
859 lines
20 KiB

/* read with libwebp
* 6/8/13
* - from png2vips.c
* 24/2/14
* - oops, buffer path was broken, thanks Lovell
* 28/2/16
* - add @shrink
* 7/11/16
* - support XMP/ICC/EXIF metadata
* 18/10/17
* - sniff file type from magic number
* 2/11/18
* - rework for demux API
* - add animated read
* 19/4/19
* - could memleak on some read errors
* 24/4/19
* - fix bg handling in animations
* 30/4/19
* - deprecate shrink, use scale instead, and make it a double ... this
* lets us do faster and more accurate thumbnailing
This file is part of VIPS.
VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA
These files are distributed with VIPS -
#define DEBUG
#include <config.h>
#endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/
#include <vips/intl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <webp/decode.h>
#include <webp/demux.h>
#include <vips/vips.h>
#include <vips/internal.h>
#include "pforeign.h"
/* What we track during a read.
typedef struct {
/* File source.
char *filename;
/* Memory source. We use gint64 rather than size_t since we use
* vips_file_length() and vips__mmap() for file sources.
const void *data;
gint64 length;
/* Load this page (frame number).
int page;
/* Load this many pages.
int n;
/* Scale-on-load factor. Use this to set scaled_width.
double scale;
/* Size of each frame in input image coordinates.
int canvas_width;
int canvas_height;
/* Size of each frame, in scaled output image coordinates,
int frame_width;
int frame_height;
/* Size of final output image.
int width;
int height;
/* TRUE if we will save the final image as RGBA.
int alpha;
/* Number of frames in file.
int frame_count;
/* Delay between frames. We don't let this change between frames.
int delay;
/* If we are opening a file object, the fd.
int fd;
/* Parse with this.
WebPDemuxer *demux;
/* Decoder config.
WebPDecoderConfig config;
/* The current accumulated frame as a VipsImage. These are the pixels
* we send to the output. It's a frame_width * frame_height memory
* image.
VipsImage *frame;
/* The frame number currently in @frame. Numbered from 1, so 0 means
* before the first frame.
int frame_no;
/* Iterate through the frames with this. iter.frame_num is the number
* of the currently loaded frame.
WebPIterator iter;
/* How to junk the current frame when we move on.
WebPMuxAnimDispose dispose_method;
VipsRect dispose_rect;
} Read;
const char *
vips__error_webp( VP8StatusCode code )
switch( code ) {
return( "VP8_STATUS_OK" );
return( "VP8_STATUS_USER_ABORT" );
return( "<unkown>" );
static void
vips_image_paint_area( VipsImage *image, const VipsRect *r, const VipsPel *ink )
VipsRect valid = { 0, 0, image->Xsize, image->Ysize };
VipsRect ovl;
vips_rect_intersectrect( r, &valid, &ovl );
if( !vips_rect_isempty( &ovl ) ) {
int ps = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( image );
int ls = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_LINE( image );
int ws = ovl.width * ps;
VipsPel *to, *q;
int x, y, z;
/* We plot the first line pointwise, then memcpy() it for the
* subsequent lines. We need to work for RGB and RGBA, so we
* can't just write uint32s.
to = VIPS_IMAGE_ADDR( image, ovl.left, );
q = to;
for( x = 0; x < ovl.width; x++ ) {
/* Faster than memcpy() for about ps < 20.
for( z = 0; z < ps; z++ )
q[z] = ink[z];
q += ps;
q = to + ls;
for( y = 1; y < ovl.height; y++ ) {
memcpy( q, to, ws );
q += ls;
/* Blend two guint8.
#define BLEND( X, aX, Y, aY, scale ) \
((X * aX + Y * aY) * scale >> 24)
/* Extract R, G, B, A, assuming little-endian.
#define getR( V ) (V & 0xff)
#define getG( V ) ((V >> 8) & 0xff)
#define getB( V ) ((V >> 16) & 0xff)
#define getA( V ) ((V >> 24) & 0xff)
/* Rebuild RGBA, assuming little-endian.
