
1549 lines
30 KiB

/* Object part of VImage class
* 30/12/14
* - allow set enum value from string
* 10/6/16
* - missing implementation of VImage::write()
* 11/6/16
* - added arithmetic assignment overloads, += etc.
Copyright (C) 1991-2001 The National Gallery
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA
These files are distributed with VIPS -
#include <config.h>
#endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/
#include <vips/vips8>
#include <vips/debug.h>
#define VIPS_DEBUG
* \namespace vips
* General docs for the vips namespace.
to_vectorv( int n, ... )
std::vector<double> vector( n );
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, n );
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
vector[i] = va_arg( ap, double );
va_end( ap );
return( vector );
to_vector( double value )
return( to_vectorv( 1, value ) );
to_vector( int n, double array[] )
std::vector<double> vector( n );
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
vector[i] = array[i];
return( vector );
negate( std::vector<double> vector )
std::vector<double> new_vector( vector.size() );
for( std::vector<double>::size_type i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++ )
new_vector[i] = vector[i] * -1;
return( new_vector );
invert( std::vector<double> vector )
std::vector<double> new_vector( vector.size() );
for( std::vector<double>::size_type i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++ )
new_vector[i] = 1.0 / vector[i];
return( new_vector );
std::list<Pair *>::iterator i;
for( i = options.begin(); i != options.end(); ++i )
delete *i;
// input bool
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, bool value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = true;
g_value_init( &pair->value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN );
g_value_set_boolean( &pair->value, value );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// input int ... this path is used for enums as well
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, int value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = true;
g_value_init( &pair->value, G_TYPE_INT );
g_value_set_int( &pair->value, value );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// input guint64
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, guint64 value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = true;
g_value_init( &pair->value, G_TYPE_UINT64 );
g_value_set_uint64( &pair->value, value );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// input double
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, double value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = true;
g_value_init( &pair->value, G_TYPE_DOUBLE );
g_value_set_double( &pair->value, value );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, const char *value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = true;
g_value_init( &pair->value, G_TYPE_STRING );
g_value_set_string( &pair->value, value );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// input vips object (image, source, target, etc. etc.)
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, const VObject value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
VipsObject *object = value.get_object();
GType type = G_OBJECT_TYPE( object );
pair->input = true;
g_value_init( &pair->value, type );
g_value_set_object( &pair->value, object );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// input int array
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, std::vector<int> value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
int *array;
pair->input = true;
g_value_init( &pair->value, VIPS_TYPE_ARRAY_INT );
vips_value_set_array_int( &pair->value, NULL,
static_cast< int >( value.size() ) );
array = vips_value_get_array_int( &pair->value, NULL );
for( std::vector<double>::size_type i = 0; i < value.size(); i++ )
array[i] = value[i];
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// input double array
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, std::vector<double> value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
double *array;
pair->input = true;
g_value_init( &pair->value, VIPS_TYPE_ARRAY_DOUBLE );
vips_value_set_array_double( &pair->value, NULL,
static_cast< int >( value.size() ) );
array = vips_value_get_array_double( &pair->value, NULL );
for( std::vector<double>::size_type i = 0; i < value.size(); i++ )
array[i] = value[i];
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// input image array
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, std::vector<VImage> value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
VipsImage **array;
pair->input = true;
g_value_init( &pair->value, VIPS_TYPE_ARRAY_IMAGE );
vips_value_set_array_image( &pair->value,
static_cast< int >( value.size() ) );
array = vips_value_get_array_image( &pair->value, NULL );
for( std::vector<double>::size_type i = 0; i < value.size(); i++ ) {
VipsImage *vips_image = value[i].get_image();
array[i] = vips_image;
g_object_ref( vips_image );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// input blob
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, VipsBlob *value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = true;
g_value_init( &pair->value, VIPS_TYPE_BLOB );
