
837 lines
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# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
import filecmp
from functools import reduce
import os
import pytest
import tempfile
import shutil
import pyvips
from helpers import IMAGES, JPEG_FILE, unsigned_formats, \
signed_formats, float_formats, int_formats, \
noncomplex_formats, all_formats, max_value, \
sizeof_format, rot45_angles, rot45_angle_bonds, \
rot_angles, rot_angle_bonds, run_cmp, run_cmp2, \
assert_almost_equal_objects, temp_filename
class TestConversion:
tempdir = None
# run a function on an image,
# 50,50 and 10,10 should have different values on the test image
# don't loop over band elements
def run_image_pixels(self, message, im, fn):
run_cmp(message, im, 50, 50, fn)
run_cmp(message, im, 10, 10, fn)
# run a function on a pair of images
# 50,50 and 10,10 should have different values on the test image
# don't loop over band elements
def run_image_pixels2(self, message, left, right, fn):
run_cmp2(message, left, right, 50, 50, fn)
run_cmp2(message, left, right, 10, 10, fn)
def run_unary(self, images, fn, fmt=all_formats):
[self.run_image_pixels(fn.__name__ + (' %s' % y), x.cast(y), fn)
for x in images for y in fmt]
def run_binary(self, images, fn, fmt=all_formats):
[self.run_image_pixels2(fn.__name__ + (' %s %s' % (y, z)),
x.cast(y), x.cast(z), fn)
for x in images for y in fmt for z in fmt]
def setup_class(cls):
cls.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
im = pyvips.Image.mask_ideal(100, 100, 0.5,
reject=True, optical=True)
cls.colour = (im * [1, 2, 3] + [2, 3, 4]).copy(interpretation="srgb")
cls.mono = cls.colour[1].copy(interpretation="b-w")
cls.all_images = [cls.mono, cls.colour]
cls.image = pyvips.Image.jpegload(JPEG_FILE)
def teardown_class(cls):
shutil.rmtree(cls.tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
cls.colour = None
cls.mono = None
cls.image = None
cls.all_images = None
def test_band_and(self):
def band_and(x):
if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image):
return x.bandand()
return [reduce(lambda a, b: int(a) & int(b), x)]
self.run_unary(self.all_images, band_and, fmt=int_formats)
def test_band_or(self):
def band_or(x):
if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image):
return x.bandor()
return [reduce(lambda a, b: int(a) | int(b), x)]
self.run_unary(self.all_images, band_or, fmt=int_formats)
def test_band_eor(self):
def band_eor(x):
if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image):
return x.bandeor()
return [reduce(lambda a, b: int(a) ^ int(b), x)]
self.run_unary(self.all_images, band_eor, fmt=int_formats)
def test_bandjoin(self):
def bandjoin(x, y):
if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image) and isinstance(y, pyvips.Image):
return x.bandjoin(y)
return x + y
self.run_binary(self.all_images, bandjoin)
def test_bandjoin_const(self):
x = self.colour.bandjoin(1)
assert x.bands == 4
assert x[3].avg() == 1
x = self.colour.bandjoin([1, 2])
assert x.bands == 5
assert x[3].avg() == 1
assert x[4].avg() == 2
def test_bandmean(self):
def bandmean(x):
if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image):
return x.bandmean()
return [sum(x) // len(x)]
self.run_unary(self.all_images, bandmean, fmt=noncomplex_formats)
def test_bandrank(self):
def median(x, y):
joined = [[a, b] for a, b in zip(x, y)]
# .sort() isn't a function, so we have to run this as a separate
# pass
[z.sort() for z in joined]
return [z[len(z) // 2] for z in joined]
def bandrank(x, y):
if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image) and isinstance(y, pyvips.Image):