#define setRGBA( R, G, B, A ) (R | (G << 8) | (B << 16) | (A << 24))
/* OVER blend of two unpremultiplied RGBA guint32
* We assume little-endian (x86), add a byteswap before this if necessary.
static guint32
blend_pixel( guint32 A, guint32 B )
guint8 aA = getA( A );
if( aA == 0 )
return( B );
guint8 aB = getA( B );
guint8 fac = (aB * (256 - aA)) >> 8;
guint8 aR = aA + fac;
int scale = (1 << 24) / aR;
guint8 rR = BLEND( getR( A ), aA, getR( B ), fac, scale );
guint8 gR = BLEND( getG( A ), aA, getG( B ), fac, scale );
guint8 bR = BLEND( getB( A ), aA, getB( B ), fac, scale );
return( setRGBA( rR, gR, bR, aR ) );
/* Blend sub into frame at left, top.
static void
vips_image_paint_image( VipsImage *frame,
VipsImage *sub, int left, int top, gboolean blend )
VipsRect frame_rect = { 0, 0, frame->Xsize, frame->Ysize };
VipsRect sub_rect = { left, top, sub->Xsize, sub->Ysize };
int ps = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( frame );
VipsRect ovl;
g_assert( VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( sub ) == ps );
/* Disable blend if we are not RGBA.
if( frame->Bands != 4 )
blend = FALSE;
vips_rect_intersectrect( &frame_rect, &sub_rect, &ovl );
if( !vips_rect_isempty( &ovl ) ) {
VipsPel *p, *q;
int x, y;
p = VIPS_IMAGE_ADDR( sub, ovl.left - left, - top );
q = VIPS_IMAGE_ADDR( frame, ovl.left, );
for( y = 0; y < ovl.height; y++ ) {
if( blend ) {
guint32 *A = (guint32 *) p;
guint32 *B = (guint32 *) q;
for( x = 0; x < ovl.width; x++ )
B[x] = blend_pixel( A[x], B[x] );
memcpy( (char *) q, (char *) p,
ovl.width * ps );
vips__iswebp_buffer( const void *buf, size_t len )
/* WebP is "RIFF xxxx WEBP" at the start, so we need 12 bytes.
if( len >= 12 &&
vips_isprefix( "RIFF", (char *) buf ) &&
vips_isprefix( "WEBP", (char *) buf + 8 ) )
return( 1 );
return( 0 );
vips__iswebp( const char *filename )
/* Magic number, see above.
unsigned char header[12];
if( vips__get_bytes( filename, header, 12 ) == 12 &&
vips__iswebp_buffer( header, 12 ) )
return( 1 );
return( 0 );
static int
read_free( Read *read )
WebPDemuxReleaseIterator( &read->iter );
VIPS_UNREF( read->frame );
VIPS_FREEF( WebPDemuxDelete, read->demux );
WebPFreeDecBuffer( &read->config.output );
if( read->fd > 0 &&
read->data &&
read->length > 0 ) {
vips__munmap( read->data, read->length );
read->data = NULL;
read->length = 0;
VIPS_FREEF( vips_tracked_close, read->fd );
VIPS_FREE( read->filename );
VIPS_FREE( read );
return( 0 );
static Read *
read_new( const char *filename, const void *data, size_t length,
int page, int n, double scale )
Read *read;
if( !(read = VIPS_NEW( NULL, Read )) )
return( NULL );
read->filename = g_strdup( filename );
read->data = data;
read->length = length;
read->page = page;
read->n = n;
read->scale = scale;
read->delay = 100;
read->fd = 0;
read->demux = NULL;
read->frame = NULL;
read->dispose_method = WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE;
read->frame_no = 0;
if( read->filename ) {
/* libwebp makes streaming from a file source very hard. We
* have to read to a full memory buffer, then copy to out.
