#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void msPacketHelloDestroy(struct msPacketHello **hello) { if ((*hello)->rom) { free((*hello)->rom); (*hello)->rom = NULL; } if ((*hello)->savestate) { free((*hello)->savestate); (*hello)->savestate = NULL; } free(*hello); *hello = NULL; } void msThreadCallbackStart(struct mCoreThread *threadContext) { sigset_t set; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGPIPE); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); } void msThreadCallbackSetFrame(struct mCoreThread *threadContext) { #define SEC_TO_NANO(sec) \ (((uint64_t)sec) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) struct msClientConnectionData *data = (struct msClientConnectionData *)threadContext->userData; color_t *outputBuffer; unsigned width, height; unsigned char *rawData = NULL; size_t rawDataLen = 0; struct msPacketSendFrame *sendFrame = NULL; struct msPacket *packet = NULL; struct timespec currentDate; timespec_get(¤tDate, TIME_UTC); uint64_t nanoCurrent = SEC_TO_NANO(currentDate.tv_sec % 1000) + currentDate.tv_nsec; uint64_t nanoLast = SEC_TO_NANO(data->lastFrameDate->tv_sec % 1000) + data->lastFrameDate->tv_nsec + (SEC_TO_NANO(1) / 60); if (!data || !data->coreController) { goto return_ms_thread_callback_set_frame; } outputBuffer = data->coreController->outputBuffer; while (nanoCurrent < nanoLast && nanoLast != 0 && nanoLast - nanoCurrent < SEC_TO_NANO(10)) { usleep(500); timespec_get(¤tDate, TIME_UTC); nanoCurrent = SEC_TO_NANO(currentDate.tv_sec % 1000) + currentDate.tv_nsec; } *data->lastFrameDate = currentDate; data->coreController->threadContext.core->desiredVideoDimensions(data->coreController->threadContext.core, &width, &height); if (data->coreController->threadContext.core->platform(data->coreController->threadContext.core) == mPLATFORM_GB) { width = 160; height = 144; } if (data->numberFrame++ % 4 != 0) { return; } sendFrame = msPacketSendFrameNew(width, width * height, outputBuffer); rawData = msPacketSendFrameSerialize(sendFrame, &rawDataLen); if (!rawData) { goto return_ms_thread_callback_set_frame; } packet = msPacketNew(PACKET_SEND_FRAME, rawDataLen, rawData); msPacketSend(packet, data); return_ms_thread_callback_set_frame: if (sendFrame) { msPacketSendFrameDestroy(&sendFrame); } if (packet) { msPacketDestroy(&packet); } } bool msPacketHelloHandle(const struct msPacket *packet, struct msPacketHello *hello, struct msClientConnectionData *const data) { bool result = false; if (data->coreController) { fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to send a second hello, aborting connection.\n"); goto return_ms_packet_hello_handle; } printf("Loading game and save for client_fd %d\n", data->clientFd); data->coreController = msCoreControllerLoadGame(hello->rom, hello->sizeRom, hello->savestate, hello->sizeSavestate, data); if (!data->coreController) { goto return_ms_packet_hello_handle; } msCoreControllerSetFrameCallback(data->coreController, &msThreadCallbackSetFrame); msCoreControllerSetStartCallback(data->coreController, &msThreadCallbackStart); msCoreControllerThreadStart(data->coreController); result = true; return_ms_packet_hello_handle: msPacketHelloDestroy(&hello); return result; } bool msPacketHelloGet(const struct msPacket *packet, int client_fd, struct msClientConnectionData *const data) { bool result = false; struct msPacketHello *hello = NULL; unsigned char *rom = NULL; unsigned char *savestate = NULL; FILE *fp = fmemopen(packet->rawData, packet->size, "r"); if (!fp) { printf("Unable to fmemopen\n"); goto return_get_packet_hello; } size_t sizeRom = 0; size_t sizeSavestate = 0; size_t reads[4] = { 0,0,0,0 }; size_t totalRead = 0; size_t to_read_size; #define FREAD(target, size, count, fp, n, goto_to) \ to_read_size = size; \ reads[n] = fread(target, to_read_size, count, fp); \ reads[n] *= size; \ if (reads[n] == -1) { \ printf("Unable to read %s\n", #target); \ goto goto_to; \ } FREAD(&sizeRom, sizeof sizeRom, 1, fp, 0, return_get_packet_hello); sizeRom = be64toh(sizeRom); rom = malloc(sizeof *rom * sizeRom); FREAD(rom, sizeof *rom, sizeRom, fp, 1, return_get_packet_hello); FREAD(&sizeSavestate, sizeof sizeSavestate, 1, fp, 2, return_get_packet_hello); sizeSavestate = be64toh(sizeSavestate); savestate = malloc(sizeof *savestate * sizeSavestate); FREAD(savestate, sizeof *savestate, sizeSavestate, fp, 3, return_get_packet_hello); for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) { totalRead += reads[i]; } if (totalRead != packet->size) { fprintf (stderr, "Total read (%lu) != packet->size (%lu)\n", totalRead, packet->size); goto return_get_packet_hello; } hello = calloc(1, sizeof *hello); hello->sizeRom = sizeRom; hello->rom = rom; hello->sizeSavestate = sizeSavestate; hello->savestate = savestate; result = true; return_get_packet_hello: fclose(fp); if (!result) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read the packet hello\n"); if (rom) { free (rom); rom = NULL; } if (savestate) { free (savestate); savestate = NULL; } return result; } return msPacketHelloHandle(packet, hello, data); }