
312 lines
10 KiB

/* Declarations only used internally to vips. See private.h for declarations
* which are not public, but which have to be publically visible.
* 11/9/06
* - cut from proto.h
This file is part of VIPS.
VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
These files are distributed with VIPS -
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /*__cplusplus*/
/* What we store in the Meta hash table. We can't just use GHashTable's
* key/value pairs, since we need to iterate over meta in Meta_traverse order.
* We don't refcount at this level ... large meta values are refcounted by
* their GValue implementation, see eg. MetaArea.
typedef struct _VipsMeta {
VipsImage *im;
char *field; /* strdup() of field name */
GValue value; /* copy of value */
} VipsMeta;
void vips__meta_init_types( void );
void vips__meta_destroy( VipsImage *im );
int vips__meta_cp( VipsImage *, const VipsImage * );
/* Default tile geometry.
extern int vips__tile_width;
extern int vips__tile_height;
extern int vips__fatstrip_height;
extern int vips__thinstrip_height;
/* Default n threads.
extern int vips__concurrency;
/* abort() on any error.
extern int vips__fatal;
/* Give progress feedback.
extern int vips__progress;
/* A string giving the image size (in bytes of uncompressed image) above which
* we decompress to disc on open.
extern char *vips__disc_threshold;
/* Cache size settings.
extern char *vips__cache_max;
extern char *vips__cache_max_mem;
extern char *vips__cache_max_files;
extern gboolean vips__cache_dump;
extern gboolean vips__cache_trace;
void vips__cache_init( void );
typedef int (*im__fftproc_fn)( VipsImage *, VipsImage *, VipsImage * );
/* iofuncs
int vips__open_image_read( const char *filename );
int vips__open_image_write( const char *filename, gboolean temp );
int vips_image_open_input( VipsImage *image );
int vips_image_open_output( VipsImage *image );
void vips__link_break_all( VipsImage *im );
void *vips__link_map( VipsImage *image, gboolean upstream,
VipsSListMap2Fn fn, void *a, void *b );
char *vips__b64_encode( const unsigned char *data, size_t data_length );
unsigned char *vips__b64_decode( const char *buffer, size_t *data_length );
void *vips__mmap( int fd, int writeable, size_t length, gint64 offset );
int vips__munmap( void *start, size_t length );
int vips_mapfile( VipsImage * );
int vips_mapfilerw( VipsImage * );
int vips_remapfilerw( VipsImage * );
void vips__buffer_init( void );
void vips__copy_4byte( int swap, unsigned char *to, unsigned char *from );
void vips__copy_2byte( gboolean swap, unsigned char *to, unsigned char *from );
guint32 vips__file_magic( const char *filename );
int vips__has_extension_block( VipsImage *im );
void *vips__read_extension_block( VipsImage *im, int *size );
int vips__write_extension_block( VipsImage *im, void *buf, int size );
int vips__writehist( VipsImage *image );
int vips__read_header_bytes( VipsImage *im, unsigned char *from );
int vips__write_header_bytes( VipsImage *im, unsigned char *to );
extern GMutex *vips__global_lock;
int vips__formatalike_vec( VipsImage **in, VipsImage **out, int n );
int vips__sizealike_vec( VipsImage **in, VipsImage **out, int n );
int vips__bandup( const char *domain, VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, int n );
int vips__bandalike_vec( const char *domain,
VipsImage **in, VipsImage **out, int n, int base_bands );
int vips__formatalike( VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2,
VipsImage **out1, VipsImage **out2 );
int vips__sizealike( VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2,
VipsImage **out1, VipsImage **out2 );
int vips__bandalike( const char *domain,
VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage **out1, VipsImage **out2 );
int vips_foreign_tilecache( VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, int strip_height );
void im__format_init( void );
void im__tiff_register( void );
void im__jpeg_register( void );
void im__png_register( void );
void im__csv_register( void );
void im__ppm_register( void );
void im__analyze_register( void );
void im__exr_register( void );
void im__magick_register( void );
int im__bandup( const char *domain, VipsImage *in, VipsImage *out, int n );
int im__bandalike_vec( const char *domain, VipsImage **in, VipsImage **out, int n );
int im__bandalike( const char *domain,
VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage *out1, VipsImage *out2 );
int im__formatalike_vec( VipsImage **in, VipsImage **out, int n );
int im__formatalike( VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage *out1, VipsImage *out2 );
int im__sizealike_vec( VipsImage **in, VipsImage **out, int n );
int im__sizealike( VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2,
VipsImage *out1, VipsImage *out2 );
int im__arith_binary( const char *domain,
VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage *out,
int format_table[10],
im_wrapmany_fn fn, void *b );
int im__arith_binary_const( const char *domain,
VipsImage *in, VipsImage *out,
int n, double *c, VipsBandFormat vfmt,
int format_table[10],
im_wrapone_fn fn1, im_wrapone_fn fnn );
int im__value( VipsImage *im, double *value );
typedef int (*im__wrapscan_fn)( void *p, int n, void *seq, void *a, void *b );
int im__wrapscan( VipsImage *in,
VipsStartFn start, im__wrapscan_fn scan, VipsStopFn stop,
void *a, void *b );
int im__colour_difference( const char *domain,
VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage *out,
im_wrapmany_fn buffer_fn, void *a, void *b );
int im__colour_unary( const char *domain,
VipsImage *in, VipsImage *out, VipsInterpretation interpretation,
im_wrapone_fn buffer_fn, void *a, void *b );
VipsImage **im__insert_base( const char *domain,
VipsImage *in1, VipsImage *in2, VipsImage *out );
/* Structure for holding the lookup tables for XYZ<=>rgb conversion.