* mmap the input file, it's slightly quicker.
if( (read->fd = vips__open_image_read( read->filename )) < 0 ||
(read->length = vips_file_length( read->fd )) < 0 ||
!(read->data = vips__mmap( read->fd,
FALSE, read->length, 0 )) ) {
read_free( read );
return( NULL );
WebPInitDecoderConfig( &read->config );
read->config.options.use_threads = 1;
read->config.output.is_external_memory = 1;
return( read );
/* Map vips metadata names to webp names.
const VipsWebPNames vips__webp_names[] = {
const int vips__n_webp_names = VIPS_NUMBER( vips__webp_names );
static int
read_header( Read *read, VipsImage *out )
WebPData data;
int flags;
int i;
data.bytes = read->data;
data.size = read->length;
if( !(read->demux = WebPDemux( &data )) ) {
vips_error( "webp", "%s", _( "unable to parse image" ) );
return( -1 );
read->canvas_width =
WebPDemuxGetI( read->demux, WEBP_FF_CANVAS_WIDTH );
read->canvas_height =
WebPDemuxGetI( read->demux, WEBP_FF_CANVAS_HEIGHT );
/* We round-to-nearest cf. pdfload etc.
read->frame_width = VIPS_RINT( read->canvas_width * read->scale );
read->frame_height = VIPS_RINT( read->canvas_height * read->scale );
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "webp2vips: canvas_width = %d\n", read->canvas_width );
printf( "webp2vips: canvas_height = %d\n", read->canvas_height );
printf( "webp2vips: frame_width = %d\n", read->frame_width );
printf( "webp2vips: frame_height = %d\n", read->frame_height );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
flags = WebPDemuxGetI( read->demux, WEBP_FF_FORMAT_FLAGS );
read->alpha = flags & ALPHA_FLAG;
if( read->alpha )
read->config.output.colorspace = MODE_RGBA;
read->config.output.colorspace = MODE_RGB;
if( flags & ANIMATION_FLAG ) {
int loop_count;
WebPIterator iter;
loop_count = WebPDemuxGetI( read->demux, WEBP_FF_LOOP_COUNT );
read->frame_count = WebPDemuxGetI( read->demux,
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "webp2vips: animation\n" );
printf( "webp2vips: loop_count = %d\n", loop_count );
printf( "webp2vips: frame_count = %d\n", read->frame_count );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
vips_image_set_int( out, "gif-loop", loop_count );
vips_image_set_int( out,
VIPS_META_PAGE_HEIGHT, read->frame_height );
/* We must get the first frame to get the delay. Frames number
* from 1.
if( WebPDemuxGetFrame( read->demux, 1, &iter ) ) {
read->delay = iter.duration;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "webp2vips: duration = %d\n", read->delay );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
/* webp uses ms for delays, gif uses centiseconds.
vips_image_set_int( out, "gif-delay",
VIPS_RINT( read->delay / 10.0 ) );
/* If we find a frame which doesn't fill the canvas,
* we'll need to save as RGBA.
do {
if( iter.x_offset != 0 ||
iter.y_offset != 0 ||
iter.width != read->canvas_width ||
iter.height != read->canvas_height ) {
read->alpha = TRUE;
} while( WebPDemuxNextFrame( &iter ) );
WebPDemuxReleaseIterator( &iter );
if( read->n == -1 )
read->n = read->frame_count - read->page;
if( read->page < 0 ||
read->n <= 0 ||
read->page + read->n > read->frame_count ) {
vips_error( "webp",
"%s", _( "bad page number" ) );
return( -1 );
/* Note that n-pages is the number of pages in the original,
* not the number of pages in the image we are writing.
