
1783 lines
42 KiB

/* array type
* Unlike GArray, this has fixed length, tracks a GType for elements, and has
* a per-element free function.
* 27/10/11
* - from header.c
* 16/7/13
* - leakcheck VipsArea
* 16/8/17
* - validate strings as utf-8 on set
This file is part of VIPS.
VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA
These files are distributed with VIPS -
#define VIPS_DEBUG
#define DEBUG
#include <config.h>
#endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/
#include <vips/intl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <vips/vips.h>
#include <vips/internal.h>
#include <vips/debug.h>
* SECTION: basic
* @short_description: a few typedefs used everywhere
* @stability: Stable
* @include: vips/vips.h
* A few simple typedefs used by VIPS.
* SECTION: type
* @short_description: basic types
* @stability: Stable
* @see_also: <link linkend="libvips-header">header</link>
* @include: vips/vips.h
* A selection of %GType defintions used by VIPS.
/* A very simple boxed type for testing. Just an int.
* You can manipulate this thing from Python (for example) with:
* from gi.repository import Vips
* a =
* print a.i
* b = a
* del a
* print b.i
* del b
* vips_thing_new:
* @i:
* Returns: (transfer full): a new #VipsThing.
VipsThing *
vips_thing_new( int i )
VipsThing *thing;
thing = g_new( VipsThing, 1 );
thing->i = i;
printf( "vips_thing_new: %d %p\n", i, thing );
return( thing );
static VipsThing *
vips_thing_copy( VipsThing *thing )
VipsThing *thing2;
thing2 = vips_thing_new( thing->i );
printf( "vips_thing_copy: %d %p = %p\n", thing->i, thing2, thing );
return( thing2 );
static void
vips_thing_free( VipsThing *thing )
printf( "vips_thing_free: %d %p\n", thing->i, thing );
g_free( thing );
* glib-2.26+ only
G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE( VipsThing, vips_thing,
(GBoxedCopyFunc) vips_thing_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) vips_thing_free );
vips_thing_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "VipsThing",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) vips_thing_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) vips_thing_free );
return( type );
static GSList *vips_area_all = NULL;
VipsArea *
vips_area_copy( VipsArea *area )
g_mutex_lock( area->lock );
g_assert( area->count > 0 );
area->count += 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "vips_area_copy: %p count = %d\n", area, area->count );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
g_mutex_unlock( area->lock );
return( area );
vips_area_unref( VipsArea *area )
g_mutex_lock( area->lock );
g_assert( area->count > 0 );
area->count -= 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "vips_area_unref: %p count = %d\n", area, area->count );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
if( vips__leak ) {
g_mutex_lock( vips__global_lock );
g_assert( g_slist_find( vips_area_all, area ) );
g_mutex_unlock( vips__global_lock );
if( area->count == 0 ) {
if( area->free_fn && area->data ) {
area->free_fn( area->data, area );
area->data = NULL;
area->free_fn = NULL;
g_mutex_unlock( area->lock );
VIPS_FREEF( vips_g_mutex_free, area->lock );
g_free( area );
if( vips__leak ) {
g_mutex_lock( vips__global_lock );
vips_area_all = g_slist_remove( vips_area_all, area );
g_mutex_unlock( vips__global_lock );
#ifdef DEBUG
g_mutex_lock( vips__global_lock );
printf( "vips_area_unref: free .. total = %d\n",
g_slist_length( vips_area_all ) );
g_mutex_unlock( vips__global_lock );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
g_mutex_unlock( area->lock );
* vips_area_new: (constructor)
* @free_fn: (scope async): @data will be freed with this function
* @data: data will be freed with this function
* A VipsArea wraps a chunk of memory. It adds reference counting and a free
* function. It also keeps a count and a %GType, so the area can be an array.
* This type is used for things like passing an array of double or an array of
* #VipsObject pointers to operations, and for reference-counted immutable
* strings.
* Inital count == 1, so _unref() after attaching somewhere.
* See also: vips_area_unref().
* Returns: (transfer full): the new #VipsArea.
VipsArea *
vips_area_new( VipsCallbackFn free_fn, void *data )
VipsArea *area;
area = g_new( VipsArea, 1 );
area->count = 1;
area->lock = vips_g_mutex_new();
area->length = 0;
area->data = data;
area->free_fn = free_fn;
area->type = 0;
area->sizeof_type = 0;
if( vips__leak ) {
g_mutex_lock( vips__global_lock );
vips_area_all = g_slist_prepend( vips_area_all, area );
g_mutex_unlock( vips__global_lock );
#ifdef DEBUG
g_mutex_lock( vips__global_lock );
printf( "vips_area_new: %p count = %d (%d in total)\n",
area, area->count,
g_slist_length( vips_area_all ) );
g_mutex_unlock( vips__global_lock );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
return( area );
vips__type_leak( void )
if( vips_area_all ) {
GSList *p;
fprintf( stderr, "%d VipsArea alive\n",
g_slist_length( vips_area_all ) );
for( p = vips_area_all; p; p = p->next ) {
VipsArea *area = VIPS_AREA( p->data );
fprintf( stderr, "\t%p count = %d, bytes = %zd\n",
area, area->count, area->length );
* vips_area_new_array:
* @type: %GType of elements to store
* @sizeof_type: sizeof() an element in the array
* @n: number of elements in the array
* An area which holds an array of elements of some %GType. To set values for
* the elements, get the pointer and write.
