
178 lines
4.7 KiB

/* @(#) Function which calculates the coefficients between corresponding
* @(#) points from reference and secondary images (probably from the scanner),
* @(#) previously calculated using the functions vips__{lr,bt}calcon() and vips_chpair()
* @(#) It is assumed that a selection of the best(?) possible points has
* @(#) been already carried out and that those nopoints points are in arrays
* @(#) x1, y1 and x2, y2
* @(#) No images are involved in this function and the calculated parameters
* @(#) are returned in scale angle deltax and deltay of the TiePoints struct.
* @(#)
* @(#) int vips_clinear( points )
* @(#) TiePoints *points;
* @(#)
* @(#) Returns 0 on sucess and -1 on error.
* Copyright: 1990, N. Dessipris.
* Author: Nicos Dessipris
* Written on: 20/12/1990
* Modified on : 18/04/1991
* 24/1/97 JC
* - tiny mem leak fixed
* 18/6/20 kleisauke
* - convert to vips8
This file is part of VIPS.
VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA
These files are distributed with VIPS -
#include <config.h>
#endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/
#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <vips/vips.h>
#include <vips/internal.h>
#include "pmosaicing.h"
vips__clinear( TiePoints *points )
VipsImage *mat, *matinv;
double *g;
double value;
double sx1 = 0.0, sx1x1 = 0.0, sy1 = 0.0, sy1y1 = 0.0;
double sx2x1 = 0.0, sx2y1 = 0.0, sx2 = 0.0, sy2 = 0.0, sy2y1 = 0.0, sy2x1 = 0.0;
int i, j;
int elms;
double scale, angle, xdelta, ydelta;
int *xref, *yref, *xsec, *ysec;
double *dx, *dy, *dev;
xref = &points->x_reference[0];
yref = &points->y_reference[0];
xsec = &points->x_secondary[0];
ysec = &points->y_secondary[0];
dx = &points->dx[0];
dy = &points->dy[0];
dev = &points->deviation[0];
elms = points->nopoints;
if( !(mat = vips_image_new_matrix( 4, 4 )) )
return( -1 );
if( !(g = VIPS_ARRAY( NULL, 4, double )) ) {
g_object_unref( mat );
return( -1 );
for( i = 0; i < points->nopoints; i++ ) {
sx1 += xref[i];
sx1x1 += xref[i] * xref[i];
sy1 += yref[i];
sy1y1 += yref[i] * yref[i];
sx2x1 += xsec[i] * xref[i];
sx2y1 += xsec[i] * yref[i];
sy2y1 += ysec[i] * yref[i];
sy2x1 += ysec[i] * xref[i];
sx2 += xsec[i];
sy2 += ysec[i];
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 0, 0 ) = sx1x1 + sy1y1;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 1, 0 ) = 0;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 2, 0 ) = sx1;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 3, 0 ) = sy1;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 0, 1 ) = 0;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 1, 1 ) = sx1x1 + sy1y1;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 2, 1 ) = -sy1;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 3, 1 ) = sx1;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 0, 2 ) = sx1;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 1, 2 ) = -sy1;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 2, 2 ) = (double) elms;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 3, 2 ) = 0.0;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 0, 3 ) = sy1;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 1, 3 ) = sx1;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 2, 3 ) = 0.0;
*VIPS_MATRIX( mat, 3, 3 ) = (double) elms;
g[0] = sx2x1 + sy2y1;
g[1] = -sx2y1 + sy2x1;
g[2] = sx2;
g[3] = sy2;
if( vips_matrixinvert( mat, &matinv, NULL ) ) {
g_object_unref( mat );
g_free( g );
vips_error( "vips_clinear", "%s", _( "vips_invmat failed" ) );
return( -1 );
scale = 0.0; angle = 0.0;
xdelta = 0.0; ydelta = 0.0;
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
scale += *VIPS_MATRIX( matinv, j, 0 ) * g[j];
angle += *VIPS_MATRIX( matinv, j, 1 ) * g[j];
xdelta += *VIPS_MATRIX( matinv, j, 2 ) * g[j];
ydelta += *VIPS_MATRIX( matinv, j, 3 ) * g[j];
g_object_unref( mat );
g_object_unref( matinv );
g_free( g );
/* find the deviation of each point for the estimated variables
* if it greater than 1 then the solution is not good enough
* but this is handled by the main program
for( i = 0; i < points->nopoints; i++ ) {
dx[i] = xsec[i] -
((scale * xref[i]) - (angle * yref[i]) + xdelta);
dy[i] = ysec[i] -
((angle * xref[i]) + (scale * yref[i]) + ydelta);
value = sqrt( dx[i] * dx[i] + dy[i] * dy[i] );
dev[i] = value;
points->l_scale = scale;
points->l_angle = angle;
points->l_deltax = xdelta;
points->l_deltay = ydelta;
return( 0 );