#include #include #include #define PRINT_DEBUG(NAME, CLIENT_FD) \ printf ("Received packet %s from client fd %d\n", #NAME, CLIENT_FD); bool msPacketHandle(struct msPacket *packet, int client_fd, struct msClientConnectionData *const data) { bool result = false; switch (packet->id) { case PACKET_GET_HELLO: PRINT_DEBUG(PACKET_HELLO, client_fd); result = msPacketHelloGet(packet, client_fd, data); break; } return result; } void msPacketSend(const struct msPacket *const packet, int fd) { write(fd, (const void *)packet->id, sizeof packet->id); write(fd, (const void *)packet->size, sizeof packet->size); write(fd, (const void *)packet->raw_data, sizeof *packet->raw_data * packet->size); } struct msPacket * msPacketNew(const size_t id, const size_t size, char *raw_data) { struct msPacket *packet = malloc(sizeof *packet); packet->id = id; packet->size = size; packet->raw_data = raw_data; return packet; } void msPacketDestroy(struct msPacket **packet) { if ((*packet)->raw_data) { free((*packet)->raw_data); } free(*packet); *packet=NULL; } struct msPacket * msPacketRead(int client_fd) { struct msPacket *packet = NULL; size_t id = 0; size_t size = 0; ssize_t result; char *raw_data = NULL; result = read(client_fd, &id, sizeof id); if (result < sizeof id) { printf("Unable to read id\n"); goto return_read_packet; } result = read(client_fd, &size, sizeof size); if (result < sizeof size) { printf("Unable to read packet\n"); goto return_read_packet; } size = be64toh(size); raw_data = malloc(size); size_t to_read_size = size; while (to_read_size > 0) { result = read(client_fd, &raw_data[size - to_read_size], to_read_size); if (result == -1) { printf("Unable to read raw_data\n"); goto return_read_packet; } to_read_size -= result; } if (result < size) { } packet = calloc (1, sizeof *packet); packet->id = id; packet->size = size; packet->raw_data = raw_data; return_read_packet: if (!packet && raw_data) { free(raw_data); } return packet; }