* See also: vips_area_unref().
* Returns: (transfer full): the new #VipsArea.
VipsArea *
vips_area_new_array( GType type, size_t sizeof_type, int n )
VipsArea *area;
void *array;
array = g_malloc( n * sizeof_type );
area = vips_area_new( (VipsCallbackFn) g_free, array );
area->n = n;
area->length = n * sizeof_type;
area->type = type;
area->sizeof_type = sizeof_type;
return( area );
static void
vips_area_free_array_object( GObject **array, VipsArea *area )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < area->n; i++ )
VIPS_FREEF( g_object_unref, array[i] );
VIPS_FREE( array );
area->n = 0;
* vips_area_new_array_object: (constructor)
* @n: number of elements in the array
* An area which holds an array of %GObject s. See vips_area_new_array(). When
* the area is freed, each %GObject will be unreffed.
* Add an extra NULL element at the end, handy for eg.
* vips_image_pipeline_array() etc.
* See also: vips_area_unref().
* Returns: (transfer full): the new #VipsArea.
VipsArea *
vips_area_new_array_object( int n )
GObject **array;
VipsArea *area;
array = g_new0( GObject *, n + 1 );
area = vips_area_new( (VipsCallbackFn) vips_area_free_array_object,
array );
area->n = n;
area->length = n * sizeof( GObject * );
area->type = G_TYPE_OBJECT;
area->sizeof_type = sizeof( GObject * );
return( area );
* vips_area_get_data: (method)
* @area: #VipsArea to fetch from
* @length: (optional): optionally return length in bytes here
* @n: (optional): optionally return number of elements here
* @type: (optional): optionally return element type here
* @sizeof_type: (optional): optionally return sizeof() element type here
* Return the data pointer plus optionally the length in bytes of an area,
* the number of elements, the %GType of each element and the sizeof() each
* element.
* Returns: (transfer none): The pointer held by @area.
void *
vips_area_get_data( VipsArea *area,
size_t *length, int *n, GType *type, size_t *sizeof_type )
if( length )
*length = area->length;
if( n )
*n = area->n;
if( type )
*type = area->type;
if( sizeof_type )
*sizeof_type = area->sizeof_type;
return( area->data );
/* Transform an area to a G_TYPE_STRING.
static void
transform_area_g_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
VipsArea *area;
char buf[256];
area = g_value_get_boxed( src_value );
vips_snprintf( buf, 256, "VIPS_TYPE_AREA, count = %d, data = %p",
area->count, area->data );
g_value_set_string( dest_value, buf );
vips_area_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "VipsArea",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) vips_area_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) vips_area_unref );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, G_TYPE_STRING,
transform_area_g_string );
return( type );
/* Transform funcs for builtin types to SAVE_STRING.
static void
transform_int_save_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
vips_value_set_save_stringf( dest_value,
"%d", g_value_get_int( src_value ) );
static void
transform_save_string_int( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
g_value_set_int( dest_value,
atoi( vips_value_get_save_string( src_value ) ) );
static void
transform_double_save_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
/* Need to be locale independent.
g_ascii_dtostr( buf, G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE,
g_value_get_double( src_value ) );
vips_value_set_save_string( dest_value, buf );
static void
transform_save_string_double( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
g_value_set_double( dest_value,
g_ascii_strtod( vips_value_get_save_string( src_value ),
NULL ) );
/* Save meta fields to the header. We have a new string type for header fields
* to save to XML and define transform functions to go from our meta types to
* this string type.
vips_save_string_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "VipsSaveString",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) g_free );
return( type );
/* Transform a refstring to a G_TYPE_STRING and back.
static void
transform_ref_string_g_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
g_value_set_string( dest_value,
vips_value_get_ref_string( src_value, NULL ) );
static void
transform_g_string_ref_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
vips_value_set_ref_string( dest_value,
g_value_get_string( src_value ) );
/* To a save string.
static void
transform_ref_string_save_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
vips_value_set_save_stringf( dest_value,
"%s", vips_value_get_ref_string( src_value, NULL ) );
static void
transform_save_string_ref_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
vips_value_set_ref_string( dest_value,
vips_value_get_save_string( src_value ) );
* vips_ref_string_new:
* @str: (transfer none): string to store
* Create a new refstring. These are reference-counted immutable strings, used
* to store string data in vips image metadata.