vips_image_set_int( out, VIPS_META_N_PAGES, read->frame_count );
read->width = read->frame_width;
read->height = read->n * read->frame_height;
else {
read->width = read->frame_width;
read->height = read->frame_height;
read->frame_count = 1;
if( read->width <= 0 ||
read->height <= 0 ) {
vips_error( "webp", "%s", _( "bad image dimensions" ) );
return( -1 );
for( i = 0; i < vips__n_webp_names; i++ ) {
const char *vips = vips__webp_names[i].vips;
const char *webp = vips__webp_names[i].webp;
if( flags & vips__webp_names[i].flags ) {
WebPChunkIterator iter;
WebPDemuxGetChunk( read->demux, webp, 1, &iter );
vips_image_set_blob_copy( out,
vips, iter.chunk.bytes, iter.chunk.size );
WebPDemuxReleaseChunkIterator( &iter );
read->frame = vips_image_new_memory();
vips_image_init_fields( read->frame,
read->frame_width, read->frame_height,
read->alpha ? 4 : 3,
1.0, 1.0 );
vips_image_pipelinev( read->frame, VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_THINSTRIP, NULL );
if( vips_image_write_prepare( read->frame ) )
return( -1 );
vips_image_init_fields( out,
read->width, read->height,
read->alpha ? 4 : 3,
1.0, 1.0 );
vips_image_pipelinev( out, VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_THINSTRIP, NULL );
if( !WebPDemuxGetFrame( read->demux, 1, &read->iter ) ) {
vips_error( "webp",
"%s", _( "unable to loop through frames" ) );
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
vips__webp_read_file_header( const char *filename, VipsImage *out,
int page, int n, double scale )
Read *read;
if( !(read = read_new( filename, NULL, 0, page, n, scale )) ) {
vips_error( "webp2vips",
_( "unable to open \"%s\"" ), filename );
return( -1 );
if( read_header( read, out ) ) {
read_free( read );
return( -1 );
read_free( read );
return( 0 );
/* Read a single frame -- a width * height block of pixels. This will get
* blended into the accumulator at some offset.
static VipsImage *
read_frame( Read *read,
int width, int height, const guint8 *data, size_t length )
VipsImage *frame;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "read_frame:\n" );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
frame = vips_image_new_memory();
vips_image_init_fields( frame,
width, height,
read->alpha ? 4 : 3,
1.0, 1.0 );
vips_image_pipelinev( frame, VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_THINSTRIP, NULL );
if( vips_image_write_prepare( frame ) ) {
g_object_unref( frame );
return( NULL );
read->config.output.u.RGBA.rgba = VIPS_IMAGE_ADDR( frame, 0, 0 );
read->config.output.u.RGBA.stride = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_LINE( frame );
read->config.output.u.RGBA.size = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_IMAGE( frame );
if( read->scale != 1.0 ) {
read->config.options.use_scaling = 1;
read->config.options.scaled_width = width;
read->config.options.scaled_height = height;
if( WebPDecode( data, length, &read->config ) != VP8_STATUS_OK ) {
g_object_unref( frame );
vips_error( "webp2vips", "%s", _( "unable to read pixels" ) );
return( NULL );
return( frame );
static int
read_next_frame( Read *read )
VipsImage *frame;
VipsRect area;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "read_next_frame:\n" );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
/* Area of this frame, in output image coordinates. We must rint(),
* since we need the same rules as the overall image scale, or we'll
* sometimes have missing pixels on edges.
area.left = VIPS_RINT( read->iter.x_offset * read->scale ); = VIPS_RINT( read->iter.y_offset * read->scale );
area.width = VIPS_RINT( read->iter.width * read->scale );
area.height = VIPS_RINT( read->iter.height * read->scale );
/* Dispose from the previous frame.
if( read->dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND ) {
/* We must clear the pixels occupied by the previous webp
* frame (not the whole of the read frame) to 0 (transparent).
