#!/bin/sh # set -x . ./variables.sh # make a large PNG, roughly the size of Chicago.png echo -n "building huge test PNG image ... " vips replicate $image $tmp/huge.png 30 5 echo "ok" huge=$tmp/huge.png echo -n "testing vipsthumbnail ... " rm -f $tmp/x.png vipsthumbnail $huge -o $tmp/x.png if ! vipsheader $tmp/x.png > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "vipsthumbnail failed in basic mode" exit 1 fi echo "ok" if [ ! -d $tmp/readonly ] ; then mkdir $tmp/readonly chmod ugo-wx $tmp/readonly fi export TMPDIR=$tmp/readonly echo -n "testing vipsthumbnail does not make temps ... " rm -f $tmp/x.png vipsthumbnail $huge -o $tmp/x.png if ! vipsheader $tmp/x.png > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "vipsthumbnail made a temp" exit 1 fi echo "ok" echo -n "testing shrink does not make temps ... " rm -f $tmp/x.png vips shrink $huge $tmp/x.png 230 230 if ! vipsheader $tmp/x.png > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "shrink made a temp" exit 1 fi echo "ok"