* Also holds the luminance to XYZ matrix and the inverse one.
struct im_col_tab_disp {
/*< private >*/
float t_Yr2r[1501]; /* Conversion of Yr to r */
float t_Yg2g[1501]; /* Conversion of Yg to g */
float t_Yb2b[1501]; /* Conversion of Yb to b */
float t_r2Yr[1501]; /* Conversion of r to Yr */
float t_g2Yg[1501]; /* Conversion of g to Yg */
float t_b2Yb[1501]; /* Conversion of b to Yb */
float mat_XYZ2lum[3][3]; /* XYZ to Yr, Yg, Yb matrix */
float mat_lum2XYZ[3][3]; /* Yr, Yg, Yb to XYZ matrix */
float rstep, gstep, bstep;
float ristep, gistep, bistep;
struct im_col_tab_disp *im_col_make_tables_RGB( VipsImage *im,
struct im_col_display *d );
struct im_col_tab_disp *im_col_display_get_table( struct im_col_display *d );
int im__fftproc( VipsImage *dummy,
VipsImage *in, VipsImage *out, im__fftproc_fn fn );
int im__find_lroverlap( VipsImage *ref_in, VipsImage *sec_in, VipsImage *out,
int bandno_in,
int xref, int yref, int xsec, int ysec,
int halfcorrelation, int halfarea,
int *dx0, int *dy0,
double *scale1, double *angle1, double *dx1, double *dy1 );
int im__find_tboverlap( VipsImage *ref_in, VipsImage *sec_in, VipsImage *out,
int bandno_in,
int xref, int yref, int xsec, int ysec,
int halfcorrelation, int halfarea,
int *dx0, int *dy0,
double *scale1, double *angle1, double *dx1, double *dy1 );
int im__find_best_contrast( VipsImage *image,
int xpos, int ypos, int xsize, int ysize,
int xarray[], int yarray[], int cont[],
int nbest, int hcorsize );
int im__balance( VipsImage *ref, VipsImage *sec, VipsImage *out,
VipsImage **ref_out, VipsImage **sec_out, int dx, int dy, int balancetype );
void imb_Lab2LCh( float *, float *, int );
void imb_LCh2Lab( float *, float *, int );
/* A colour temperature.
typedef struct {
double X0, Y0, Z0;
} im_colour_temperature;
void imb_XYZ2Lab( float *, float *, int, im_colour_temperature * );
void imb_Lab2XYZ( float *, float *, int, im_colour_temperature * );
void imb_LabQ2Lab( VipsPel *, float *, int );
void imb_Lab2LabQ( float *, VipsPel *, int );
void imb_LabS2Lab( signed short *, float *, int );
void imb_Lab2LabS( float *, signed short *, int n );
void im_copy_dmask_matrix( DOUBLEMASK *mask, double **matrix );
void im_copy_matrix_dmask( double **matrix, DOUBLEMASK *mask );
int *im_ivector();
float *im_fvector();
double *im_dvector();
void im_free_ivector();
void im_free_fvector();
void im_free_dvector();
int **im_imat_alloc();
float **im_fmat_alloc();
double **im_dmat_alloc();
void im_free_imat();
void im_free_fmat();
void im_free_dmat();
int im_invmat( double **, int );
int *im_offsets45( int size );
int *im_offsets90( int size );
int im_conv_f_raw( VipsImage *in, VipsImage *out, DOUBLEMASK *mask );
int im_convsep_f_raw( VipsImage *in, VipsImage *out, DOUBLEMASK *mask );
int im__fmaskcir( VipsImage *out, VipsMaskType flag, va_list ap );
/* inplace
VipsPel *vips__vector_to_ink( const char *domain,
VipsImage *im, double *vec, int n );
VipsPel *im__vector_to_ink( const char *domain,
VipsImage *im, int n, double *vec );
VipsImage *im__inplace_base( const char *domain,
VipsImage *main, VipsImage *sub, VipsImage *out );
/* Register base vips interpolators, called during startup.
void vips__interpolate_init( void );
/* Register wrappers for all the vips7 operations.
void vips__init_wrap7_classes( void );
/* Start up various packages.
void vips_arithmetic_operation_init( void );
void vips_conversion_operation_init( void );
void vips_resample_operation_init( void );
void vips_foreign_operation_init( void );
guint64 vips__parse_size( const char *size_string );
IMAGE *vips__deprecated_open_read( const char *filename, gboolean sequential );
IMAGE *vips__deprecated_open_write( const char *filename );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__cplusplus*/
#endif /*VIPS_INTERNAL_H*/