g_value_set_boxed( &pair->value, value );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// output bool
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, bool *value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = false;
pair->vbool = value;
g_value_init( &pair->value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// output int
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, int *value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = false;
pair->vint = value;
g_value_init( &pair->value, G_TYPE_INT );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// output double
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, double *value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = false;
pair->vdouble = value;
g_value_init( &pair->value, G_TYPE_DOUBLE );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// output image
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, VImage *value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = false;
pair->vimage = value;
g_value_init( &pair->value, VIPS_TYPE_IMAGE );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// output doublearray
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, std::vector<double> *value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = false;
pair->vvector = value;
g_value_init( &pair->value, VIPS_TYPE_ARRAY_DOUBLE );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// output blob
VOption *
VOption::set( const char *name, VipsBlob **value )
Pair *pair = new Pair( name );
pair->input = false;
pair->vblob = value;
g_value_init( &pair->value, VIPS_TYPE_BLOB );
options.push_back( pair );
return( this );
// just g_object_set_property(), except we allow set enum from string
static void
set_property( VipsObject *object, const char *name, const GValue *value )
VipsObjectClass *object_class = VIPS_OBJECT_GET_CLASS( object );
GType type = G_VALUE_TYPE( value );
GParamSpec *pspec;
VipsArgumentClass *argument_class;
VipsArgumentInstance *argument_instance;
if( vips_object_get_argument( object, name,
&pspec, &argument_class, &argument_instance ) ) {
g_warning( "%s", vips_error_buffer() );
if( G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM( pspec ) &&
type == G_TYPE_STRING ) {
GType pspec_type = G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE( pspec );
int enum_value;
GValue value2 = { 0 };
if( (enum_value = vips_enum_from_nick( object_class->nickname,
pspec_type, g_value_get_string( value ) )) < 0 ) {
g_warning( "%s", vips_error_buffer() );
g_value_init( &value2, pspec_type );
g_value_set_enum( &value2, enum_value );
g_object_set_property( G_OBJECT( object ), name, &value2 );
g_value_unset( &value2 );
g_object_set_property( G_OBJECT( object ), name, value );
// walk the options and set props on the operation
VOption::set_operation( VipsOperation *operation )
std::list<Pair *>::iterator i;
for( i = options.begin(); i != options.end(); ++i )
if( (*i)->input ) {
printf( "set_operation: " );
vips_object_print_name( VIPS_OBJECT( operation ) );
char *str_value =
g_strdup_value_contents( &(*i)->value );
printf( ".%s = %s\n", (*i)->name, str_value );
g_free( str_value );
set_property( VIPS_OBJECT( operation ),
(*i)->name, &(*i)->value );
// walk the options and fetch any requested outputs
VOption::get_operation( VipsOperation *operation )
std::list<Pair *>::iterator i;
for( i = options.begin(); i != options.end(); ++i )
if( ! (*i)->input ) {
const char *name = (*i)->name;
g_object_get_property( G_OBJECT( operation ),
name, &(*i)->value );
printf( "get_operation: " );
vips_object_print_name( VIPS_OBJECT( operation ) );
char *str_value = g_strdup_value_contents(
&(*i)->value );
printf( ".%s = %s\n", name, str_value );
g_free( str_value );
GValue *value = &(*i)->value;
GType type = G_VALUE_TYPE( value );
if( type == VIPS_TYPE_IMAGE ) {
// rebox object
VipsImage *image = VIPS_IMAGE(
g_value_get_object( value ) );
*((*i)->vimage) = VImage( image );
else if( type == G_TYPE_INT )
*((*i)->vint) = g_value_get_int( value );
else if( type == G_TYPE_BOOLEAN )
*((*i)->vbool) = g_value_get_boolean( value );
else if( type == G_TYPE_DOUBLE )
*((*i)->vdouble) = g_value_get_double( value );
else if( type == VIPS_TYPE_ARRAY_DOUBLE ) {
int length;
double *array =
vips_value_get_array_double( value,
&length );
((*i)->vvector)->resize( length );
for( int j = 0; j < length; j++ )
(*((*i)->vvector))[j] = array[j];
else if( type == VIPS_TYPE_BLOB ) {
// our caller gets a reference
*((*i)->vblob) =
(VipsBlob *) g_value_dup_boxed( value );
VImage::call_option_string( const char *operation_name,
const char *option_string, VOption *options )
VipsOperation *operation;
VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "call_option_string: starting for %s ...\n",
operation_name );
if( !(operation = vips_operation_new( operation_name )) ) {
delete options;
throw( VError() );
/* Set str options before vargs options, so the user can't
* override things we set deliberately.
if( option_string &&
vips_object_set_from_string( VIPS_OBJECT( operation ),
option_string ) ) {
vips_object_unref_outputs( VIPS_OBJECT( operation ) );
g_object_unref( operation );
delete options;
throw( VError() );
if( options )
options->set_operation( operation );
/* Build from cache.
