
274 lines
7.9 KiB

/* Various useful definitions.
* J.Cupitt, 8/4/93
* 15/7/96 JC
* - C++ stuff added
This file is part of VIPS.
VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA
These files are distributed with VIPS -
#ifndef VIPS_UTIL_H
#define VIPS_UTIL_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /*__cplusplus*/
#include <stdio.h>
/* Some platforms don't have M_PI :-(
#define VIPS_PI (3.14159265358979323846)
/* Convert degrees->rads and vice-versa.
#define VIPS_RAD( R ) (((R) / 360.0) * 2.0 * VIPS_PI)
#define VIPS_DEG( A ) (((A) / (2.0 * VIPS_PI)) * 360.0)
#define VIPS_MAX( A, B ) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define VIPS_MIN( A, B ) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define VIPS_ABS( X ) (((X) >= 0) ? (X) : -(X))
#define VIPS_CLIP( A, V, B ) VIPS_MAX( (A), VIPS_MIN( (B), (V) ) )
#define VIPS_NUMBER( R ) ((int) (sizeof(R) / sizeof(R[0])))
#define VIPS_SWAP( TYPE, A, B ) \
TYPE t = (A); \
(A) = (B); \
(B) = t; \
/* Duff's device. Do OPERation N times in a 16-way unrolled loop.
#define VIPS_UNROLL( N, OPER ) \
if( (N) ) { \
int duff_count = ((N) + 15) / 16; \
switch( (N) % 16 ) { \
case 0: do { OPER; \
case 15: OPER; \
case 14: OPER; \
case 13: OPER; \
case 12: OPER; \
case 11: OPER; \
case 10: OPER; \
case 9: OPER; \
case 8: OPER; \
case 7: OPER; \
case 6: OPER; \
case 5: OPER; \
case 4: OPER; \
case 3: OPER; \
case 2: OPER; \
case 1: OPER; \
} while( --duff_count > 0 ); \
} \
} \
/* Round a float to the nearest integer. Much faster than rint().
#define VIPS_RINT( R ) ((int) ((R) > 0 ? ((R) + 0.5) : ((R) - 0.5)))
/* Various integer range clips. Record over/under flows.
#define VIPS_CLIP_UCHAR( V, SEQ ) \
if( (V) < 0 ) { \
(SEQ)->underflow++; \
(V) = 0; \
} \
else if( (V) > UCHAR_MAX ) { \
(SEQ)->overflow++; \
(V) = UCHAR_MAX; \
} \
#define VIPS_CLIP_CHAR( V, SEQ ) \
if( (V) < SCHAR_MIN ) { \
(SEQ)->underflow++; \
(V) = SCHAR_MIN; \
} \
else if( (V) > SCHAR_MAX ) { \
(SEQ)->overflow++; \
(V) = SCHAR_MAX; \
} \
#define VIPS_CLIP_USHORT( V, SEQ ) \
if( (V) < 0 ) { \
(SEQ)->underflow++; \
(V) = 0; \
} \
else if( (V) > USHRT_MAX ) { \
(SEQ)->overflow++; \
(V) = USHRT_MAX; \
} \
#define VIPS_CLIP_SHORT( V, SEQ ) \
if( (V) < SHRT_MIN ) { \
(SEQ)->underflow++; \
(V) = SHRT_MIN; \
} \
else if( (V) > SHRT_MAX ) { \
(SEQ)->overflow++; \
(V) = SHRT_MAX; \
} \
#define VIPS_CLIP_UINT( V, SEQ ) \
if( (V) < 0 ) { \
(SEQ)->underflow++; \
(V) = 0; \
} \
#define VIPS_CLIP_NONE( V, SEQ ) {}
/* Not all platforms have PATH_MAX (eg. Hurd) and we don't need a platform one
* anyway, just a static buffer big enough for almost any path.