return x.bandrank([y])
return median(x, y)
self.run_binary(self.all_images, bandrank, fmt=noncomplex_formats)
# we can mix images and constants, and set the index arg
a = self.mono.bandrank([2], index=0)
b = (self.mono < 2).ifthenelse(self.mono, 2)
assert (a - b).abs().min() == 0
def test_cache(self):
def cache(x):
if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image):
return x.cache()
return x
self.run_unary(self.all_images, cache)
def test_copy(self):
x = self.colour.copy(interpretation=pyvips.Interpretation.LAB)
assert x.interpretation == pyvips.Interpretation.LAB
x = self.colour.copy(xres=42)
assert x.xres == 42
x = self.colour.copy(yres=42)
assert x.yres == 42
x = self.colour.copy(xoffset=42)
assert x.xoffset == 42
x = self.colour.copy(yoffset=42)
assert x.yoffset == 42
x = self.colour.copy(coding=pyvips.Coding.NONE)
assert x.coding == pyvips.Coding.NONE
def test_bandfold(self):
x = self.mono.bandfold()
assert x.width == 1
assert x.bands == self.mono.width
y = x.bandunfold()
assert y.width == self.mono.width
assert y.bands == 1
assert x.avg() == y.avg()
x = self.mono.bandfold(factor=2)
assert x.width == self.mono.width / 2
assert x.bands == 2
y = x.bandunfold(factor=2)
assert y.width == self.mono.width
assert y.bands == 1
assert x.avg() == y.avg()
def test_byteswap(self):
x = self.mono.cast("ushort")
y = x.byteswap().byteswap()
assert x.width == y.width
assert x.height == y.height
assert x.bands == y.bands
assert x.avg() == y.avg()
def test_embed(self):
for fmt in all_formats:
test = self.colour.cast(fmt)
im = test.embed(20, 20,
self.colour.width + 40,
self.colour.height + 40)
pixel = im(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [0, 0, 0])
pixel = im(30, 30)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [2, 3, 4])
pixel = im(im.width - 10, im.height - 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [0, 0, 0])
im = test.embed(20, 20,
self.colour.width + 40,
self.colour.height + 40,
pixel = im(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [2, 3, 4])
pixel = im(im.width - 10, im.height - 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [2, 3, 4])
im = test.embed(20, 20,
self.colour.width + 40,
self.colour.height + 40,
background=[7, 8, 9])
pixel = im(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [7, 8, 9])
pixel = im(im.width - 10, im.height - 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [7, 8, 9])
im = test.embed(20, 20,
self.colour.width + 40,
self.colour.height + 40,
pixel = im(10, 10)
# uses 255 in all bytes of ints, 255.0 for float
pixel = [int(x) & 0xff for x in pixel]
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [255, 255, 255])
pixel = im(im.width - 10, im.height - 10)
pixel = [int(x) & 0xff for x in pixel]
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [255, 255, 255])
@pytest.mark.skipif(pyvips.type_find("VipsOperation", "gravity") == 0,
reason="no gravity in this vips, skipping test")
def test_gravity(self):
im =, 1) + 255
positions = [
['centre', 1, 1],
['north', 1, 0],
['south', 1, 2],
['east', 2, 1],
['west', 0, 1],
['north-east', 2, 0],
['south-east', 2, 2],
['south-west', 0, 2],
['north-west', 0, 0]
for direction, x, y in positions:
im2 = im.gravity(direction, 3, 3)
assert_almost_equal_objects(im2(x, y), [255])
assert_almost_equal_objects(im2.avg(), 255.0 / 9.0)
def test_extract(self):
for fmt in all_formats:
test = self.colour.cast(fmt)
pixel = test(30, 30)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [2, 3, 4])
sub = test.extract_area(25, 25, 10, 10)
pixel = sub(5, 5)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [2, 3, 4])