* Strings must be valid utf-8; use blob for binary data.
* See also: vips_area_unref().
* Returns: (transfer full): the new #VipsRefString, or NULL on error.
VipsRefString *
vips_ref_string_new( const char *str )
VipsArea *area;
if( !g_utf8_validate( str, -1, NULL ) )
str = "<invalid utf-8 string>";
area = vips_area_new( (VipsCallbackFn) g_free, g_strdup( str ) );
/* Handy place to cache this.
area->length = strlen( str );
return( (VipsRefString *) area );
* vips_ref_string_get:
* @refstr: the #VipsRefString to fetch from
* @length: (allow-none): return length here, optionally
* Get a pointer to the private string inside a refstr. Handy for language
* bindings.
* See also: vips_value_get_ref_string().
* Returns: (transfer none): The C string held by @refstr.
const char *
vips_ref_string_get( VipsRefString *refstr, size_t *length )
VipsArea *area = VIPS_AREA( refstr );
return( vips_area_get_data( area, length, NULL, NULL, NULL ) );
vips_ref_string_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "VipsRefString",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) vips_area_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) vips_area_unref );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, G_TYPE_STRING,
transform_ref_string_g_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_STRING, type,
transform_g_string_ref_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, VIPS_TYPE_SAVE_STRING,
transform_ref_string_save_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( VIPS_TYPE_SAVE_STRING, type,
transform_save_string_ref_string );
return( type );
* vips_blob_new:
* @free_fn: (scope async) (allow-none): @data will be freed with this function
* @data: (array length=size) (element-type guint8) (transfer full): data to store
* @size: number of bytes in @data
* Like vips_area_new(), but track a length as well. The returned #VipsBlob
* takes ownership of @data and will free it with @free_fn. Pass NULL for
* @free_fn to not transfer ownership.
* An area of mem with a free func and a length (some sort of binary object,
* like an ICC profile).
* See also: vips_area_unref().
* Returns: (transfer full): the new #VipsBlob.
VipsBlob *
vips_blob_new( VipsCallbackFn free_fn, const void *data, size_t size )
VipsArea *area;
area = vips_area_new( free_fn, (void *) data );
area->length = size;
return( (VipsBlob *) area );
* vips_blob_copy:
* @data: (array length=size) (element-type guint8) (transfer none): data to store
* @size: number of bytes in @data
* Like vips_blob_new(), but take a copy of the data. Useful for bindings
* which strugle with callbacks.
* See also: vips_blob_new().
* Returns: (transfer full): the new #VipsBlob.
VipsBlob *
vips_blob_copy( const void *data, size_t size )
void *data_copy;
VipsArea *area;
data_copy = vips_malloc( NULL, size );
memcpy( data_copy, data, size );
area = vips_area_new( (VipsCallbackFn) g_free, data_copy );
area->length = size;
return( (VipsBlob *) area );
* vips_blob_get:
* @blob: #VipsBlob to fetch from
* @size: return number of bytes of data
* Get the data from a #VipsBlob.
* See also: vips_blob_new().
* Returns: (array length=size) (element-type guint8) (transfer none): the data
const void *
vips_blob_get( VipsBlob *blob, size_t *size )
return( vips_area_get_data( VIPS_AREA( blob ),
size, NULL, NULL, NULL ) );
/* Transform a blob to a G_TYPE_STRING.
static void
transform_blob_g_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
void *blob;
size_t blob_length;
char buf[256];
blob = vips_value_get_blob( src_value, &blob_length );
vips_snprintf( buf, 256, "VIPS_TYPE_BLOB, data = %p, length = %zd",
blob, blob_length );
g_value_set_string( dest_value, buf );
/* Transform a blob to a save string and back.
static void
transform_blob_save_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
void *blob;
size_t blob_length;
char *b64;
blob = vips_value_get_blob( src_value, &blob_length );
if( (b64 = vips__b64_encode( blob, blob_length )) ) {
vips_value_set_save_string( dest_value, b64 );
vips_free( b64 );
/* No error return from transform, but we should set it to
* something.
vips_value_set_save_string( dest_value, "" );
static void
transform_save_string_blob( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
const char *b64;
void *blob;
size_t blob_length;
b64 = vips_value_get_save_string( src_value );
if( (blob = vips__b64_decode( b64, &blob_length )) )
vips_value_set_blob( dest_value,
(VipsCallbackFn) vips_free, blob, blob_length );
/* No error return from transform, but we should set it to
* something.
vips_value_set_blob( dest_value, NULL, NULL, 0 );
vips_blob_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "VipsBlob",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) vips_area_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) vips_area_unref );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, G_TYPE_STRING,
transform_blob_g_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, VIPS_TYPE_SAVE_STRING,
transform_blob_save_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( VIPS_TYPE_SAVE_STRING, type,
transform_save_string_blob );
return( type );
* vips_array_int_new:
* @array: (array length=n): array of int
* @n: number of ints
* Allocate a new array of ints and copy @array into it. Free with
* vips_area_unref().