if( vips_cache_operation_buildp( &operation ) ) {
vips_object_unref_outputs( VIPS_OBJECT( operation ) );
g_object_unref( operation );
delete options;
throw( VError() );
/* Walk args again, writing output.
if( options )
options->get_operation( operation );
/* We're done with options!
delete options;
/* The operation we have built should now have been reffed by
* one of its arguments or have finished its work. Either
* way, we can unref.
g_object_unref( operation );
VImage::call( const char *operation_name, VOption *options )
call_option_string( operation_name, NULL, options );
VImage::new_from_file( const char *name, VOption *options )
char filename[VIPS_PATH_MAX];
char option_string[VIPS_PATH_MAX];
const char *operation_name;
VImage out;
vips__filename_split8( name, filename, option_string );
if( !(operation_name = vips_foreign_find_load( filename )) ) {
delete options;
throw VError();
call_option_string( operation_name, option_string,
(options ? options : VImage::option())->
set( "filename", filename )->
set( "out", &out ) );
return( out );
VImage::new_from_buffer( const void *buf, size_t len, const char *option_string,
VOption *options )
const char *operation_name;
VipsBlob *blob;
VImage out;
if( !(operation_name = vips_foreign_find_load_buffer( buf, len )) ) {
delete options;
throw( VError() );
/* We don't take a copy of the data or free it.
blob = vips_blob_new( NULL, buf, len );
options = (options ? options : VImage::option())->
set( "buffer", blob )->
set( "out", &out );
vips_area_unref( VIPS_AREA( blob ) );
call_option_string( operation_name, option_string, options );
return( out );
VImage::new_from_buffer( const std::string &buf, const char *option_string,
VOption *options )
return( new_from_buffer( buf.c_str(), buf.size(),
option_string, options ) );
VImage::new_from_source( VSource source, const char *option_string,
VOption *options )
const char *operation_name;
VImage out;
if( !(operation_name = vips_foreign_find_load_source(
source.get_source() )) ) {
delete options;
throw( VError() );
options = (options ? options : VImage::option())->
set( "source", source )->
set( "out", &out );
call_option_string( operation_name, option_string, options );
return( out );
VImage::new_from_memory_steal( void *data, size_t size,
int width, int height, int bands, VipsBandFormat format )
VipsImage *image;
if( !(image = vips_image_new_from_memory( data, size,
width, height, bands, format )) )
throw( VError() );
g_signal_connect( image, "postclose",
G_CALLBACK( vips_image_free_buffer ), data);
return( VImage( image ) );
VImage::new_matrix( int width, int height )
return( VImage( vips_image_new_matrix( width, height ) ) );
VImage::new_matrixv( int width, int height, ... )
VImage matrix = new_matrix( width, height );
VipsImage *vips_matrix = matrix.get_image();
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, height );
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
*VIPS_MATRIX( vips_matrix, x, y ) =
va_arg( ap, double );
va_end( ap );
return( matrix );
VImage::write( VImage out ) const
if( vips_image_write( this->get_image(), out.get_image() ) )
throw VError();
return( out );
VImage::write_to_file( const char *name, VOption *options ) const
char filename[VIPS_PATH_MAX];
char option_string[VIPS_PATH_MAX];
const char *operation_name;
vips__filename_split8( name, filename, option_string );
if( !(operation_name = vips_foreign_find_save( filename )) ) {
delete options;
throw VError();
call_option_string( operation_name, option_string,
(options ? options : VImage::option())->
set( "in", *this )->
set( "filename", filename ) );
VImage::write_to_buffer( const char *suffix, void **buf, size_t *size,
VOption *options ) const
char filename[VIPS_PATH_MAX];
char option_string[VIPS_PATH_MAX];
const char *operation_name;
VipsBlob *blob;
/* Save with the new target API if we can. Fall back to the older
* mechanism in case the saver we need has not been converted yet.