sub = test.extract_band(1, n=2)
pixel = sub(30, 30)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [3, 4])
def test_slice(self):
test = self.colour
bands = [x.avg() for x in test]
x = test[0].avg()
assert x == bands[0]
x = test[-1].avg()
assert_almost_equal_objects(x, bands[2])
x = [i.avg() for i in test[1:3]]
assert_almost_equal_objects(x, bands[1:3])
x = [i.avg() for i in test[1:-1]]
assert_almost_equal_objects(x, bands[1:-1])
x = [i.avg() for i in test[:2]]
assert_almost_equal_objects(x, bands[:2])
x = [i.avg() for i in test[1:]]
assert_almost_equal_objects(x, bands[1:])
x = [i.avg() for i in test[-1]]
assert_almost_equal_objects(x, bands[-1])
def test_crop(self):
for fmt in all_formats:
test = self.colour.cast(fmt)
pixel = test(30, 30)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [2, 3, 4])
sub = test.crop(25, 25, 10, 10)
pixel = sub(5, 5)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [2, 3, 4])
@pytest.mark.skipif(pyvips.type_find("VipsOperation", "smartcrop") == 0,
reason="no smartcrop, skipping test")
def test_smartcrop(self):
test = self.image.smartcrop(100, 100)
assert test.width == 100
assert test.height == 100
def test_falsecolour(self):
for fmt in all_formats:
test = self.colour.cast(fmt)
im = test.falsecolour()
assert im.width == test.width
assert im.height == test.height
assert im.bands == 3
pixel = im(30, 30)
assert_almost_equal_objects(pixel, [20, 0, 41])
def test_flatten(self):
for fmt in unsigned_formats + [pyvips.BandFormat.SHORT,
pyvips.BandFormat.INT] + float_formats:
mx = 255
alpha = mx / 2.0
nalpha = mx - alpha
test = self.colour.bandjoin(alpha).cast(fmt)
pixel = test(30, 30)
predict = [int(x) * alpha / mx for x in pixel[:-1]]
im = test.flatten()
assert im.bands == 3
pixel = im(30, 30)
for x, y in zip(pixel, predict):
# we use float arithetic for int and uint, so the rounding
# differs ... don't require huge accuracy
assert abs(x - y) < 2
im = test.flatten(background=[100, 100, 100])
pixel = test(30, 30)
predict = [int(x) * alpha / mx + (100 * nalpha) / mx
for x in pixel[:-1]]
assert im.bands == 3
pixel = im(30, 30)
for x, y in zip(pixel, predict):
assert abs(x - y) < 2
def test_premultiply(self):
for fmt in unsigned_formats + [pyvips.BandFormat.SHORT,
pyvips.BandFormat.INT] + float_formats:
mx = 255
alpha = mx / 2.0
test = self.colour.bandjoin(alpha).cast(fmt)
pixel = test(30, 30)
predict = [int(x) * alpha / mx for x in pixel[:-1]] + [alpha]
im = test.premultiply()
assert im.bands == test.bands
pixel = im(30, 30)
for x, y in zip(pixel, predict):
# we use float arithetic for int and uint, so the rounding
# differs ... don't require huge accuracy
assert abs(x - y) < 2
@pytest.mark.skipif(pyvips.type_find("VipsConversion", "composite") == 0,
reason="no composite support, skipping test")
def test_composite(self):
# 50% transparent image
overlay = self.colour.bandjoin(128)
base = self.colour + 100
comp = base.composite(overlay, "over")
assert_almost_equal_objects(comp(0, 0), [51.8, 52.8, 53.8, 255],
def test_unpremultiply(self):
for fmt in unsigned_formats + [pyvips.BandFormat.SHORT,
pyvips.BandFormat.INT] + float_formats:
mx = 255
alpha = mx / 2.0
test = self.colour.bandjoin(alpha).cast(fmt)
pixel = test(30, 30)
predict = [int(x) / (alpha / mx) for x in pixel[:-1]] + [alpha]
im = test.unpremultiply()
assert im.bands == test.bands
pixel = im(30, 30)
for x, y in zip(pixel, predict):
# we use float arithetic for int and uint, so the rounding
# differs ... don't require huge accuracy
assert abs(x - y) < 2
def test_flip(self):
for fmt in all_formats:
