
713 lines
17 KiB

/* cache vips operations
This file is part of VIPS.
VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
These files are distributed with VIPS -
should the cache be thread-private? or lock? or say operations can
only be made from the main thread?
listen for invalidate
will we need to drop all on exit? unclear
what about delayed writes ... do we ever write in close? we shouldn't,
should do in evalend or written or somesuch
use g_param_values_cmp() instead of value_equal()?
#define VIPS_DEBUG
#include <config.h>
#endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/
#include <vips/intl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#endif /*HAVE_UNISTD_H*/
#include <ctype.h>
#include <vips/vips.h>
#include <vips/internal.h>
#include <vips/debug.h>
/* Set by GOption from the command line, eg. "12m".
char *vips__cache_max = NULL;
char *vips__cache_max_mem = NULL;
char *vips__cache_max_files = NULL;
/* Max number of cached operations.
static int vips_cache_max = 10000;
/* How many tracked open files we allow before we start dropping cache.
static int vips_cache_max_files = 900;
/* How much RAM we spend on caches before we start dropping cached operations
* ... default 1gb.
static size_t vips_cache_max_mem = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
/* Hold a ref to all "recent" operations.
static GHashTable *vips_cache_table = NULL;
/* A 'time' counter: increment on all cache ops. Use this to detect LRU.
static int vips_cache_time = 0;
/* Pass in the pspec so we can get the generic type. For example, a
* held in a GParamSpec allowing OBJECT, but the value could be of type
* VipsImage. generics are much faster to compare.
static unsigned int
vips_value_hash( GParamSpec *pspec, GValue *value )
GType generic = G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE( pspec );
/* Not compile-time constants, so we have to use a set of if()s. Could
* make a table at run time I guess.
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_BOOLEAN )
return( (unsigned int) g_value_get_boolean( value ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_CHAR )
return( (unsigned int) g_value_get_char( value ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_UCHAR )
return( (unsigned int) g_value_get_uchar( value ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_INT )
return( (unsigned int) g_value_get_int( value ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_UINT )
return( (unsigned int) g_value_get_uint( value ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_LONG )
return( (unsigned int) g_value_get_long( value ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_ULONG )
return( (unsigned int) g_value_get_ulong( value ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_ENUM )
return( (unsigned int) g_value_get_enum( value ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_FLAGS )
return( (unsigned int) g_value_get_flags( value ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_UINT64 ) {
guint64 i = g_value_get_uint64( value );
return( g_int64_hash( (gint64 *) &i ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_INT64 ) {
gint64 i = g_value_get_int64( value );
return( g_int64_hash( &i ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_FLOAT ) {
float f = g_value_get_float( value );
return( *((unsigned int *) &f) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_DOUBLE ) {
double d = g_value_get_double( value );
return( g_double_hash( &d ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_STRING ) {
const char *s = g_value_get_string( value );
return( g_str_hash( s ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_BOXED ) {
void *p = g_value_get_boxed( value );
return( g_direct_hash( p ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_POINTER ) {
void *p = g_value_get_pointer( value );
return( g_direct_hash( p ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT ) {
void *p = g_value_get_object( value );
return( g_direct_hash( p ) );
else {
/* Fallback: convert to a string and hash that.
* This is very slow, print a warning if we use it
* so we can add another case.
char *s;
unsigned int hash;
s = g_strdup_value_contents( value );
hash = g_str_hash( s );
printf( "vips_value_hash: no case for %s\n", s );
printf( "\ttype %d, %s\n",
(int) G_VALUE_TYPE( value ),
g_type_name( G_VALUE_TYPE( value ) ) );
printf( "\tgeneric %d, %s\n",
(int) G_VALUE_TYPE( generic ),
g_type_name( generic ) );
g_free( s );
return( hash );
/* Pass in the pspec so we can get the generic type. For example, a
* value could be held in a GParamSpec allowing OBJECT, but the value
* could be of type VipsImage. generics are much faster to compare.
static gboolean
vips_value_equal( GParamSpec *pspec, GValue *v1, GValue *v2 )
GType generic = G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE( pspec );
GType t1 = G_VALUE_TYPE( v1 );
GType t2 = G_VALUE_TYPE( v2 );
if( t1 != t2 )
return( FALSE );
/* Not compile-time constants, so we have to use a set of if()s. Could
* make a table at run time I guess.