* We need to hide any errors from this first phase.
vips__filename_split8( suffix, filename, option_string );
operation_name = vips_foreign_find_save_target( filename );
if( operation_name ) {
VTarget target = VTarget::new_to_memory();
call_option_string( operation_name, option_string,
(options ? options : VImage::option())->
set( "in", *this )->
set( "target", target ) );
g_object_get( target.get_target(), "blob", &blob, (void *) NULL );
else if( (operation_name = vips_foreign_find_save_buffer( filename )) ) {
call_option_string( operation_name, option_string,
(options ? options : VImage::option())->
set( "in", *this )->
set( "buffer", &blob ) );
else {
delete options;
throw VError();
if( blob ) {
if( buf ) {
*buf = VIPS_AREA( blob )->data;
VIPS_AREA( blob )->free_fn = NULL;
if( size )
*size = VIPS_AREA( blob )->length;
vips_area_unref( VIPS_AREA( blob ) );
VImage::write_to_target( const char *suffix, VTarget target,
VOption *options ) const
char filename[VIPS_PATH_MAX];
char option_string[VIPS_PATH_MAX];
const char *operation_name;
vips__filename_split8( suffix, filename, option_string );
if( !(operation_name = vips_foreign_find_save_target( filename )) ) {
delete options;
throw VError();
call_option_string( operation_name, option_string,
(options ? options : VImage::option())->
set( "in", *this )->
set( "target", target ) );
VImage::region() const
return VRegion::new_from_image( *this );
VImage::region( VipsRect *rect ) const
VRegion region = VRegion::new_from_image( *this );
region.prepare( rect );
return region;
VImage::region( int left, int top, int width, int height ) const
VRegion region = VRegion::new_from_image( *this );
region.prepare( left, top, width, height );
return region;
#include "vips-operators.cpp"
VImage::bandsplit( VOption *options ) const
std::vector<VImage> b;
for( int i = 0; i < bands(); i++ )
b.push_back( extract_band( i ) );
return( b );
VImage::bandjoin( VImage other, VOption *options ) const
VImage v[2] = { *this, other };
std::vector<VImage> vec( v, v + VIPS_NUMBER( v ) );
return( bandjoin( vec, options ) );
VImage::composite( VImage other, VipsBlendMode mode, VOption *options ) const
VImage v[2] = { *this, other };
std::vector<VImage> ivec( v, v + VIPS_NUMBER( v ) );
int m[1] = { static_cast<int>( mode ) };
std::vector<int> mvec( m, m + VIPS_NUMBER( m ) );
return( composite( ivec, mvec, options ) );
VImage::minpos( VOption *options ) const
double x, y;
(void) min(
(options ? options : VImage::option()) ->
set( "x", &x ) ->
set( "y", &y ) );
return( std::complex<double>( x, y ) );
VImage::maxpos( VOption *options ) const
double x, y;
(void) max(
(options ? options : VImage::option()) ->
set( "x", &x ) ->
set( "y", &y ) );
return( std::complex<double>( x, y ) );
// Operator overloads
VImage::operator[]( int index ) const
return( this->extract_band( index ) );
VImage::operator()( int x, int y ) const
return( this->getpoint( x, y ) );
operator+( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.add( b ) );
operator+( double a, const VImage b )
return( b.linear( 1.0, a ) );
operator+( const VImage a, double b )
return( a.linear( 1.0, b ) );
operator+( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.linear( 1.0, a ) );
operator+( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.linear( 1.0, b ) );
VImage &
operator+=( VImage &a, const VImage b )
return( a = a + b );
VImage &
operator+=( VImage &a, const double b )
return( a = a + b );
VImage &
operator+=( VImage &a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a = a + b );
operator-( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.subtract( b ) );
operator-( double a, const VImage b )
return( b.linear( -1.0, a ) );
operator-( const VImage a, double b )
return( a.linear( 1.0, -b ) );
operator-( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.linear( -1.0, a ) );
operator-( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.linear( 1.0, vips::negate( b ) ) );
VImage &
operator-=( VImage &a, const VImage b )
return( a = a - b );
VImage &
operator-=( VImage &a, const double b )
return( a = a - b );
VImage &
operator-=( VImage &a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a = a - b );
operator-( const VImage a )
return( a * -1 );
operator*( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.multiply( b ) );
operator*( double a, const VImage b )
return( b.linear( a, 0.0 ) );
operator*( const VImage a, double b )
return( a.linear( b, 0.0 ) );
operator*( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.linear( a, 0.0 ) );
operator*( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.linear( b, 0.0 ) );
VImage &
operator*=( VImage &a, const VImage b )
return( a = a * b );
VImage &
operator*=( VImage &a, const double b )
return( a = a * b );
VImage &
operator*=( VImage &a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a = a * b );
operator/( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.divide( b ) );
operator/( double a, const VImage b )
return( b.pow( -1.0 ).linear( a, 0.0 ) );
operator/( const VImage a, double b )
return( a.linear( 1.0 / b, 0.0 ) );
operator/( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.pow( -1.0 ).linear( a, 0.0 ) );
operator/( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.linear( vips::invert( b ), 0.0 ) );
VImage &
operator/=( VImage &a, const VImage b )
return( a = a / b );
VImage &
operator/=( VImage &a, const double b )
return( a = a / b );
VImage &
operator/=( VImage &a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a = a / b );
operator%( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.remainder( b ) );
operator%( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.remainder_const( to_vector( b ) ) );
operator%( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.remainder_const( b ) );
VImage &
operator%=( VImage &a, const VImage b )
return( a = a % b );
VImage &
operator%=( VImage &a, const double b )
return( a = a % b );
VImage &
operator%=( VImage &a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a = a % b );
operator<( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.relational( b, VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESS ) );
operator<( const double a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MORE,
to_vector( a ) ) );
