC profile, if no profile is embdedded in the image. Images are only colour-transformed if there is both an output and an input profile available. The output profile should be supplied with the .B --oprofile option. .TP .B -d, --delete Delete the output profile from the image. This can save a small amount of space. .TP .B -v, --verbose .B vipsthumbnail(1) normally runs silently, except for warning and error messages. This option makes it print a list of the operations it performs on each image. .SH RETURN VALUE returns 0 on success and non-zero on error. .SH SEE ALSO header(1)