2007-08-29 16:23:50 +00:00

927 lines
19 KiB

/* Meta information on an IMAGE. Extra fields added by the user/client/etc.
* 6/6/05
* - hacked from code from Markus Wollgarten
* 30/6/05 JC
* - take a copy of field names so we work for sprintf()'d fields
* - separate GType for refstring so we can spot it from im_header_map()
* 13/7/05
* - added BLOB too (ie. can be saved to xml)
* 26/8/05
* - get_ funcs set im_error()
* 29/8/05
* - added im__meta_destroy()
* 1/9/05
* - oop, hash table insert/replace confusion fixed
Copyright (C) 1991-2005 The National Gallery
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
These files are distributed with VIPS - http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk
#define DEBUG
#include <config.h>
#endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/
#include <vips/intl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#endif /*HAVE_UNISTD_H*/
#include <assert.h>
#include <vips/vips.h>
#include "base64.h"
#include <dmalloc.h>
#endif /*WITH_DMALLOC*/
The GValue we store can be a number, mutable string, ref-counted
immutable string (eg. large chunk of XML), etc. Convenience
functions make it less painful. See im_meta_get_int() etc.
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Check that this meta is on the hash table.
static void *
meta_sanity_on_hash( Meta *meta, IMAGE *im )
Meta *found;
if( meta->im != im )
printf( "*** field \"%s\" has incorrect im\n",
meta->field );
if( !(found = g_hash_table_lookup( im->Meta, meta->field )) )
printf( "*** field \"%s\" is on traverse but not in hash\n",
meta->field );
if( found != meta )
printf( "*** meta \"%s\" on traverse and hash do not match\n",
meta->field );
return( NULL );
static void
meta_sanity_on_traverse( const char *field, Meta *meta, IMAGE *im )
if( meta->field != field )
printf( "*** field \"%s\" has incorrect field\n",
meta->field );
if( meta->im != im )
printf( "*** field \"%s\" has incorrect im\n",
meta->field );
if( !g_slist_find( im->Meta_traverse, meta ) )
printf( "*** field \"%s\" is in hash but not on traverse\n",
meta->field );
static void
meta_sanity( const IMAGE *im )
if( im->Meta )
g_hash_table_foreach( im->Meta,
(GHFunc) meta_sanity_on_traverse, (void *) im );
im_slist_map2( im->Meta_traverse,
(VSListMap2Fn) meta_sanity_on_hash, (void *) im, NULL );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
static void
meta_free( Meta *meta )
#ifdef DEBUG
char *str_value;
str_value = g_strdup_value_contents( &meta->value );
printf( "meta_free: field %s, value = %s\n",
meta->field, str_value );
g_free( str_value );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
if( meta->im )
meta->im->Meta_traverse =
g_slist_remove( meta->im->Meta_traverse, meta );
g_value_unset( &meta->value );
IM_FREE( meta->field );
im_free( meta );
static Meta *
meta_new( IMAGE *im, const char *field, GValue *value )
Meta *meta;
if( !(meta = IM_NEW( NULL, Meta )) )
return( NULL );
meta->im = im;
meta->field = NULL;
memset( &meta->value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
if( !(meta->field = im_strdup( NULL, field )) ) {
meta_free( meta );
return( NULL );
g_value_init( &meta->value, G_VALUE_TYPE( value ) );
g_value_copy( value, &meta->value );
im->Meta_traverse = g_slist_append( im->Meta_traverse, meta );
g_hash_table_replace( im->Meta, meta->field, meta );
#ifdef DEBUG
char *str_value;
str_value = g_strdup_value_contents( value );
printf( "meta_new: field %s, value = %s\n",
field, str_value );
g_free( str_value );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
return( meta );
/* Destroy all the meta on an image.
im__meta_destroy( IMAGE *im )
IM_FREEF( g_hash_table_destroy, im->Meta );
assert( !im->Meta_traverse );
static void
meta_init( IMAGE *im )
if( !im->Meta ) {
assert( !im->Meta_traverse );
im->Meta = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
NULL, (GDestroyNotify) meta_free );
static void *
meta_cp_field( Meta *meta, IMAGE *dst )
Meta *meta_copy;
#ifdef DEBUG
char *str_value;
str_value = g_strdup_value_contents( &meta->value );
printf( "im__meta_cp: copying field %s, value = %s\n",
meta->field, str_value );
g_free( str_value );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
/* No way to return error here, sadly.
meta_copy = meta_new( dst, meta->field, &meta->value );
#ifdef DEBUG
meta_sanity( dst );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
return( NULL );
/* Copy meta on to dst. Called from im_cp_desc().