* See also: #VipsArea.
* Returns: (transfer full): A new #VipsArrayInt.
VipsArrayInt *
vips_array_int_new( const int *array, int n )
VipsArea *area;
int *array_copy;
area = vips_area_new_array( G_TYPE_INT, sizeof( int ), n );
array_copy = vips_area_get_data( area, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
memcpy( array_copy, array, n * sizeof( int ) );
return( (VipsArrayInt *) area );
* vips_array_int_newv:
* @n: number of ints
* @...: list of int arguments
* Allocate a new array of @n ints and copy @... into it. Free with
* vips_area_unref().
* See also: vips_array_int_new()
* Returns: (transfer full): A new #VipsArrayInt.
VipsArrayInt *
vips_array_int_newv( int n, ... )
va_list ap;
VipsArea *area;
int *array;
int i;
area = vips_area_new_array( G_TYPE_INT, sizeof( int ), n );
array = vips_area_get_data( area, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
va_start( ap, n );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
array[i] = va_arg( ap, int );
va_end( ap );
return( (VipsArrayInt *) area );
* vips_array_int_get:
* @array: the #VipsArrayInt to fetch from
* @n: length of array
* Fetch an int array from a #VipsArrayInt. Useful for language bindings.
* Returns: (array length=n) (transfer none): array of int
int *
vips_array_int_get( VipsArrayInt *array, int *n )
VipsArea *area = VIPS_AREA( array );
g_assert( area->type == G_TYPE_INT );
if( n )
*n = area->n;
return( (int *) VIPS_ARRAY_ADDR( array, 0 ) );
static void
transform_array_int_g_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
int n;
int *array;
char txt[1024];
VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt );
int i;
if( (array = vips_value_get_array_int( src_value, &n )) )
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
/* Use space as a separator since ',' may be a
* decimal point in this locale.
vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "%d ", array[i] );
g_value_set_string( dest_value, vips_buf_all( &buf ) );
/* It'd be great to be able to write a generic string->array function, but
* it doesn't seem possible.
static void
transform_g_string_array_int( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
char *str;
int n;
char *p, *q;
int i;
int *array;
/* Walk the string to get the number of elements.
* We need a copy of the string, since we insert \0 during
* scan.
* We can't allow ',' as a separator, since some locales use it as a
* decimal point.
str = g_value_dup_string( src_value );
n = 0;
for( p = str; (q = vips_break_token( p, "\t; " )); p = q )
n += 1;
g_free( str );
vips_value_set_array_int( dest_value, NULL, n );
array = vips_value_get_array_int( dest_value, NULL );
str = g_value_dup_string( src_value );
i = 0;
for( p = str; (q = vips_break_token( p, "\t; " )); p = q ) {
if( sscanf( p, "%d", &array[i] ) != 1 ) {
/* Set array to length zero to indicate an error.
vips_error( "vipstype",
_( "unable to convert \"%s\" to int" ), p );
vips_value_set_array( dest_value,
0, G_TYPE_INT, sizeof( int ) );
g_free( str );
i += 1;
g_free( str );
/* We need a arrayint, we have an int, make a one-element array.
static void
transform_int_array_int( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
int *array;
vips_value_set_array_int( dest_value, NULL, 1 );
array = vips_value_get_array_int( dest_value, NULL );
array[0] = g_value_get_int( src_value );
static void
transform_double_array_int( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
int *array;
vips_value_set_array_int( dest_value, NULL, 1 );
array = vips_value_get_array_int( dest_value, NULL );
array[0] = g_value_get_double( src_value );
vips_array_int_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "VipsArrayInt",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) vips_area_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) vips_area_unref );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, G_TYPE_STRING,
transform_array_int_g_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_STRING, type,
transform_g_string_array_int );
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_INT, type,
transform_int_array_int );
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_DOUBLE, type,
transform_double_array_int );
return( type );
* vips_array_double_new:
* @array: (array length=n): array of double
* @n: number of doubles
* Allocate a new array of doubles and copy @array into it. Free with
* vips_area_unref().
* See also: #VipsArea.
* Returns: (transfer full): A new #VipsArrayDouble.
VipsArrayDouble *
vips_array_double_new( const double *array, int n )
VipsArea *area;
double *array_copy;
area = vips_area_new_array( G_TYPE_DOUBLE, sizeof( double ), n );
array_copy = vips_area_get_data( area, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
memcpy( array_copy, array, n * sizeof( double ) );
return( (VipsArrayDouble *) area );
* vips_array_double_newv:
* @n: number of doubles
* @...: list of double arguments
* Allocate a new array of @n doubles and copy @... into it. Free with
* vips_area_unref().
