2012-05-15 20:10:32 +00:00
2012-05-23 01:19:18 +00:00
(4) General Issues
(3) NxConsole Issues
(1) CHexCalculator Issues
(1) Platform specific Issues
2012-05-19 15:26:38 +00:00
2012-05-21 17:36:26 +00:00
See also the NuttX TODO list graphics/ section for related issues.
2012-05-19 15:26:38 +00:00
o General NxWM Issues
Description: During the initialization of the display, the basic frame of the
start window is draw momentarily. The is just the empty window
frame. This is a consequence of how NX creates windows: The
are enabled all of the time so the windows are visible when they
are being created. The solution would be to add some disable
logic in NX so that that nothing gets displayed when a window
is created until it is fully initialized and enable.
Status: Open
Priority: Medium
2012-05-15 20:10:32 +00:00
Description: Need some indication if the touch/mouse drags from one window to
another then is release. Release event is lost in this case.
Status: Open
Priority: Low. ICON just stays selected and must be touched again.
Description: Auto-raise is currently disabled in nuttx for NX multi-server
mode. The
reason is complex:
- Most touchscreen controls send touch data a high rates
- In multi-server mode, touch events get queued in a message
- The logic that receives the messages performs the auto-raise.
But it can do stupid things after the first auto-raise as
it opperates on the stale data in the message queue.
I am thinking that auto-raise ought to be removed from NuttX
and moved out into a graphics layer (like NxWM) that knows
more about the appropriate context to do the autoraise.
Status: Open
Priority: Medium low
2012-05-19 15:26:38 +00:00
Description: I am not sure how thread-safe the NxWidgets are. There is
is very little mutli-thread in the widgets now. The "NX listener"
thread interacts to update mouse (and keyboard) data but all
of the heavy work is done on the "start window" thread. I think
everything is okay now, but it may be necessary in the future
to introduce some semaphore protection in theCWidgetControl methods
to make them thread safe.
Status: Open
Priority: Low
2012-05-21 13:34:09 +00:00
Title: COMBINE CTouchscreen AND CKeyboard THREADS
Description: Right now, two separate threads handle touchscreen and keyboard/
console input. Each just waits on read() and when toushcscreen
or keyboard input is received, it injects the data into NX.
These two threads should be combined into one thread that waits
on poll for read data from either device. Then when read data
becomes ready for either device, it could perform the read and
data inject from a single thread.
Status: Open
Priority: Low, this is not a product but a text example. If NxWM were
to be productized, this change should be done in order to reduce
stack memory consumption.
2012-05-19 15:26:38 +00:00
o NxConsole Issues
2012-05-16 22:43:40 +00:00
Description: From the start window, you an create multiple copies of the
NxConsole. However, there is a problem in the current
implementation: Each NxConsole receives its input from the
serial console so, for example, it you enter text one character
will go to one NxConsole instance and the next character goes
to a different instance. That is correct behavior within the
current design, but not very usable. We need a mechanism to
2014-04-13 16:26:44 -06:00
assure that the top window is the one that receives all
2012-05-16 22:43:40 +00:00
eyboard input. NX already provides this capability with its
nx_kbdin interface(), but that is not currently used. At present,
NxConsoles get their input from /dev/console which is the serial
port. The necessary change is to create an NX input device for
/dev/console that will get its input from NX.
2012-05-21 17:36:26 +00:00
Status: Closed with was fixed with the check-in of 5/20/2012 (about
2012-05-20 22:24:43 +00:00
SVN version 4755). The fixed version is available in SVN but
2012-05-20 22:10:34 +00:00
won't be in a released version until NxWidgets-1.2 is released.
2012-05-19 15:26:38 +00:00
Priority: Medium high, basically prohibits the use of multiple NSH windows.
2014-04-13 16:26:44 -06:00
2012-05-19 15:26:38 +00:00
Description: If you open multiple NxConsole applications, they all receive
2014-04-13 16:26:44 -06:00
serial input (as noted in the previous bug). However, if
2012-05-19 15:26:38 +00:00
you close one of the NxConsoles, then the others no longer
received input (or no long generate output -- that cannot be
2012-05-21 17:36:26 +00:00
Status: Closed with was fixed with the check-in of 5/20/2012 (about
2012-05-20 22:24:43 +00:00
SVN version 4755). The fixed version is available in SVN but
2012-05-20 22:10:34 +00:00
won't be in a released version until NxWidgets-1.2 is released.
2012-05-19 15:26:38 +00:00
Priority: Medium high, basically prohibits the use of multiple NSH windows.
Description: When the NxConsole window is first opened, there are usually
double updates, i.e., the display forms twice.
Status: Open
Priorioty: Low, this would be necessary to fix to productize the windows.
2012-05-23 01:19:18 +00:00
o CHexCalculator Issues
Description: For example 1+2= and 3 is shown. But if you enter 4, then
34 is shown. You have to manually clear the calculator ("C")
before entering the next number.
Status: Open
Priority: Low, this is only a demo. This would, of course, have to be
fixed if you wanted a production quality calculator (but then
you would probably also want to add quite a few more features
as well).
o Platform specific Issues
2012-05-19 15:26:38 +00:00
Description: Using the STM3240G-EVAL board with the STMPE11 touchscreen, you
will find that there are occasional missing indications of when
you release a icon. This is believed to be a data overrun in the
STPMPE11 data path. The STMPE11 generates data a very high
rate and it is believe that it sometimes misses the interrupt
that indicates that the touch is released. The symptom in NxWM
is that you touch an icon, it is highlighted but when you release
the touch nothing happens. The icon stays highlighted. Touching
the icon again usually works around this problem.
2012-05-21 17:36:26 +00:00
Status: Closed with was fixed with the check-in of 5/21/2012 (about
SVN version 4758). The was change made to NuttX, not NxWidgets.
The fixed version is available in SVN but won't be in a released
version until NuttX-6.198 is released.
Priorioty: Low, but really annoying.
2012-05-22 23:49:15 +00:00
Description: There is a kludge in there to handle the case where we cannot
read the background data because the LCD does not support read
operations. You cannot read from the STM3240G-EVAL LCD right
now (it might be possible, but I have not figured out how yet).
In that case, we just use the default background color. However,
that doesn't work either for the case where the background color
changes when the widget is selected. Then the background color
in the font is wrong. There is a hack in in CButtonArrary that
fixed this problem, but the problem certainly exists in other
places as well and begs for a better solution.
Status: Open
Priority: Medium-Low