test = self.colour.cast(fmt)
result = test.fliphor()
result = result.flipver()
result = result.fliphor()
result = result.flipver()
diff = (test - result).abs().max()
assert diff == 0
def test_gamma(self):
exponent = 2.4
for fmt in noncomplex_formats:
mx = max_value[fmt]
test = (self.colour + mx / 2.0).cast(fmt)
norm = mx ** exponent / mx
result = test.gamma()
before = test(30, 30)
after = result(30, 30)
predict = [x ** exponent / norm for x in before]
for a, b in zip(after, predict):
# ie. less than 1% error, rounding on 7-bit images
# means this is all we can expect
assert abs(a - b) < mx / 100.0
exponent = 1.2
for fmt in noncomplex_formats:
mx = max_value[fmt]
test = (self.colour + mx / 2.0).cast(fmt)
norm = mx ** exponent / mx
result = test.gamma(exponent=1.0 / 1.2)
before = test(30, 30)
after = result(30, 30)
predict = [x ** exponent / norm for x in before]
for a, b in zip(after, predict):
# ie. less than 1% error, rounding on 7-bit images
# means this is all we can expect
assert abs(a - b) < mx / 100.0
def test_grid(self):
test = self.colour.replicate(1, 12)
assert test.width == self.colour.width
assert test.height == self.colour.height * 12
for fmt in all_formats:
im = test.cast(fmt)
result = im.grid(test.width, 3, 4)
assert result.width == self.colour.width * 3
assert result.height == self.colour.height * 4
before = im(10, 10)
after = result(10 + test.width * 2, 10 + test.width * 2)
assert_almost_equal_objects(before, after)
before = im(50, 50)
after = result(50 + test.width * 2, 50 + test.width * 2)
assert_almost_equal_objects(before, after)
def test_ifthenelse(self):
test = self.mono > 3
for x in all_formats:
for y in all_formats:
t = (self.colour + 10).cast(x)
e = self.colour.cast(y)
r = test.ifthenelse(t, e)
assert r.width == self.colour.width
assert r.height == self.colour.height
assert r.bands == self.colour.bands
predict = e(10, 10)
result = r(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, predict)
predict = t(50, 50)
result = r(50, 50)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, predict)
test = self.colour > 3
for x in all_formats:
for y in all_formats:
t = (self.mono + 10).cast(x)
e = self.mono.cast(y)
r = test.ifthenelse(t, e)
assert r.width == self.colour.width
assert r.height == self.colour.height
assert r.bands == self.colour.bands
cp = test(10, 10)
tp = t(10, 10) * 3
ep = e(10, 10) * 3
predict = [te if ce != 0 else ee
for ce, te, ee in zip(cp, tp, ep)]
result = r(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, predict)
cp = test(50, 50)
tp = t(50, 50) * 3
ep = e(50, 50) * 3
predict = [te if ce != 0 else ee
for ce, te, ee in zip(cp, tp, ep)]
result = r(50, 50)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, predict)
test = self.colour > 3
for x in all_formats:
for y in all_formats:
t = (self.mono + 10).cast(x)
e = self.mono.cast(y)
r = test.ifthenelse(t, e, blend=True)
assert r.width == self.colour.width
assert r.height == self.colour.height
assert r.bands == self.colour.bands
result = r(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, [3, 3, 13])
test = self.mono > 3
r = test.ifthenelse([1, 2, 3], self.colour)
assert r.width == self.colour.width
assert r.height == self.colour.height
assert r.bands == self.colour.bands
assert r.format == self.colour.format
assert r.interpretation == self.colour.interpretation
result = r(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, [2, 3, 4])
result = r(50, 50)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, [1, 2, 3])
test = self.mono
r = test.ifthenelse([1, 2, 3], self.colour, blend=True)