im__meta_cp( IMAGE *dst, const IMAGE *src )
if( src->Meta ) {
/* Loop, copying fields.
meta_init( dst );
im_slist_map2( src->Meta_traverse,
(VSListMap2Fn) meta_cp_field, dst, NULL );
return( 0 );
/* Set a meta, overwriting any old meta.
im_meta_set( IMAGE *im, const char *field, GValue *value )
Meta *meta;
assert( field );
assert( value );
meta_init( im );
if( !(meta = meta_new( im, field, value )) )
return( -1 );
#ifdef DEBUG
meta_sanity( im );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
return( 0 );
/* Fill value with a copy of the meta, -1 on error. value_copy must be zeroed
* but uninitialised.
im_meta_get( IMAGE *im, const char *field, GValue *value_copy )
Meta *meta;
assert( field );
assert( value_copy );
/* Defined?
if( !im->Meta || !(meta = g_hash_table_lookup( im->Meta, field )) ) {
im_error( "im_meta_get", _( "field \"%s\" not found" ), field );
return( -1 );
g_value_init( value_copy, G_VALUE_TYPE( &meta->value ) );
g_value_copy( &meta->value, value_copy );
return( 0 );
im_meta_get_type( IMAGE *im, const char *field )
Meta *meta;
assert( field );
/* Defined?
if( !im->Meta || !(meta = g_hash_table_lookup( im->Meta, field )) )
return( 0 );
return( G_VALUE_TYPE( &meta->value ) );
/* Helpers for set/get. Write a value and destroy it.
static int
meta_set_value( IMAGE *im, const char *field, GValue *value )
if( im_meta_set( im, field, value ) ) {
g_value_unset( value );
return( -1 );
g_value_unset( value );
return( 0 );
static int
meta_get_value( IMAGE *im, const char *field, GType type, GValue *value_copy )
if( im_meta_get( im, field, value_copy ) )
return( -1 );
if( G_VALUE_TYPE( value_copy ) != type ) {
im_error( "im_meta_get", _( "field \"%s\" "
"is of type %s, not %s" ),
g_type_name( G_VALUE_TYPE( value_copy ) ),
g_type_name( type ) );
g_value_unset( value_copy );
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
/* Save meta fields to the header. We have a new string type for header fields
* to save to XML and define transform functions to go from our meta types to
* this string type.
im_save_string_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "im_save_string",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) g_free );
return( type );
const char *
im_save_string_get( const GValue *value )
return( (char *) g_value_get_boxed( value ) );
im_save_string_set( GValue *value, const char *str )
assert( G_VALUE_TYPE( value ) == IM_TYPE_SAVE_STRING );
g_value_set_boxed( value, str );
im_save_string_setf( GValue *value, const char *fmt, ... )
va_list ap;
char *str;
assert( G_VALUE_TYPE( value ) == IM_TYPE_SAVE_STRING );
va_start( ap, fmt );
str = g_strdup_vprintf( fmt, ap );
va_end( ap );
im_save_string_set( value, str );
/* Read/write int, double metadata.
im_meta_set_int( IMAGE *im, const char *field, int i )
GValue value = { 0 };
g_value_init( &value, G_TYPE_INT );
g_value_set_int( &value, i );
return( meta_set_value( im, field, &value ) );
im_meta_get_int( IMAGE *im, const char *field, int *i )
GValue value_copy = { 0 };
if( meta_get_value( im, field, G_TYPE_INT, &value_copy ) )
return( -1 );
*i = g_value_get_int( &value_copy );
g_value_unset( &value_copy );
return( 0 );
im_meta_set_double( IMAGE *im, const char *field, double d )
GValue value = { 0 };
g_value_init( &value, G_TYPE_DOUBLE );
g_value_set_double( &value, d );
return( meta_set_value( im, field, &value ) );
im_meta_get_double( IMAGE *im, const char *field, double *d )
GValue value_copy = { 0 };
if( meta_get_value( im, field, G_TYPE_DOUBLE, &value_copy ) )
return( -1 );
*d = g_value_get_double( &value_copy );
g_value_unset( &value_copy );
return( 0 );
/* Transform funcs for builtin types to SAVE_STRING.
static void
transform_int_save_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
im_save_string_setf( dest_value, "%d", g_value_get_int( src_value ) );
static void
transform_save_string_int( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
g_value_set_int( dest_value, atoi( im_save_string_get( src_value ) ) );
static void
transform_double_save_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
/* Need to be locale independent.
g_ascii_dtostr( buf, G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE,
g_value_get_double( src_value ) );
im_save_string_set( dest_value, buf );
static void
transform_save_string_double( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
g_value_set_double( dest_value,
g_ascii_strtod( im_save_string_get( src_value ), NULL ) );
/* A GType for a ref-counted area of memory.
typedef struct _Area {
int count;
size_t length; /* 0 if not known */
void *data;
im_callback_fn free_fn;
} Area;
#ifdef DEBUG
static int area_number = 0;
#endif /*DEBUG*/
/* An area of mem with a free func. (eg. \0-terminated string, or a struct).
