2009-03-01 17:35:24 +00:00

85 lines
2.7 KiB

/* RCSid $Id: resolu.h,v 2.10 2005/02/01 01:28:16 greg Exp $ */
* Definitions for resolution line in image file.
* Include after <stdio.h>
* True image orientation is defined by an xy coordinate system
* whose origin is at the lower left corner of the image, with
* x increasing to the right and y increasing in the upward direction.
* This true orientation is independent of how the pixels are actually
* ordered in the file, which is indicated by the resolution line.
* This line is of the form "{+-}{XY} xyres {+-}{YX} yxres\n".
* A typical line for a 1024x600 image might be "-Y 600 +X 1024\n",
* indicating that the scanlines are in English text order (PIXSTANDARD).
#ifndef _RAD_RESOLU_H_
#define _RAD_RESOLU_H_
#include <time.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* flags for scanline ordering */
#define XDECR 1
#define YDECR 2
#define YMAJOR 4
/* standard scanline ordering */
#define PIXSTDFMT "-Y %d +X %d\n"
/* structure for image dimensions */
typedef struct {
int rt; /* orientation (from flags above) */
int xr, yr; /* x and y resolution */
/* macros to get scanline length and number */
#define scanlen(rs) ((rs)->rt & YMAJOR ? (rs)->xr : (rs)->yr)
#define numscans(rs) ((rs)->rt & YMAJOR ? (rs)->yr : (rs)->xr)
/* resolution string buffer and its size */
#define RESOLU_BUFLEN 32
extern char resolu_buf[RESOLU_BUFLEN];
/* macros for reading/writing resolution struct */
#define fputsresolu(rs,fp) fputs(resolu2str(resolu_buf,rs),fp)
#define fgetsresolu(rs,fp) str2resolu(rs, \
/* reading/writing of standard ordering */
#define fprtresolu(sl,ns,fp) fprintf(fp,PIXSTDFMT,ns,sl)
#define fscnresolu(sl,ns,fp) (fscanf(fp,PIXSTDFMT,ns,sl)==2)
/* defined in resolu.c */
extern void fputresolu(int ord, int sl, int ns, FILE *fp);
extern int fgetresolu(int *sl, int *ns, FILE *fp);
extern char * resolu2str(char *buf, RESOLU *rp);
extern int str2resolu(RESOLU *rp, char *buf);
/* defined in header.c */
extern void newheader(char *t, FILE *fp);
extern int isheadid(char *s);
extern int headidval(char *r, char *s);
extern int dateval(time_t *t, char *s);
extern int isdate(char *s);
extern void fputdate(time_t t, FILE *fp);
extern void fputnow(FILE *fp);
extern void printargs(int ac, char **av, FILE *fp);
extern int isformat(char *s);
extern int formatval(char *r, char *s);
extern void fputformat(char *s, FILE *fp);
typedef int gethfunc(char *s, void *p); /* callback to process header lines */
extern int getheader(FILE *fp, gethfunc *f, void *p);
extern int globmatch(char *pat, char *str);
extern int checkheader(FILE *fin, char *fmt, FILE *fout);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _RAD_RESOLU_H_ */