assert r.width == self.colour.width
assert r.height == self.colour.height
assert r.bands == self.colour.bands
assert r.format == self.colour.format
assert r.interpretation == self.colour.interpretation
result = r(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, [2, 3, 4], threshold=0.1)
result = r(50, 50)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, [3.0, 4.9, 6.9], threshold=0.1)
def test_switch(self):
x = pyvips.Image.grey(256, 256, uchar=True)
# slice into two at 128, we should get 50% of pixels in each half
index = pyvips.Image.switch([x < 128, x >= 128])
assert index.avg() == 0.5
# slice into four
index = pyvips.Image.switch([
x < 64,
x >= 64 and x < 128,
x >= 128 and x < 192,
x >= 192
assert index.avg() == 1.5
# no match should return n + 1
index = pyvips.Image.switch([x == 1000, x == 2000])
assert index.avg() == 2
def test_insert(self):
for x in all_formats:
for y in all_formats:
main = self.mono.cast(x)
sub = self.colour.cast(y)
r = main.insert(sub, 10, 10)
assert r.width == main.width
assert r.height == main.height
assert r.bands == sub.bands
a = r(10, 10)
b = sub(0, 0)
assert_almost_equal_objects(a, b)
a = r(0, 0)
b = main(0, 0) * 3
assert_almost_equal_objects(a, b)
for x in all_formats:
for y in all_formats:
main = self.mono.cast(x)
sub = self.colour.cast(y)
r = main.insert(sub, 10, 10, expand=True, background=100)
assert r.width == main.width + 10
assert r.height == main.height + 10
assert r.bands == sub.bands
a = r(r.width - 5, 5)
assert_almost_equal_objects(a, [100, 100, 100])
def test_arrayjoin(self):
max_width = 0
max_height = 0
max_bands = 0
for image in self.all_images:
if image.width > max_width:
max_width = image.width
if image.height > max_height:
max_height = image.height
if image.bands > max_bands:
max_bands = image.bands
im = pyvips.Image.arrayjoin(self.all_images)
assert im.width == max_width * len(self.all_images)
assert im.height == max_height
assert im.bands == max_bands
im = pyvips.Image.arrayjoin(self.all_images, across=1)
assert im.width == max_width
assert im.height == max_height * len(self.all_images)
assert im.bands == max_bands
im = pyvips.Image.arrayjoin(self.all_images, shim=10)
assert im.width == max_width * len(self.all_images) + 10 * (len(self.all_images) - 1) # noqa: E501
assert im.height == max_height
assert im.bands == max_bands
def test_msb(self):
for fmt in unsigned_formats:
mx = max_value[fmt]
size = sizeof_format[fmt]
test = (self.colour + mx / 8.0).cast(fmt)
im = test.msb()
before = test(10, 10)
predict = [int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8) for x in before]
result = im(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, predict)
before = test(50, 50)
predict = [int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8) for x in before]
result = im(50, 50)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, predict)
for fmt in signed_formats:
mx = max_value[fmt]
size = sizeof_format[fmt]
test = (self.colour + mx / 8.0).cast(fmt)
im = test.msb()
before = test(10, 10)
predict = [128 + (int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8)) for x in before]
result = im(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, predict)
before = test(50, 50)
predict = [128 + (int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8)) for x in before]
result = im(50, 50)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, predict)
for fmt in unsigned_formats:
mx = max_value[fmt]
size = sizeof_format[fmt]
test = (self.colour + mx / 8.0).cast(fmt)
im = test.msb(band=1)
before = [test(10, 10)[1]]