* See also: vips_array_double_new()
* Returns: (transfer full): A new #VipsArrayDouble.
VipsArrayDouble *
vips_array_double_newv( int n, ... )
va_list ap;
VipsArea *area;
double *array;
int i;
area = vips_area_new_array( G_TYPE_DOUBLE, sizeof( double ), n );
array = vips_area_get_data( area, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
va_start( ap, n );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
array[i] = va_arg( ap, double );
va_end( ap );
return( (VipsArrayDouble *) area );
* vips_array_double_get:
* @array: the #VipsArrayDouble to fetch from
* @n: length of array
* Fetch a double array from a #VipsArrayDouble. Useful for language bindings.
* Returns: (array length=n) (transfer none): array of double
double *
vips_array_double_get( VipsArrayDouble *array, int *n )
VipsArea *area = VIPS_AREA( array );
g_assert( area->type == G_TYPE_DOUBLE );
if( n )
*n = area->n;
return( VIPS_ARRAY_ADDR( array, 0 ) );
static void
transform_array_double_g_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
int n;
double *array;
char txt[1024];
VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt );
int i;
if( (array = vips_value_get_array_double( src_value, &n )) )
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
/* Use space as a separator since ',' may be a decimal
* point in this locale.
vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "%g ", array[i] );
g_value_set_string( dest_value, vips_buf_all( &buf ) );
/* It'd be great to be able to write a generic string->array function, but
* it doesn't seem possible.
static void
transform_g_string_array_double( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
char *str;
int n;
char *p, *q;
int i;
double *array;
/* Walk the string to get the number of elements.
* We need a copy of the string, since we insert \0 during scan.
* We can't allow ',' as a separator since some locales use it as a
* decimal point.
str = g_value_dup_string( src_value );
n = 0;
for( p = str; (q = vips_break_token( p, "\t; " )); p = q )
n += 1;
g_free( str );
vips_value_set_array_double( dest_value, NULL, n );
array = vips_value_get_array_double( dest_value, NULL );
str = g_value_dup_string( src_value );
i = 0;
for( p = str; (q = vips_break_token( p, "\t; " )); p = q ) {
if( sscanf( p, "%lf", &array[i] ) != 1 ) {
/* Set array to length zero to indicate an error.
vips_error( "vipstype",
_( "unable to convert \"%s\" to float" ), p );
vips_value_set_array_double( dest_value, NULL, 0 );
g_free( str );
i += 1;
g_free( str );
/* We need a arraydouble, we have a double, make a one-element array.
static void
transform_double_array_double( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
double *array;
vips_value_set_array_double( dest_value, NULL, 1 );
array = vips_value_get_array_double( dest_value, NULL );
array[0] = g_value_get_double( src_value );
static void
transform_int_array_double( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
double *array;
vips_value_set_array_double( dest_value, NULL, 1 );
array = vips_value_get_array_double( dest_value, NULL );
array[0] = g_value_get_int( src_value );
vips_array_double_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "VipsArrayDouble",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) vips_area_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) vips_area_unref );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, G_TYPE_STRING,
transform_array_double_g_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_STRING, type,
transform_g_string_array_double );
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_DOUBLE, type,
transform_double_array_double );
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_INT, type,
transform_int_array_double );
return( type );
* vips_array_image_new: (constructor)
* @array: (array length=n): array of #VipsImage
* @n: number of images
* Allocate a new array of images and copy @array into it. Free with
* vips_area_unref().
* The images will all be reffed by this function. They
* will be automatically unreffed for you by
* vips_area_unref().
* Add an extra NULL element at the end, handy for eg.
* vips_image_pipeline_array() etc.
* See also: #VipsArea.
* Returns: (transfer full): A new #VipsArrayImage.
VipsArrayImage *
vips_array_image_new( VipsImage **array, int n )
VipsArea *area;
VipsImage **array_copy;
int i;
area = vips_area_new_array_object( n );
area->type = VIPS_TYPE_IMAGE;
array_copy = vips_area_get_data( area, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
array_copy[i] = (VipsImage *) array[i];
g_object_ref( array_copy[i] );
return( (VipsArrayImage *) area );
* vips_array_image_newv: (constructor)
* @n: number of images
* @...: list of #VipsImage arguments
* Allocate a new array of @n #VipsImage and copy @... into it. Free with
* vips_area_unref().
* The images will all be reffed by this function. They
* will be automatically unreffed for you by
* vips_area_unref().
* Add an extra NULL element at the end, handy for eg.
* vips_image_pipeline_array() etc.
* See also: vips_array_image_new()
* Returns: (transfer full): A new #VipsArrayImage.
