2023-06-02 18:31:14 +09:00
* apps/lte/alt1250/alt1250_usockif.h
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
* ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef __APPS_LTE_ALT1250_ALT1250_USOCKIF_H
#define __APPS_LTE_ALT1250_ALT1250_USOCKIF_H
* Included Files
#include <stdint.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <nuttx/compiler.h>
#include <nuttx/net/usrsock.h>
#include <nuttx/wireless/lte/lte_ioctl.h>
#define DEV_USRSOCK "/dev/usrsock"
* Pre-processor Definitions
#define IS_IOCTLREQ(r) ((r).request.head.reqid == USRSOCK_REQUEST_IOCTL)
#define IS_REQID_VALID(r) ((r).request.head.reqid < USRSOCK_REQUEST__MAX)
#define USOCKREQID(r) ((r).request.head.reqid)
#define USOCKREQXID(r) ((r).request.head.xid)
#define usockif_sendclose(fff, iii) \
usockif_sendevent((fff), (iii), USRSOCK_EVENT_REMOTE_CLOSED)
#define usockif_sendabort(fff, iii) \
usockif_sendevent((fff), (iii), USRSOCK_EVENT_ABORT)
#define usockif_sendtxready(fff, iii) \
usockif_sendevent((fff), (iii), USRSOCK_EVENT_SENDTO_READY)
#define usockif_sendrxready(fff, iii) \
usockif_sendevent((fff), (iii), USRSOCK_EVENT_RECVFROM_AVAIL)
2023-12-03 22:39:02 +08:00
* Public Types
2023-06-02 18:31:14 +09:00
union usrsock_requests_u
struct usrsock_request_common_s head;
struct usrsock_request_socket_s sock_req;
struct usrsock_request_close_s close_req;
struct usrsock_request_bind_s bind_req;
struct usrsock_request_connect_s conn_req;
struct usrsock_request_listen_s listen_req;
struct usrsock_request_accept_s accept_req;
struct usrsock_request_sendto_s send_req;
struct usrsock_request_recvfrom_s recv_req;
struct usrsock_request_setsockopt_s sopt_req;
struct usrsock_request_getsockopt_s gopt_req;
struct usrsock_request_getsockname_s name_req;
struct usrsock_request_getpeername_s pname_req;
struct usrsock_request_ioctl_s ioctl_req;
struct usrsock_request_shutdown_s shutdown_req;
#define USOCK_HDR_SIZE sizeof(struct usrsock_request_common_s)
union usrsock_request_ioctl_u
struct lte_ioctl_data_s ltecmd;
struct ifreq ifreq;
uint8_t sock_type;
struct lte_smsreq_s smsreq;
struct usrsock_request_buff_s
union usrsock_requests_u request;
union usrsock_request_ioctl_u req_ioctl;
struct usock_ackinfo_s
uint16_t valuelen;
uint16_t valuelen_nontrunc;
FAR uint8_t *value_ptr;
FAR uint8_t *buf_ptr;
int usockid;
* Public Function Prototypes
int init_usock_device(void);
void finalize_usock_device(int fd);
int reset_usock_device(int fd);
int usockif_readrequest(int fd, FAR struct usrsock_request_buff_s *buf);
int usockif_readreqioctl(int fd, FAR struct usrsock_request_buff_s *buf);
int usockif_readreqaddr(int fd, FAR struct sockaddr_storage *addr,
size_t sz);
int usockif_readreqsendbuf(int fd, FAR uint8_t *sendbuf, size_t sz);
int usockif_readreqoption(int fd, FAR uint8_t *option, size_t sz);
void usockif_discard(int fd, size_t sz);
int usockif_sendack(int fd, int32_t usock_result, uint32_t usock_xid,
bool inprogress);
int usockif_senddataack(int fd, int32_t usock_result, uint32_t usock_xid,
FAR struct usock_ackinfo_s *ackinfo);
int usockif_sendevent(int fd, int usockid, int event);
#endif /* __APPS_LTE_ALT1250_ALT1250_USOCKIF_H */