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_BOOLEAN )
return( g_value_get_boolean( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_boolean( v2 ) );
else if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_CHAR )
return( g_value_get_char( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_char( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_UCHAR )
return( g_value_get_uchar( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_uchar( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_INT )
return( g_value_get_int( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_int( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_UINT )
return( g_value_get_uint( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_uint( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_LONG )
return( g_value_get_long( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_long( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_ULONG )
return( g_value_get_ulong( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_ulong( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_ENUM )
return( g_value_get_enum( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_enum( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_FLAGS )
return( g_value_get_flags( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_flags( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_UINT64 )
return( g_value_get_uint64( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_uint64( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_INT64 )
return( g_value_get_int64( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_int64( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_FLOAT )
return( g_value_get_float( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_float( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_DOUBLE )
return( g_value_get_double( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_double( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_STRING )
return( strcmp( g_value_get_string( v1 ),
g_value_get_string( v2 ) ) == 0 );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_BOXED )
return( g_value_get_boxed( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_boxed( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_POINTER )
return( g_value_get_pointer( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_pointer( v2 ) );
if( generic == G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT )
return( g_value_get_object( v1 ) ==
g_value_get_object( v2 ) );
else {
/* Fallback: convert to a string and compare that.
* This is very slow, print a warning if we use it
* so we can add another case.
char *s1;
char *s2;
gboolean equal;
s1 = g_strdup_value_contents( v1 );
s2 = g_strdup_value_contents( v2 );
equal = strcmp( s1, s2 ) == 0;
printf( "vips_value_equal: no case for %s, %s\n",
s1, s2 );
printf( "\tt1 %d, %s\n", (int) t1, g_type_name( t1 ) );
printf( "\tt2 %d, %s\n", (int) t2, g_type_name( t2 ) );
printf( "\tgeneric %d, %s\n",
(int) G_VALUE_TYPE( generic ),
g_type_name( generic ) );
g_free( s1 );
g_free( s2 );
return( equal );
static void *
vips_object_hash_arg( VipsObject *object,
GParamSpec *pspec,
VipsArgumentClass *argument_class,
VipsArgumentInstance *argument_instance,
void *a, void *b )
unsigned int *hash = (unsigned int *) a;
if( (argument_class->flags & VIPS_ARGUMENT_CONSTRUCT) &&
(argument_class->flags & VIPS_ARGUMENT_INPUT) &&
argument_instance->assigned ) {
const char *name = g_param_spec_get_name( pspec );
GType type = G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE( pspec );
GValue value = { 0, };
g_value_init( &value, type );
g_object_get_property( G_OBJECT( object ), name, &value );
*hash = (*hash << 1) ^ vips_value_hash( pspec, &value );
g_value_unset( &value );
return( NULL );
/* Find a hash from the input arguments to a VipsOperstion.
static unsigned int
vips_operation_hash( VipsOperation *operation )
if( !operation->found_hash ) {
guint hash;
/* Include the operation type in the hash.
hash = (guint) G_OBJECT_TYPE( operation );
(void) vips_argument_map( VIPS_OBJECT( operation ),
vips_object_hash_arg, &hash, NULL );
/* Make sure we can't have a zero hash value.