VipsArrayImage *
vips_array_image_newv( int n, ... )
va_list ap;
VipsArea *area;
VipsImage **array;
int i;
area = vips_area_new_array_object( n );
area->type = VIPS_TYPE_IMAGE;
array = vips_area_get_data( area, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
va_start( ap, n );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
array[i] = va_arg( ap, VipsImage * );
g_object_ref( array[i] );
va_end( ap );
return( (VipsArrayImage *) area );
VipsArrayImage *
vips_array_image_new_from_string( const char *string, VipsAccess access )
char *str;
int n;
VipsArea *area;
VipsImage **array;
char *p, *q;
int i;
/* We need a copy of the string, since we insert \0 during
* scan.
str = g_strdup( string );
n = 0;
for( p = str; (q = vips_break_token( p, " \n\t\r" )); p = q )
n += 1;
g_free( str );
area = vips_area_new_array_object( n );
area->type = VIPS_TYPE_IMAGE;
array = vips_area_get_data( area, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
str = g_strdup( string );
i = 0;
for( p = str; (q = vips_break_token( p, " \n\t\r" )); p = q ) {
if( !(array[i] = vips_image_new_from_file( p,
"access", access,
NULL )) ) {
vips_area_unref( area );
g_free( str );
return( NULL );
i += 1;
g_free( str );
return( (VipsArrayImage *) area );
* vips_array_image_empty: (constructor)
* Make an empty image array.
* Handy with vips_array_image_add() for bindings
* which can't handle object array arguments.
* See also: vips_array_image_add().
* Returns: (transfer full): A new #VipsArrayImage.
VipsArrayImage *
vips_array_image_empty( void )
return( vips_array_image_new( NULL, 0 ) );
* vips_array_image_append: (method)
* @array: (transfer none): append to this
* @image: add this
* Make a new #VipsArrayImage, one larger than @array, with @image appended
* to the end.
* Handy with vips_array_image_empty() for bindings
* which can't handle object array arguments.
* See also: vips_array_image_empty().
* Returns: (transfer full): A new #VipsArrayImage.
VipsArrayImage *
vips_array_image_append( VipsArrayImage *array, VipsImage *image )
VipsArea *old_area = VIPS_AREA( array );
int n = old_area->n;
VipsArea *new_area;
VipsImage **old_vector;
VipsImage **new_vector;
int i;
new_area = vips_area_new_array_object( n + 1 );
new_area->type = VIPS_TYPE_IMAGE;
old_vector = vips_area_get_data( old_area, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
new_vector = vips_area_get_data( new_area, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
new_vector[i] = (VipsImage *) old_vector[i];
g_object_ref( new_vector[i] );
new_vector[i] = image;
g_object_ref( new_vector[i] );
return( (VipsArrayImage *) new_area );
* vips_array_image_get: (method)
* @array: the #VipsArrayImage to fetch from
* @n: length of array
* Fetch an image array from a #VipsArrayImage. Useful for language bindings.
* Returns: (array length=n) (transfer none): array of #VipsImage
VipsImage **
vips_array_image_get( VipsArrayImage *array, int *n )
VipsArea *area = VIPS_AREA( array );
g_assert( area->type == VIPS_TYPE_IMAGE );
if( n )
*n = area->n;
return( (VipsImage **) VIPS_ARRAY_ADDR( array, 0 ) );
static void
transform_g_string_array_image( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
char *str;
VipsArrayImage *array_image;
str = g_value_dup_string( src_value );
/* We can't get access here, just assume nothing. See the special case
* in vips_object_new_from_string() for how we usually get this right.
if( !(array_image = vips_array_image_new_from_string( str, 0 )) ) {
/* Set the dest to length zero to indicate error.
vips_value_set_array_image( dest_value, 0 );
g_free( str );
g_free( str );
g_value_set_boxed( dest_value, array_image );
vips_area_unref( VIPS_AREA( array_image ) );
vips_array_image_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "VipsArrayImage",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) vips_area_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) vips_area_unref );
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_STRING, type,
transform_g_string_array_image );
return( type );
* vips_value_set_area:
* @value: (out): set this value
* @free_fn: (scope async): data will be freed with this function
* @data: set @value to track this pointer
* Set value to be a ref-counted area of memory with a free function.
vips_value_set_area( GValue *value, VipsCallbackFn free_fn, void *data )
VipsArea *area;
area = vips_area_new( free_fn, data );
g_value_init( value, VIPS_TYPE_AREA );
g_value_set_boxed( value, area );
vips_area_unref( area );
* vips_value_get_area:
* @value: get from this value
* @length: (allow-none): optionally return length here
* Get the pointer from an area. Don't touch count (area is static).