* We do not clear to WEBP_FF_BACKGROUND_COLOR. That's only
* used to composite down to RGB. Perhaps we
* should attach background as metadata.
guint32 zero = 0;
vips_image_paint_area( read->frame,
&read->dispose_rect, (VipsPel *) &zero );
/* Note this frame's dispose for next time.
read->dispose_method = read->iter.dispose_method;
read->dispose_rect = area;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "webp2vips: frame_num = %d\n", read->iter.frame_num );
printf( " left = %d\n", area.left );
printf( " top = %d\n", );
printf( " width = %d\n", area.width );
printf( " height = %d\n", area.height );
printf( " duration = %d\n", read->iter.duration );
printf( " dispose = " );
if( read->iter.dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND )
printf( "clear to background\n" );
printf( "none\n" );
printf( " has_alpha = %d\n", read->iter.has_alpha );
printf( " blend_method = " );
if( read->iter.blend_method == WEBP_MUX_BLEND )
printf( "blend with previous\n" );
printf( "don't blend\n" );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
if( read->frame_count > 1 &&
read->iter.duration != read->delay )
g_warning( "webp2vips: "
"not all frames have equal duration" );
if( !(frame = read_frame( read,
area.width, area.height,
read->iter.fragment.bytes, read->iter.fragment.size )) )
return( -1 );
/* Now blend or copy the new pixels into our accumulator.
vips_image_paint_image( read->frame, frame,
read->iter.blend_method == WEBP_MUX_BLEND );
g_object_unref( frame );
/* If there's another frame, move on.
if( read->iter.frame_num < read->frame_count ) {
if( !WebPDemuxNextFrame( &read->iter ) ) {
vips_error( "webp2vips",
"%s", _( "not enough frames" ) );
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
static int
read_webp_generate( VipsRegion *or,
void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
VipsRect *r = &or->valid;
Read *read = (Read *) a;
/* iter.frame_num numbers from 1.
int frame = 1 + r->top / read->frame_height + read->page;
int line = r->top % read->frame_height;
printf( "read_webp_generate: line %d\n", r->top );
#endif /*DEBUG_VERBOSE*/
g_assert( r->height == 1 );
while( read->frame_no < frame ) {
if( read_next_frame( read ) )
return( -1 );
read->frame_no += 1;
memcpy( VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, 0, r->top ),
VIPS_IMAGE_ADDR( read->frame, 0, line ),
VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_LINE( read->frame ) );
return( 0 );
static int
read_image( Read *read, VipsImage *out )
VipsImage **t = (VipsImage **)
vips_object_local_array( VIPS_OBJECT( out ), 3 );
t[0] = vips_image_new();
if( read_header( read, t[0] ) )
return( -1 );
if( vips_image_generate( t[0],
NULL, read_webp_generate, NULL, read, NULL ) ||
vips_sequential( t[0], &t[1], NULL ) ||
vips_image_write( t[1], out ) )
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
vips__webp_read_file( const char *filename, VipsImage *out,
int page, int n, double scale )
Read *read;
if( !(read = read_new( filename, NULL, 0, page, n, scale )) ) {
vips_error( "webp2vips",
_( "unable to open \"%s\"" ), filename );
return( -1 );
if( read_image( read, out ) ) {
read_free( read );
return( -1 );
read_free( read );
return( 0 );
vips__webp_read_buffer_header( const void *buf, size_t len, VipsImage *out,
int page, int n, double scale )
Read *read;
if( !(read = read_new( NULL, buf, len, page, n, scale )) ) {
vips_error( "webp2vips",
"%s", _( "unable to open buffer" ) );
return( -1 );
if( read_header( read, out ) ) {
read_free( read );
return( -1 );
read_free( read );
return( 0 );
vips__webp_read_buffer( const void *buf, size_t len, VipsImage *out,
int page, int n, double scale )
Read *read;
if( !(read = read_new( NULL, buf, len, page, n, scale )) ) {
vips_error( "webp2vips",
"%s", _( "unable to open buffer" ) );
return( -1 );
if( read_image( read, out ) ) {
read_free( read );
return( -1 );
read_free( read );
return( 0 );
#endif /*HAVE_LIBWEBP*/