* Inital count == 1, so _unref() after attaching somewhere.
static Area *
area_new( im_callback_fn free_fn, void *data )
Area *area;
if( !(area = IM_NEW( NULL, Area )) )
return( NULL );
area->count = 1;
area->length = 0;
area->data = data;
area->free_fn = free_fn;
#ifdef DEBUG
area_number += 1;
printf( "area_new: %p count = %d (%d in total)\n",
area, area->count, area_number );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
return( area );
/* An area of mem with a free func and a length (some sort of binary object,
* like an ICC profile).
static Area *
area_new_blob( im_callback_fn free_fn, void *blob, size_t blob_length )
Area *area;
if( !(area = area_new( free_fn, blob )) )
return( NULL );
area->length = blob_length;
return( area );
static Area *
area_copy( Area *area )
assert( area->count >= 0 );
area->count += 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "area_copy: %p count = %d\n", area, area->count );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
return( area );
static void
area_unref( Area *area )
assert( area->count > 0 );
area->count -= 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "area_unref: %p count = %d\n", area, area->count );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
if( area->count == 0 && area->free_fn ) {
(void) area->free_fn( area->data, NULL );
area->free_fn = NULL;
im_free( area );
#ifdef DEBUG
area_number -= 1;
printf( "area_unref: free .. total = %d\n", area_number );
#endif /*DEBUG*/
/* Transform an area to a G_TYPE_STRING.
static void
transform_area_g_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
Area *area;
char buf[256];
area = g_value_get_boxed( src_value );
im_snprintf( buf, 256, "IM_TYPE_AREA, count = %d, data = %p",
area->count, area->data );
g_value_set_string( dest_value, buf );
im_area_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "im_area",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) area_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) area_unref );
transform_area_g_string );
return( type );
/* Set value to be a ref-counted area of memory with a free function.
static int
value_set_area( im_callback_fn free_fn, void *data, GValue *value )
Area *area;
if( !(area = area_new( free_fn, data )) )
return( -1 );
g_value_init( value, IM_TYPE_AREA );
g_value_set_boxed( value, area );
area_unref( area );
return( 0 );
/* Don't touch count (area is static).
static void *
value_get_area_data( const GValue *value )
Area *area;
area = g_value_get_boxed( value );
return( area->data );
static size_t
value_get_area_length( const GValue *value )
Area *area;
area = g_value_get_boxed( value );
return( area->length );
/* Read/write ref-counted mem area.
im_meta_set_area( IMAGE *im, const char *field,
im_callback_fn free_fn, void *data )
GValue value = { 0 };
value_set_area( free_fn, data, &value );
return( meta_set_value( im, field, &value ) );
im_meta_get_area( IMAGE *im, const char *field, void **data )
GValue value_copy = { 0 };
if( meta_get_value( im, field, IM_TYPE_AREA, &value_copy ) )
return( -1 );
*data = value_get_area_data( &value_copy );
g_value_unset( &value_copy );
return( 0 );
/* Get a char* from a refstring.
const char *
im_ref_string_get( const GValue *value )
return( value_get_area_data( value ) );
/* Get cached strlen() from a refstring.
im_ref_string_get_length( const GValue *value )
return( value_get_area_length( value ) );
/* Set value to be a ref-counted string.
im_ref_string_set( GValue *value, const char *str )
Area *area;
char *str_copy;
assert( G_VALUE_TYPE( value ) == IM_TYPE_REF_STRING );
if( !(str_copy = im_strdup( NULL, str )) )
return( -1 );
if( !(area = area_new( (im_callback_fn) im_free, str_copy )) ) {
im_free( str_copy );
return( -1 );
/* Handy place to cache this.
area->length = strlen( str );
g_value_set_boxed( value, area );
area_unref( area );
return( 0 );
/* Transform a refstring to a G_TYPE_STRING.
static void
transform_ref_string_g_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
g_value_set_string( dest_value, im_ref_string_get( src_value ) );
/* To a save string.
