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<refentry id="using-from-cpp">
<refentrytitle>VIPS from C++</refentrytitle>
<refmiscinfo>VIPS Library</refmiscinfo>
<refname>Using VIPS</refname>
<refpurpose>How to use the VIPS library from C++</refpurpose>
<refsect1 id="using-cpp">
<title>Using VIPS from C++</title>
VIPS comes with a convenient C++ API. It is a very thin wrapper over the
C API and provides automatic reference counting, exceptions, operator
overloads, and automatic constant expansion. You can drop down to the C
API at any point, so all the C API docs also work for C++.
<title>VIPS from C++ example</title>
<programlisting language="C++">
/* compile with:
* g++ -g -Wall `pkg-config vips-cc --cflags --libs`
#include &lt;vips/vips8&gt;
using namespace vips;
main( int argc, char **argv )
GOptionContext *context;
GOptionGroup *main_group;
GError *error = NULL;
if( vips_init( argv[0] ) )
vips_error_exit( NULL );
context = g_option_context_new( "" );
main_group = g_option_group_new( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
g_option_context_set_main_group( context, main_group );
g_option_context_add_group( context, vips_get_option_group() );
if( !g_option_context_parse( context, &amp;argc, &amp;argv, &amp;error ) ) {
if( error ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", error->message );
g_error_free( error );
vips_error_exit( NULL );
VImage in = VImage::new_from_file( argv[1],
double avg = in.avg();
printf( "avg = %g\n", avg );
printf( "width = %d\n", in.width() );
VImage in = VImage::new_from_file( argv[1],
VImage out = in.embed( 10, 10, 1000, 1000,
set( "extend", VIPS_EXTEND_BACKGROUND )->
set( "background", 128 ) );
out.write_to_file( argv[2] );
return( 0 );
Everything before <code>VImage in = VImage::..</code> is exactly as the C
This line is the C++ equivalent of vips_image_new_from_file(). It works
in the same way, the differences being:
<code>VImage</code> lifetime is managed automatically, like a smart
pointer. You don't need to call g_object_unref().
Instead of using varargs and a NULL-terminated option list, this
function takes an optional <code>VOption</code> pointer. This
gives a list of name / value pairs for optional arguments to the
In this case we request unbuffered IO for the image, meaning, we
expect to do a single top-to-bottom scan of the image and do not
need it to be decompressed entirely.
The function will delete the #VOption pointer for us when it's
finished with it.
Instead of returning %NULL on error, this constructor will
raise a <code>VError</code> exception.
There are a series of similar constructors which parallel the other
constructors in the C API, see VImage::new_from_memory(),
VImage::new_from_buffer(), and VImage::new_matrix(). There's also
VImage::new_memory() and VImage::new_temp_file(), which when written to
with VImage::write() will create whole images on memory or on disc.
The next line finds the average pixel value, it's the equivalent of the
vips_avg() function. The differences from the C API are:
VImage::avg() is a member function: the <code>this</code>
parameter is the first (the only, in this case) input image.
The function returns the first output parameter, in this case the
average pixel value. Other return values are via pointer arguments,
as in the C API.
Like VImage::new_from_file(), function raises the
<code>vips::VError</code> exception on error.
Like VImage::new_from_file(), extra arguments are passed
via an optional #VOption parameter. There are none in this case,
so the function brackets can be left empty.
All other operations follow the same pattern, for example the C API call
int vips_add( VipsImage *left, VipsImage *right, VipsImage **out, ... );
appears in C++ as:
VImage VImage::add( VImage right, VOption *options = 0 );
The next line uses VImage::width() to get the image width in pixels.
There are similar functions paralleling vips_image_get_format() and
friends. Use VImage::set() to set metadata fields, VImage::get_int() and
c. to fetch metadata.
Next we reload the image. The VImage::avg() will have scanned the image
and reached the end of the file, we need to scan again for the next
operation. If we'd selected random access mode (the default) in the
original VImage::new_from_file(), we would not need to load again.
The next line runs vips_embed() with two optional parameters. The first
sets the value to an enum (you just use the ones from the C API), the
second sets the value to an <code>int</code>. The
parameter is actually a #VipsArrayDouble: if you pass an
<code>int</code> instead, it will be automatically converted to a
one-element array for you. You can pass a
<code>std::vector&lt;double&gt;</code> too: the utility function
VImage::to_vectorv() is a convenient way to make one.
Finally, VImage::write_to_file() will write the new image to the
filesystem. You can add a #VOption as a final parameter and set options
for the writer if you wish. Again, the operation will throw a #VError
exception on error. The other writers from the C API are also present:
you can write to a memory array, to a formatted image in memory, or to
another image.
<refsect1 id="cpp-expansion">
<title>Automatic constant expansion</title>
The C++ API will automatically turn constants into images in some cases.
For example, you can join two images together bandwise (the
bandwise join of two RGB images would be a six-band image) with:
VImage rgb = ...;
VImage six_band = rgb.bandjoin( rgb );
You can also bandjoin a constant, for example:
VImage rgb_with_alpha = rgb.bandjoin( 255 );
Will add an extra band to an image, with every element in the new band
having the value 255. This is quite a general feature. You can use a
constant in most places where you can use an image and it will be
converted. For example:
VImage a = (a &lt; 128).ifthenelse( 128, a );
Will set every band element of <code>a</code> less than 128 to 128.
The C++ API includes the usual range of arithmetic operator overloads.
You can mix constants, vectors and images freely.
<refsect1 id="cpp-enum">
<title>Enum expansion</title>
VIPS operations which implement several functions with a controlling
enum, such as vips_math(), are expanded to a set of member functions
named after the enum. For example, the C function:
int vips_math( VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, VipsOperationMath math, ... );
where #VipsOperationMath has the member #VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_SIN, has a
C convenience function vips_sin():
int vips_sin( VipsImage *in, VipsImage **out, ... );
and a C++ member function VImage::sin():
VImage VImage::sin( VOption *options = 0 );