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# apps/config.nims
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
# ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import std/os
import std/strutils
switch "os", "nuttx"
switch "mm", "orc"
switch "arm.nuttx.gcc.exe", "arm-none-eabi-gcc"
switch "arm64.nuttx.gcc.exe", "aarch64-none-elf-gcc"
switch "riscv32.nuttx.gcc.exe", "riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc"
switch "riscv64.nuttx.gcc.exe", "riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc"
switch "amd64.nuttx.gcc.exe", "x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc"
switch "nimcache", ".nimcache"
switch "d", "useStdLib"
switch "d", "useMalloc"
switch "d", "nimAllocPagesViaMalloc"
switch "d", "noSignalHandler"
switch "threads", "off"
switch "noMain", "on"
switch "compileOnly", "on"
switch "noLinking", "on"
# TODO: need OpenSSL-mbedTLS wrapper library.
#switch "d", "ssl"
#swich "dynlibOverride", "ssl"
OptFlag = enum
DotConfig = object
arch: string
opt: OptFlag
debugSymbols: bool
ramSize: int
isSim: bool
proc killoBytes(bytes: int): int =
result = (bytes / 1024).int
proc read_config(cfg: string): DotConfig =
for line in cfg.readFile.splitLines:
if not line.startsWith("CONFIG_"):
let keyval = line.replace("CONFIG_", "").split("=")
if keyval.len != 2:
case keyval[0]
of "ARCH":
let arch = keyval[1].strip(chars = {'"'})
case arch
of "arm", "arm64":
result.arch = arch
of "sim":
if defined(amd64):
result.arch = "amd64"
elif defined(aarch64):
result.arch = "arm64"
result.isSim = true
let arch = keyval[1].strip(chars = {'"'})
case arch
of "rv32":
result.arch = "riscv32"
of "rv64":
result.arch = "riscv64"
result.opt = oNone
result.opt = oSize
result.debugSymbols = true
of "RAM_SIZE":
result.ramSize = keyval[1].parseInt
echo "* arch: " & result.arch
echo "* opt: " & $result.opt
echo "* debug: " & $result.debugSymbols
echo "* ramSize: " & $result.ramSize
func bool2onoff(b: bool): string =
result = if b: "on" else: "off"
proc setup_cfg(cfg: DotConfig) =
switch("cpu", cfg.arch)
if cfg.opt == oSize:
switch("define", "release")
switch("define", "danger")
switch("opt", "size")
if cfg.debugSymbols:
# use native debugger (gdb)
switch("debugger", "native")
let debug_onoff = cfg.debugSymbols.bool2onoff
switch("lineDir", debug_onoff)
switch("stackTrace", debug_onoff)
switch("lineTrace", debug_onoff)
if not cfg.isSim:
# Adjust the page size for Nim's GC allocator.
let ramKilloBytes = cfg.ramSize.killoBytes
if ramKilloBytes < 32:
switch("define", "nimPage256")
elif ramKilloBytes < 512:
switch("define", "nimPage512")
elif ramKilloBytes < 2048:
switch("define", "nimPage1k")
if ramKilloBytes < 512:
# Sets MemAlign to 4 bytes which reduces the memory alignment
# to better match some embedded devices.
switch("define", "nimMemAlignTiny")
const key = "TOPDIR"
let topdir = if existsEnv(key): getEnv(key) else: thisDir() & "/../nuttx"
let cfg = read_config(topdir & "/.config")