static void
transform_ref_string_save_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
im_save_string_setf( dest_value, "%s", im_ref_string_get( src_value ) );
static void
transform_save_string_ref_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
im_ref_string_set( dest_value, im_save_string_get( src_value ) );
im_ref_string_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "im_ref_string",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) area_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) area_unref );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, G_TYPE_STRING,
transform_ref_string_g_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, IM_TYPE_SAVE_STRING,
transform_ref_string_save_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( IM_TYPE_SAVE_STRING, type,
transform_save_string_ref_string );
return( type );
/* Read/write C string.
im_meta_set_string( IMAGE *im, const char *field, const char *str )
GValue value = { 0 };
g_value_init( &value, IM_TYPE_REF_STRING );
im_ref_string_set( &value, str );
return( meta_set_value( im, field, &value ) );
im_meta_get_string( IMAGE *im, const char *field, char **str )
GValue value_copy = { 0 };
Area *area;
if( meta_get_value( im, field, IM_TYPE_REF_STRING, &value_copy ) )
return( -1 );
area = g_value_get_boxed( &value_copy );
*str = area->data;
g_value_unset( &value_copy );
return( 0 );
/* Get a void * from a BLOB.
void *
im_blob_get( const GValue *value, size_t *blob_length )
Area *area;
/* Can't check value type, because we may get called from
* im_blob_get_type().
area = g_value_get_boxed( value );
if( blob_length )
*blob_length = area->length;
return( area->data );
/* Transform a blob to a G_TYPE_STRING.
static void
transform_blob_g_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
void *blob;
size_t blob_length;
char buf[256];
blob = im_blob_get( src_value, &blob_length );
im_snprintf( buf, 256, "IM_TYPE_BLOB, data = %p, length = %zd",
blob, blob_length );
g_value_set_string( dest_value, buf );
/* Transform a blob to a save string and back.
static void
transform_blob_save_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
void *blob;
size_t blob_length;
char *b64;
blob = im_blob_get( src_value, &blob_length );
if( (b64 = im__b64_encode( blob, blob_length )) ) {
im_save_string_set( dest_value, b64 );
im_free( b64 );
static void
transform_save_string_blob( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value )
const char *b64;
void *blob;
size_t blob_length;
b64 = im_save_string_get( src_value );
if( (blob = im__b64_decode( b64, &blob_length )) )
im_blob_set( dest_value,
(im_callback_fn) im_free, blob, blob_length );
im_blob_get_type( void )
static GType type = 0;
if( !type ) {
type = g_boxed_type_register_static( "im_blob",
(GBoxedCopyFunc) area_copy,
(GBoxedFreeFunc) area_unref );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, G_TYPE_STRING,
transform_blob_g_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( type, IM_TYPE_SAVE_STRING,
transform_blob_save_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( IM_TYPE_SAVE_STRING, type,
transform_save_string_blob );
return( type );
/* Set value to be a blob.
im_blob_set( GValue *value,
im_callback_fn free_fn, void *blob, size_t blob_length )
Area *area;
assert( G_VALUE_TYPE( value ) == IM_TYPE_BLOB );
if( !(area = area_new_blob( free_fn, blob, blob_length )) )
return( -1 );
g_value_set_boxed( value, area );
area_unref( area );
return( 0 );
/* Read/write blob.
im_meta_set_blob( IMAGE *im, const char *field,
im_callback_fn free_fn, void *blob, size_t blob_length )
GValue value = { 0 };
g_value_init( &value, IM_TYPE_BLOB );
im_blob_set( &value, free_fn, blob, blob_length );
return( meta_set_value( im, field, &value ) );
im_meta_get_blob( IMAGE *im, const char *field,
void **blob, size_t *blob_length )
GValue value_copy = { 0 };
if( meta_get_value( im, field, IM_TYPE_BLOB, &value_copy ) )
return( -1 );
*blob = im_blob_get( &value_copy, blob_length );
g_value_unset( &value_copy );
return( 0 );
/* Make the types we need for basic functioning. Called from init_world().
im__meta_init_types( void )
(void) im_save_string_get_type();
(void) im_area_get_type();
(void) im_ref_string_get_type();
(void) im_blob_get_type();
/* Register transform functions to go from built-in saveable types to
* a save string. Transform functions for our own types are set
* during type creation.
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_INT, IM_TYPE_SAVE_STRING,
transform_int_save_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( IM_TYPE_SAVE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT,
transform_save_string_int );
g_value_register_transform_func( G_TYPE_DOUBLE, IM_TYPE_SAVE_STRING,
transform_double_save_string );
g_value_register_transform_func( IM_TYPE_SAVE_STRING, G_TYPE_DOUBLE,
transform_save_string_double );