predict = [int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8) for x in before]
result = im(10, 10)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, predict)
before = [test(50, 50)[1]]
predict = [int(x) >> ((size - 1) * 8) for x in before]
result = im(50, 50)
assert_almost_equal_objects(result, predict)
def test_recomb(self):
array = [[0.2, 0.5, 0.3]]
def recomb(x):
if isinstance(x, pyvips.Image):
return x.recomb(array)
sum = 0
for i, c in zip(array[0], x):
sum += i * c
return [sum]
self.run_unary([self.colour], recomb, fmt=noncomplex_formats)
def test_replicate(self):
for fmt in all_formats:
im = self.colour.cast(fmt)
test = im.replicate(10, 10)
assert test.width == self.colour.width * 10
assert test.height == self.colour.height * 10
before = im(10, 10)
after = test(10 + im.width * 2, 10 + im.width * 2)
assert_almost_equal_objects(before, after)
before = im(50, 50)
after = test(50 + im.width * 2, 50 + im.width * 2)
assert_almost_equal_objects(before, after)
def test_rot45(self):
# test has a quarter-circle in the bottom right
test = self.colour.crop(0, 0, 51, 51)
for fmt in all_formats:
im = test.cast(fmt)
im2 = im.rot45()
before = im(50, 50)
after = im2(25, 50)
assert_almost_equal_objects(before, after)
for a, b in zip(rot45_angles, rot45_angle_bonds):
im2 = im.rot45(angle=a)
after = im2.rot45(angle=b)
diff = (after - im).abs().max()
assert diff == 0
def test_rot(self):
# test has a quarter-circle in the bottom right
test = self.colour.crop(0, 0, 51, 51)
for fmt in all_formats:
im = test.cast(fmt)
im2 = im.rot(pyvips.Angle.D90)
before = im(50, 50)
after = im2(0, 50)
assert_almost_equal_objects(before, after)
for a, b in zip(rot_angles, rot_angle_bonds):
im2 = im.rot(a)
after = im2.rot(b)
diff = (after - im).abs().max()
assert diff == 0
def test_autorot(self):
rotation_images = os.path.join(IMAGES, 'rotation')
files = os.listdir(rotation_images)
meta = {
0: {'w': 290, 'h': 442},
1: {'w': 308, 'h': 410},
2: {'w': 308, 'h': 410},
3: {'w': 308, 'h': 410},
4: {'w': 308, 'h': 410},
5: {'w': 231, 'h': 308},
6: {'w': 231, 'h': 308},
7: {'w': 231, 'h': 308},
8: {'w': 231, 'h': 308},
i = 0
for f in files:
if '.autorot.' not in f and not f.startswith('.'):
source_filename = os.path.join(rotation_images, f)
actual_filename = temp_filename(self.tempdir, '.png')
actual = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(actual_filename)
assert actual.width == meta[i]['w']
assert actual.height == meta[i]['h']
assert actual.get('orientation') if actual.get_typeof('orientation') else None is None
i = i + 1
def test_scaleimage(self):
for fmt in noncomplex_formats:
test = self.colour.cast(fmt)
im = test.scaleimage()
assert im.max() == 255
assert im.min() == 0
im = test.scaleimage(log=True)
assert im.max() == 255
def test_subsample(self):
for fmt in all_formats:
test = self.colour.cast(fmt)
im = test.subsample(3, 3)
assert im.width == test.width // 3
assert im.height == test.height // 3
before = test(60, 60)
after = im(20, 20)
assert_almost_equal_objects(before, after)
def test_zoom(self):
for fmt in all_formats:
test = self.colour.cast(fmt)
im = test.zoom(3, 3)
assert im.width == test.width * 3
assert im.height == test.height * 3
before = test(50, 50)
after = im(150, 150)
assert_almost_equal_objects(before, after)
def test_wrap(self):
for fmt in all_formats:
test = self.colour.cast(fmt)
im = test.wrap()
assert im.width == test.width
assert im.height == test.height
before = test(0, 0)
after = im(50, 50)
assert_almost_equal_objects(before, after)
before = test(50, 50)
after = im(0, 0)
assert_almost_equal_objects(before, after)
if __name__ == '__main__':