* Returns: (transfer none): The pointer held by @value.
void *
vips_value_get_area( const GValue *value, size_t *length )
VipsArea *area;
area = g_value_get_boxed( value );
return( vips_area_get_data( area, length, NULL, NULL, NULL ) );
* vips_value_get_save_string:
* @value: GValue to get from
* Get the C string held internally by the GValue.
* Returns: (transfer none): The C string held by @value.
const char *
vips_value_get_save_string( const GValue *value )
return( (char *) g_value_get_boxed( value ) );
* vips_value_set_save_string:
* @value: (out): GValue to set
* @str: C string to copy into the GValue
* Copies the C string into @value.
* @str should be a valid utf-8 string.
vips_value_set_save_string( GValue *value, const char *str )
g_assert( G_VALUE_TYPE( value ) == VIPS_TYPE_SAVE_STRING );
if( !g_utf8_validate( str, -1, NULL ) )
str = "<invalid utf-8 string>";
g_value_set_boxed( value, str );
* vips_value_set_save_stringf:
* @value: (out): GValue to set
* @fmt: printf()-style format string
* @...: arguments to printf()-formatted @fmt
* Generates a string and copies it into @value.
vips_value_set_save_stringf( GValue *value, const char *fmt, ... )
va_list ap;
char *str;
g_assert( G_VALUE_TYPE( value ) == VIPS_TYPE_SAVE_STRING );
va_start( ap, fmt );
str = g_strdup_vprintf( fmt, ap );
va_end( ap );
vips_value_set_save_string( value, str );
g_free( str );
* vips_value_get_ref_string:
* @value: %GValue to get from
* @length: (allow-none): return length here, optionally
* Get the C string held internally by the %GValue.
* Returns: (transfer none): The C string held by @value.
const char *
vips_value_get_ref_string( const GValue *value, size_t *length )
return( vips_value_get_area( value, length ) );
* vips_value_set_ref_string:
* @value: (out): %GValue to set
* @str: C string to copy into the GValue
* Copies the C string @str into @value.
* vips_ref_string are immutable C strings that are copied between images by
* copying reference-counted pointers, making them much more efficient than
* regular %GValue strings.
* @str should be a valid utf-8 string.
vips_value_set_ref_string( GValue *value, const char *str )
VipsRefString *ref_str;
g_assert( G_VALUE_TYPE( value ) == VIPS_TYPE_REF_STRING );
ref_str = vips_ref_string_new( str );
g_value_set_boxed( value, ref_str );
vips_area_unref( VIPS_AREA( ref_str ) );
* vips_value_set_blob:
* @value: (out): GValue to set
* @free_fn: (scope async): free function for @data
* @data: pointer to area of memory
* @length: length of memory area
* Sets @value to hold a @data. When @value is freed, @data will be
* freed with @free_fn. @value also holds a note of the length of the memory
* area.
* blobs are things like ICC profiles or EXIF data. They are relocatable, and
* are saved to VIPS files for you coded as base64 inside the XML. They are
* copied by copying reference-counted pointers.
* See also: vips_value_get_blob()
vips_value_set_blob( GValue *value,
VipsCallbackFn free_fn, void *data, size_t length )
VipsBlob *blob;
g_assert( G_VALUE_TYPE( value ) == VIPS_TYPE_BLOB );
blob = vips_blob_new( free_fn, data, length );
g_value_set_boxed( value, blob );
vips_area_unref( VIPS_AREA( blob ) );
* vips_value_get_blob:
* @value: GValue to set
* @length: (allow-none): optionally return length of memory area
* Returns the data pointer from a blob. Optionally returns the length too.
* blobs are things like ICC profiles or EXIF data. They are relocatable, and
* are saved to VIPS files for you coded as base64 inside the XML. They are
* copied by copying reference-counted pointers.
* See also: vips_value_set_blob()
* Returns: (transfer none): The pointer held by @value.
void *
vips_value_get_blob( const GValue *value, size_t *length )
return( vips_value_get_area( value, length ) );
* vips_value_set_array:
* @value: (out): %GValue to set
* @n: number of elements
* @type: the type of each element
* @sizeof_type: the sizeof each element
* Set @value to be an array of things.
* This allocates memory but does not
* initialise the contents: get the pointer and write instead.
vips_value_set_array( GValue *value, int n, GType type, size_t sizeof_type )
VipsArea *area;
area = vips_area_new_array( type, sizeof_type, n );
g_value_set_boxed( value, area );
vips_area_unref( area );
* vips_value_get_array:
* @value: %GValue to get from
* @n: (allow-none): return the number of elements here, optionally
* @type: (allow-none): return the type of each element here, optionally
* @sizeof_type: (allow-none): return the sizeof each element here, optionally
* Return the pointer to the array held by @value.
* Optionally return the other properties of the array in @n, @type,
* @sizeof_type.
* See also: vips_value_set_array().
