.TH IM_STATS 3 "24 October 1992" .SH NAME im_stats \- calculate many image statistics in a single pass .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include <vips/vips.h> .B DOUBLEMASK *im_stats(in) .br .B IMAGE *in; .SH DESCRIPTION Find many image statistics in a single pass through the PELs. Returns a DOUBLEMASK of 6 columns by n+1 (where n is number of bands in image in) rows. Columns are statistics, and are, in order: minimum, maximum, sum, sum of squares, mean, standard deviation. Row 0 has statistics for all bands together, row 1 has stats for band 1, and so on. Non-complex images only! .SH RETURN VALUE NULL on error. .SH SEE\ ALSO im_avg(3), im_deviate(3) .SH COPYRIGHT .br National Gallery, 1992