hash |= 1;
operation->hash = hash;
operation->found_hash = TRUE;
return( operation->hash );
static void *
vips_object_equal_arg( VipsObject *object,
GParamSpec *pspec,
VipsArgumentClass *argument_class,
VipsArgumentInstance *argument_instance,
void *a, void *b )
VipsObject *other = (VipsObject *) a;
if( (argument_class->flags & VIPS_ARGUMENT_CONSTRUCT) &&
(argument_class->flags & VIPS_ARGUMENT_INPUT) &&
argument_instance->assigned ) {
const char *name = g_param_spec_get_name( pspec );
GType type = G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE( pspec );
GValue v1 = { 0, };
GValue v2 = { 0, };
gboolean equal;
g_value_init( &v1, type );
g_value_init( &v2, type );
g_object_get_property( G_OBJECT( object ), name, &v1 );
g_object_get_property( G_OBJECT( other ), name, &v2 );
equal = vips_value_equal( pspec, &v1, &v2 );
g_value_unset( &v1 );
g_value_unset( &v2 );
if( !equal )
return( object );
return( NULL );
/* Are two objects equal, ie. have the same inputs.
static gboolean
vips_operation_equal( VipsOperation *a, VipsOperation *b )
if( a == b )
return( TRUE );
if( G_OBJECT_TYPE( a ) == G_OBJECT_TYPE( b ) &&
vips_operation_hash( a ) == vips_operation_hash( b ) &&
!vips_argument_map( VIPS_OBJECT( a ),
vips_object_equal_arg, b, NULL ) )
return( TRUE );
return( FALSE );
static void
vips_cache_init( void )
if( !vips_cache_table ) {
vips_cache_table = g_hash_table_new(
(GHashFunc) vips_operation_hash,
(GEqualFunc) vips_operation_equal );
if( vips__cache_max )
vips_cache_max =
vips__parse_size( vips__cache_max );
if( vips__cache_max_mem )
vips_cache_max_mem =
vips__parse_size( vips__cache_max_mem );
if( vips__cache_max_files )
vips_cache_max_files =
vips__parse_size( vips__cache_max_files );
static void *
vips_object_unref_arg( VipsObject *object,
GParamSpec *pspec,
VipsArgumentClass *argument_class,
VipsArgumentInstance *argument_instance,
void *a, void *b )
if( (argument_class->flags & VIPS_ARGUMENT_CONSTRUCT) &&
(argument_class->flags & VIPS_ARGUMENT_OUTPUT) &&
argument_instance->assigned &&
GObject *value;
/* This will up the ref count for us.
g_object_get( G_OBJECT( object ),
g_param_spec_get_name( pspec ), &value, NULL );
/* Drop the ref we just got, then drop the ref we make when we
* added to the cache.
g_object_unref( value );
g_object_unref( value );
return( NULL );
static void
vips_cache_unref( VipsOperation *operation )
(void) vips_argument_map( VIPS_OBJECT( operation ),
vips_object_unref_arg, NULL, NULL );
g_object_unref( operation );
/* Drop an operation from the cache.
static void
vips_cache_drop( VipsOperation *operation )
/* It must be in cache.
g_assert( g_hash_table_lookup( vips_cache_table, operation ) );
g_hash_table_remove( vips_cache_table, operation );
vips_cache_unref( operation );
* vips_cache_drop_all:
* Drop the whole operation cache, handy for leak tracking.
vips_cache_drop_all( void )
if( vips_cache_table ) {
/* We can't modify the hash in the callback from
* g_hash_table_foreach() and friends. Repeatedly drop the
* first item instead.
for(;;) {
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key, value;
g_hash_table_iter_init( &iter, vips_cache_table );
if( !g_hash_table_iter_next( &iter, &key, &value ) )
vips_cache_drop( (VipsOperation *) key );
static void
vips_cache_select_cb( VipsOperation *key, VipsOperation *value,
VipsOperation **best )
if( !*best ||
(*best)->time > value->time )
*best = value;
/* Find an op to drop ... LRU for now.
static VipsOperation *
vips_cache_select( void )
VipsOperation *operation;
operation = NULL;
g_hash_table_foreach( vips_cache_table,
(GHFunc) vips_cache_select_cb, &operation );
return( operation );
/* Is the cache full? Drop until it's not.