operator<( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESS,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator<( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MORE,
a ) );
operator<( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESS,
b ) );
operator<=( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.relational( b, VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESSEQ ) );
operator<=( const double a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MOREEQ,
to_vector( a ) ) );
operator<=( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESSEQ,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator<=( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MOREEQ,
a ) );
operator<=( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESSEQ,
b ) );
operator>( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.relational( b, VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MORE ) );
operator>( const double a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESS,
to_vector( a ) ) );
operator>( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MORE,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator>( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESS,
a ) );
operator>( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MORE,
b ) );
operator>=( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.relational( b, VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MOREEQ ) );
operator>=( const double a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESSEQ,
to_vector( a ) ) );
operator>=( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MOREEQ,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator>=( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESSEQ,
a ) );
operator>=( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MOREEQ,
b ) );
operator==( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.relational( b, VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_EQUAL ) );
operator==( const double a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_EQUAL,
to_vector( a ) ) );
operator==( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_EQUAL,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator==( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_EQUAL,
a ) );
operator==( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_EQUAL,
b ) );
operator!=( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.relational( b, VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_NOTEQ ) );
operator!=( const double a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_NOTEQ,
to_vector( a ) ) );
operator!=( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_NOTEQ,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator!=( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_NOTEQ,
a ) );
operator!=( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.relational_const( VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_NOTEQ,
b ) );
operator&( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.boolean( b, VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND ) );
operator&( const double a, const VImage b )
return( b.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND,
to_vector( a ) ) );
operator&( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator&( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND, a ) );
operator&( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND, b ) );
VImage &
operator&=( VImage &a, const VImage b )
return( a = a & b );
VImage &
operator&=( VImage &a, const double b )
return( a = a & b );
VImage &
operator&=( VImage &a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a = a & b );
operator|( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.boolean( b, VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR ) );
operator|( const double a, const VImage b )
return( b.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR,
to_vector( a ) ) );
operator|( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator|( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR,
a ) );
operator|( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR,
b ) );
VImage &
operator|=( VImage &a, const VImage b )
return( a = a | b );
VImage &
operator|=( VImage &a, const double b )
return( a = a | b );
VImage &
operator|=( VImage &a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a = a | b );
operator^( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.boolean( b, VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR ) );
operator^( const double a, const VImage b )
return( b.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR,
to_vector( a ) ) );
operator^( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator^( const std::vector<double> a, const VImage b )
return( b.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR,
a ) );
operator^( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR,
b ) );
VImage &
operator^=( VImage &a, const VImage b )
return( a = a ^ b );
VImage &
operator^=( VImage &a, const double b )
return( a = a ^ b );
VImage &
operator^=( VImage &a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a = a ^ b );
operator<<( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.boolean( b, VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LSHIFT ) );
operator<<( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LSHIFT,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator<<( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LSHIFT,
b ) );
VImage &
operator<<=( VImage &a, const VImage b )
return( a = a << b );
VImage &
operator<<=( VImage &a, const double b )
return( a = a << b );
VImage &
operator<<=( VImage &a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a = a << b );
operator>>( const VImage a, const VImage b )
return( a.boolean( b, VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_RSHIFT ) );
operator>>( const VImage a, const double b )
return( a.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_RSHIFT,
to_vector( b ) ) );
operator>>( const VImage a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a.boolean_const( VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_RSHIFT,
b ) );
VImage &
operator>>=( VImage &a, const VImage b )
return( a = a << b );
VImage &
operator>>=( VImage &a, const double b )
return( a = a << b );
VImage &
operator>>=( VImage &a, const std::vector<double> b )
return( a = a << b );