* Returns: (transfer none): The array address.
void *
vips_value_get_array( const GValue *value,
int *n, GType *type, size_t *sizeof_type )
VipsArea *area;
/* Can't check value type, because we may get called from
* vips_*_get_type().
if( !(area = g_value_get_boxed( value )) )
return( NULL );
if( n )
*n = area->n;
if( type )
*type = area->type;
if( sizeof_type )
*sizeof_type = area->sizeof_type;
return( area->data );
* vips_value_get_array_int:
* @value: %GValue to get from
* @n: (allow-none): return the number of elements here, optionally
* Return the start of the array of ints held by @value.
* optionally return the number of elements in @n.
* See also: vips_array_int_new().
* Returns: (transfer none): The array address.
int *
vips_value_get_array_int( const GValue *value, int *n )
return( vips_value_get_array( value, n, NULL, NULL ) );
* vips_value_set_array_int:
* @value: (out): %GValue to get from
* @array: (array length=n) (allow-none): array of ints
* @n: the number of elements
* Set @value to hold a copy of @array. Pass in the array length in @n.
* See also: vips_array_int_get().
vips_value_set_array_int( GValue *value, const int *array, int n )
vips_value_set_array( value, n, G_TYPE_INT, sizeof( int ) );
if( array ) {
int *array_copy;
array_copy = vips_value_get_array_int( value, NULL );
memcpy( array_copy, array, n * sizeof( int ) );
* vips_value_get_array_double:
* @value: %GValue to get from
* @n: (allow-none): return the number of elements here, optionally
* Return the start of the array of doubles held by @value.
* optionally return the number of elements in @n.
* See also: vips_array_double_new().
* Returns: (transfer none): The array address.
double *
vips_value_get_array_double( const GValue *value, int *n )
return( vips_value_get_array( value, n, NULL, NULL ) );
* vips_value_set_array_double:
* @value: (out): %GValue to get from
* @array: (array length=n) (allow-none): array of doubles
* @n: the number of elements
* Set @value to hold a copy of @array. Pass in the array length in @n.
* See also: vips_array_double_get().
vips_value_set_array_double( GValue *value, const double *array, int n )
vips_value_set_array( value, n, G_TYPE_DOUBLE, sizeof( double ) );
if( array ) {
double *array_copy;
array_copy = vips_value_get_array_double( value, NULL );
memcpy( array_copy, array, n * sizeof( double ) );
* vips_value_get_array_image:
* @value: %GValue to get from
* @n: (allow-none): return the number of elements here, optionally
* Return the start of the array of images held by @value.
* optionally return the number of elements in @n.
* See also: vips_value_set_array_image().
* Returns: (transfer none): The array address.
VipsImage **
vips_value_get_array_image( const GValue *value, int *n )
return( vips_value_get_array( value, n, NULL, NULL ) );
* vips_value_set_array_image:
* @value: (out): %GValue to get from
* @n: the number of elements
* Set @value to hold an array of images. Pass in the array length in @n.
* See also: vips_array_image_get().
vips_value_set_array_image( GValue *value, int n )
VipsArea *area;
area = vips_area_new_array_object( n );
area->type = VIPS_TYPE_IMAGE;
g_value_set_boxed( value, area );
vips_area_unref( area );
* vips_value_get_array_object: (skip)
* @value: %GValue to get from
* @n: (allow-none): return the number of elements here, optionally
* Return the start of the array of %GObject held by @value.
* Optionally return the number of elements in @n.
* See also: vips_area_new_array_object().
* Returns: (transfer none): The array address.
GObject **
vips_value_get_array_object( const GValue *value, int *n )
return( vips_value_get_array( value, n, NULL, NULL ) );
* vips_value_set_array_object:
* @value: (out): %GValue to set
* @n: the number of elements
* Set @value to hold an array of %GObject. Pass in the array length in @n.
* See also: vips_value_get_array_object().
vips_value_set_array_object( GValue *value, int n )
VipsArea *area;
area = vips_area_new_array_object( n );
g_value_set_boxed( value, area );
vips_area_unref( area );
/* Make the types we need for basic functioning. Called from vips_init().
vips__meta_init_types( void )
(void) vips_thing_get_type();
(void) vips_save_string_get_type();
(void) vips_area_get_type();
(void) vips_ref_string_get_type();
(void) vips_blob_get_type();
(void) vips_array_int_get_type();
(void) vips_array_double_get_type();
(void) vips_array_image_get_type();
/* Register transform functions to go from built-in saveable types to
* a save string. Transform functions for our own types are set
* during type creation.
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_INT, VIPS_TYPE_SAVE_STRING,
transform_int_save_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( VIPS_TYPE_SAVE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT,
transform_save_string_int );
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_DOUBLE, VIPS_TYPE_SAVE_STRING,
transform_double_save_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( VIPS_TYPE_SAVE_STRING, G_TYPE_DOUBLE,
transform_save_string_double );