#define VIPS_PATH_MAX (4096)
const char *vips_enum_string( GType enm, int value );
const char *vips_enum_nick( GType enm, int value );
int vips_enum_from_nick( const char *domain, GType type, const char *str );
gboolean vips_slist_equal( GSList *l1, GSList *l2 );
void *vips_slist_map2( GSList *list, VipsSListMap2Fn fn, void *a, void *b );
void *vips_slist_map2_rev( GSList *list, VipsSListMap2Fn fn, void *a, void *b );
void *vips_slist_map4( GSList *list,
VipsSListMap4Fn fn, void *a, void *b, void *c, void *d );
void *vips_slist_fold2( GSList *list, void *start,
VipsSListFold2Fn fn, void *a, void *b );
GSList *vips_slist_filter( GSList *list, VipsSListMap2Fn fn, void *a, void *b );
void vips_slist_free_all( GSList *list );
void *vips_map_equal( void *a, void *b );
void *vips_hash_table_map( GHashTable *hash,
VipsSListMap2Fn fn, void *a, void *b );
char *vips_strncpy( char *dest, const char *src, int n );
char *vips_strrstr( const char *haystack, const char *needle );
gboolean vips_ispostfix( const char *a, const char *b );
gboolean vips_isprefix( const char *a, const char *b );
char *vips_break_token( char *str, const char *brk );
int vips_vsnprintf( char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap );
int vips_snprintf( char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ... )
__attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4)));
void vips_filename_split( const char *path, char *name, char *mode );
const char *vips_skip_dir( const char *filename );
void vips_filename_suffix( const char *path, char *suffix );
int vips_filename_suffix_match( const char *path, const char *suffixes[] );
char *vips_getnextoption( char **in );
char *vips_getsuboption( const char *buf );
gint64 vips_file_length( int fd );
int vips__write( int fd, const void *buf, size_t count );
FILE *vips__file_open_read( const char *filename,
const char *fallback_dir, gboolean text_mode );
FILE *vips__file_open_write( const char *filename,
gboolean text_mode );
char *vips__file_read( FILE *fp, const char *name, unsigned int *length_out );
char *vips__file_read_name( const char *name, const char *fallback_dir,
unsigned int *length_out );
int vips__file_write( void *data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream );
int vips__get_bytes( const char *filename, unsigned char buf[], int len );
GValue *vips__gvalue_ref_string_new( const char *text );
void vips__gslist_gvalue_free( GSList *list );
GSList *vips__gslist_gvalue_copy( const GSList *list );
GSList *vips__gslist_gvalue_merge( GSList *a, const GSList *b );
char *vips__gslist_gvalue_get( const GSList *list );
int vips__seek( int fd, gint64 pos );
int vips__ftruncate( int fd, gint64 pos );
int vips_existsf( const char *name, ... )
__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
int vips_mkdirf( const char *name, ... )
__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
FILE *vips_popenf( const char *fmt, const char *mode, ... )
__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 3)));
* VipsToken:
* @VIPS_TOKEN_LEFT: left bracket
* @VIPS_TOKEN_RIGHT: right bracket
* @VIPS_TOKEN_STRING: string constant
* @VIPS_TOKEN_EQUALS: equals sign
* Tokens returned by the vips lexical analyzer, see vips__token_get(). This
* is used to parse option strings for arguments.
* Left and right brackets can be any of (, {, [, <.
* Strings may be in double quotes, and may contain escaped quote characters,
* for example string, "string" and "str\"ing".
typedef enum {
} VipsToken;
const char *vips__token_get( const char *buffer,
VipsToken *token, char *string, int size );
const char *vips__token_must( const char *buffer, VipsToken *token,
char *string, int size );
const char *vips__token_need( const char *buffer, VipsToken need_token,
char *string, int size );
const char *vips__find_rightmost_brackets( const char *p );
int vips_ispoweroftwo( int p );
int vips_amiMSBfirst( void );
char *vips__temp_name( const char *format );
void vips__change_suffix( const char *name, char *out, int mx,
const char *new_suff, const char **olds, int nolds );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__cplusplus*/
#endif /*VIPS_UTIL_H*/