static void
vips_cache_trim( void )
VipsOperation *operation;
while( (g_hash_table_size( vips_cache_table ) > vips_cache_max ||
vips_tracked_get_files() > vips_cache_max_files ||
vips_tracked_get_mem() > vips_cache_max_mem) &&
(operation = vips_cache_select()) )
vips_cache_drop( operation );
static void *
vips_object_ref_arg( VipsObject *object,
GParamSpec *pspec,
VipsArgumentClass *argument_class,
VipsArgumentInstance *argument_instance,
void *a, void *b )
if( (argument_class->flags & VIPS_ARGUMENT_CONSTRUCT) &&
(argument_class->flags & VIPS_ARGUMENT_OUTPUT) &&
argument_instance->assigned &&
GObject *value;
/* This will up the ref count for us.
g_object_get( G_OBJECT( object ),
g_param_spec_get_name( pspec ), &value, NULL );
return( NULL );
static void
vips_operation_touch( VipsOperation *operation )
vips_cache_time += 1;
operation->time = vips_cache_time;
/* Ref an operation for the cache. The operation itself, plus all the output
* objects it makes.
static void
vips_cache_ref( VipsOperation *operation )
g_object_ref( operation );
(void) vips_argument_map( VIPS_OBJECT( operation ),
vips_object_ref_arg, NULL, NULL );
vips_operation_touch( operation );
* vips_cache_operation_build:
* @operation: pointer to operation to lookup
* Look up @operation in the cache. If we get a hit, unref @operation, ref the
* old one and return that through the argument pointer.
* If we miss, build and add @operation.
* Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on error.
vips_cache_operation_build( VipsOperation **operation )
VipsOperation *hit;
VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "vips_operation_build_cache: %p\n", *object );
if( (hit = g_hash_table_lookup( vips_cache_table, *operation )) ) {
VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "\thit %p\n", hit );
/* Ref before unref in case *operation == hit.
vips_cache_ref( hit );
g_object_unref( *operation );
*operation = hit;
else {
VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "\tmiss, build and add\n" );
if( vips_object_build( VIPS_OBJECT( *operation ) ) )
return( -1 );
vips_cache_ref( *operation );
g_hash_table_insert( vips_cache_table, *operation, *operation );
return( 0 );
* vips_cache_set_max:
* Set the maximum number of operations we keep in cache.
vips_cache_set_max( int max )
vips_cache_max = max;
* vips_cache_set_max_mem:
* Set the maximum amount of tracked memory we allow before we start dropping
* cached operations. See vips_tracked_get_mem().
* See also: vips_tracked_get_mem().
vips_cache_set_max_mem( int max_mem )
vips_cache_max_mem = max_mem;
* vips_cache_get_max:
* Get the maximum number of operations we keep in cache.
* Returns: the maximum number of operations we keep in cache
vips_cache_get_max( void )
return( vips_cache_max );
* vips_cache_get_size:
* Get the current number of operations in cache.
* Returns: get the current number of operations in cache.
vips_cache_get_size( void )
if( vips_cache_table )
return( g_hash_table_size( vips_cache_table ) );
return( 0 );
* vips_cache_get_max_mem:
* Get the maximum amount of tracked memory we allow before we start dropping
* cached operations. See vips_tracked_get_mem().
* See also: vips_tracked_get_mem().
* Returns: the maximum amount of tracked memory we allow
vips_cache_get_max_mem( void )
return( vips_cache_max_mem );
* vips_cache_get_max_files:
* Get the maximum number of tracked files we allow before we start dropping
* cached operations. See vips_tracked_get_files().
* See also: vips_tracked_get_files().
* Returns: the maximum number of tracked files we allow
vips_cache_get_max_files( void )
return( vips_cache_max_files );
* vips_cache_set_max_files:
* Set the maximum number of tracked files we allow before we start dropping
* cached operations. See vips_tracked_get_files().
* See also: vips_tracked_get_files().
vips_cache_set_max_files( int max_files )
vips_cache_max_files = max_files;